Bordighera to Turin Porta Nuova Central: Trains, Buses, Fares, Today's Connections, Routes, Duration, Types of Trains, Station Guides, Tips, Journey

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Train schedule Bordighera to Turin Porta Nuova Central(Torino Porta Nuova)

Popular train routes departing from Bordighera

Popular train routes arriving in Bordighera

Popular train routes departing from Turin Porta Nuova Central(Torino Porta Nuova)

Popular train routes arriving in Turin Porta Nuova Central(Torino Porta Nuova)

Turin Porta Nuova Central

Turin Porta Nuova Train Station (IATA:TPY) is the main railway station in Turin, northern Italy. It is the third busiest passenger station after Roma Termini and central Milan, with approximately 192,000 trips per day, 70 million passengers per year and a total of approximately 350 trains per day. Porta Nuova is a destination and the train is perpendicular to the facade. The station is located at Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, just in front of Carlo Felice Square (on the south side of the city centre). The train between Turin and Milan starts or ends at the train station, including the use of the Turin-Milan high-speed rail service. The metro station is part of the Metropolitana di Torino line 1 and was recently built under the station building. The main building of Torina Porta Nuova has recently been restored and is a great gateway to the train. Porta Nuova is a destination, so all platforms/binario are connected to the main hall, which is on the street. Therefore, the main train can enter and exit freely with the following facilities: * Subway entrance (the main departure hall has an escalator for the subway) * Adjacent tram stop.

However, Turin Porta Nuova belongs to a station category similar to a shopping centre - the train also just leaves/arrives. When arriving by train, first set foot on the departure hall. If you want to take the metro or the main exit of the station to Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, you have to cross the shopping area - you will experience the feeling that 'I will get there.' Although your efforts will pay off, you will eventually reach the stunning main entrance hall. If you want to take the tram to the city centre, follow the signs to the Via Paolo Sacchi exit - when you leave the train, it is on the left side of the station.

Turin Porta Nuova Central - Station Guide | Departures and Arrivals | Popular Routes

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