El transporte expreso regional (pronunciación francesa: [tʁɑ̃spɔʁ ɛksprɛs ʁeʒjɔnal], generalmente abreviado a TER) es la marca utilizada por SNCF, la compañía ferroviaria nacional francesa, para denotar el servicio ferroviario administrado por los consejos regionales de Francia, específicamente su transporte organizado autoridades. La red sirve a veinte regiones francesas; Île-de-France y Córcega tienen sus propios sistemas de transporte específicos. Todos los días, más de 800,000 pasajeros son transportados en 5,700 trenes con la marca TER.
TER es una parte integral de SNCF Proximités, una sucursal de SNCF que se ocupa del ferrocarril de pasajeros urbano y regional, junto con Transilien (Île-de-France), Intercités, Chemins de Fer de la Corse (CFC), Keolis y Effia.
The French railway system is planned and constructed by the French National Railway Agency (Socicte Nationalc des Chemins de Fer Francais, abbreviated as SNCF). The route is centered on Paris and woven in all directions, including high-speed trains (Train a Grande Vitesse, abbreviated as TGV). Routes, and general train routes that go to cities and towns. Among these general train routes, the nationwide inter-regional route is called the "Grande Ligne" (GL for short), and the routes that only travel within a single area are collectively called "Regional Rapid Transport System" (Transports Express Regionaux, referred to as TER).