Train Type: Low Cost Train

Spain Train Tickets

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You’re used to no-frills, low-fare flights in Europe — but what about low-fare trains? Next year, you’ll find the first of its kind in Spain, where national train operator RENFE has launched EVA, which it calls a no-frills “smart” train. It will begin running between Madrid and Barcelona in 2019, complete with onboard Wi-Fi and an online ticketing system. The name EVA is also the spelling backwards of AVE or Alta Velocidad Española, “Spanish high speed,” the 190 mph trains that have been in service for more than two decades now.

The trains will have a lower cost mainly due to the ticketing system, which will be entirely online — you won’t be able to purchase EVA tickets at the train station or in person, making the cost cheaper even though you’ll have added perks, like Wi-Fi. EVA trains will be geared towards the younger generation — those who don’t mind traveling in coach, want Wi-Fi and are open to purchasing tickets online or via an app. The tickets may even be biometric in the future.

1st Class

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Air-conditioning

2nd Class Comfort

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Air-conditioning

2nd Class

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Air-conditioning

Ultimate Guide to Spanish Railway

Spanish Railway

Ultimate Guides to Spain Railways

Like the rail network in most parts of Europe, traveling by train in Spain is simple, economical and efficient.

You should understand that Spain’s transportation infrastructure is generally quite mature, but did you know that Spain ranks behind China and has the second most high-speed rail in the world? Japan has the title of fastest high-speed rail, but Spain's high-speed rail ranks fifth.

Spain is a relatively small country, which means you can easily, cheaply and quickly see more of Spain. All train travel in Spain goes through Renfe-Spain’s nationalized railway network (Red Nacional de F'errocarriles Espafioles), which operates regular city-to-city, inner-city regional train ...

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Spain Train Tickets

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