

Lake Ohrid Pogradec is a town in the east of Albania on the shores of Lake Ohrid.

Prior to the collapse of the Warsaw Pact and the 1992 declaration of the Republic of Albania, Pogradec was a popular resort destination. However, with the dissolution of the socialist republic, and in the ensuing years of Balkan wars, tourism income was affected in the region leaving buildings empty and Pogradec solely dependent on its agricultural products and exposed to cross border trafficking, as people struggled to earn money for housing and food.

Investors from successful tourism businesses across the lake in North Macedonia and elsewhere have recently spearheaded new private investment in the hotel sector in Pogradec. Hotels are being built or renovated and refurbished, and infrastructure is promised to be improving throughout. In 2019 the mixed UNESCO World Heritage site "Natural and Cultural Heritage of the Ohrid region" was extended to also include the Albanian side of the lake.

Pogradec Tourist Information Center, Rr. Reshit Collaku, Pallati 23, Lagja1, Pogradec, +355 696070855.

  • Pogradec Art Gallery. 09:00-16:00. It has works from well known Pogradec painters.
  • Pogradec museum. 09:00-16:00. Pogradec has a rich museum with antiques and ancient testimonials.
  • Old Orthodox Church.
  • Church of "Resurrection". A newly built church.
  • Mosque in the Center of the town, Rruga Andon Xoxa.
  • Mosque in the hill.
  • Lasgush Poradeci Statue. Statue of renown Pogradec native poet.
  • Mitrush Kuteli Statue. Statue of renown Pogradec native poet.

  • Lake side resorts. Visit the numerous lake side resorts along the way (near Hudenisht) by taking a drink and enjoying the calm atmosphere and breath taking views, especially in winter.
  • Selca village. Visit the Lukova Lakes and monumental tombs of Selca village
  • Tushemisht resort village. Visit the picturesque resort village of Tushemisht next to Drilon and swim in the crystal clear water of Tushemisht's sandy beach.
  • Lin village. Here you can visit the archeological site on the hilltop of the village. The site was once an important settlement and fortress of the ancient Illyrian tribes that lived throughout the Lake Ohrid region. The site is mostly unexcavated, however the beautiful mosaics and exposed sections of the ancient walls give the visitor a glimpse of the hidden treasures that lie beneath your feet. The views of the lake and surrounding mountains from the hill above Lin are nice.
  • Visiting Drilon, 4 km from Pogradec, is always a great pleasure.
  • Enjoy the peculiar setting of a full moon being reflected on the lake while exploring the milky way and countless stars in the sky at night. In the summer you could encounter by a chance a lightning bug!
  • Shebenik-Jabllanice National Park, +355 69 392 1501., the edge of which is 45 minutes away is full of mountains, forests and wildlife to explore.

Lake side resorts. Visit the numerous lake side resorts along the way (near Hudenisht) by taking a drink and enjoying the calm atmosphere and breath taking views, especially in winter.

Selca village. Visit the Lukova Lakes and monumental tombs of Selca village

Tushemisht resort village. Visit the picturesque resort village of Tushemisht next to Drilon and swim in the crystal clear water of Tushemisht's sandy beach.

Lin village. Here you can visit the archeological site on the hilltop of the village. The site was once an important settlement and fortress of the ancient Illyrian tribes that lived throughout the Lake Ohrid region. The site is mostly unexcavated, however the beautiful mosaics and exposed sections of the ancient walls give the visitor a glimpse of the hidden treasures that lie beneath your feet. The views of the lake and surrounding mountains from the hill above Lin are nice.

Shebenik-Jabllanice National Park, +355 69 392 1501., the edge of which is 45 minutes away is full of mountains, forests and wildlife to explore.

Pogradec Art Gallery. 09:00-16:00. It has works from well known Pogradec painters.

Pogradec museum. 09:00-16:00. Pogradec has a rich museum with antiques and ancient testimonials.

Old Orthodox Church.

Church of "Resurrection". A newly built church.

Mosque in the Center of the town, Rruga Andon Xoxa.

Mosque in the hill.

Lasgush Poradeci Statue. Statue of renown Pogradec native poet.

Mitrush Kuteli Statue. Statue of renown Pogradec native poet.

  • Pogradec Beach, continue with "1 Maji" promenade (in center of town. It is very popular and has a lot of sand. In the town there are several beaches, private and public with sand and little rocks. Water is very clean.
  • Take a walk around the Toplec district which is often compared to Tuscany.
  • Take a boat ride at the springs of Drilon, the origin of the mighty Drin river which flow into the lake here.
  • Take a coffee with your jacket in the morning and go to the beach with your bathing suit in the afternoon!
  • Fishermen coming at shore with their overnight catches
  • Do canoeing and a boat trip in the lake
  • You can walk across the lakeside in the promenade Pogradec Shetitore "1 Maji", enjoying the freshness of trees and a wonderful view. Here is a 5 km boulevard bordering the lake, where you can find bars with live music, hotels, motels, cafes, and restaurants according to traditional and modern tastes.
  • Pogradec cinema. - Pogradec has a modern cinema where new movies are played there every day.

  • Balkan Film and Food Festival
  • Lake Day, an annual festival showcasing the best in traditional crafts, this event gathers the three surrounding towns of Pogradec, Struga, and Ohrid.
  • Women's Artisan Exhibition is an annual craft and delicacies exhibition of souvenirs made from local women.
  • Take part in the annual Wine Fest in December.

Lake Day, an annual festival showcasing the best in traditional crafts, this event gathers the three surrounding towns of Pogradec, Struga, and Ohrid.

Women's Artisan Exhibition is an annual craft and delicacies exhibition of souvenirs made from local women.

Pogradec Beach, continue with "1 Maji" promenade (in center of town. It is very popular and has a lot of sand. In the town there are several beaches, private and public with sand and little rocks. Water is very clean.

Take a boat ride at the springs of Drilon, the origin of the mighty Drin river which flow into the lake here.

Pogradec cinema. - Pogradec has a modern cinema where new movies are played there every day.

  • Pogradec market. 8.00-16.00. You can walk around, look, and buy souvenirs from Pogradec.
  • Hand made works from artisans and paintings by local artists.
  • "ICKA" Handycraft. - It has a good tradition in Pogradec and "ICKA" studio it is always open for you. Its works in of wood carving will impress you.
  • TASO Art Gallery. -You can visit Anastas Kostandini studio admiring his paintings and also you can buy his works.
  • LAKO Art Gallery. - You are welcome to visit Skender Lako studio to see his paintings and also you can buy his works.

Pogradec market. 8.00-16.00. You can walk around, look, and buy souvenirs from Pogradec.

"ICKA" Handycraft. - It has a good tradition in Pogradec and "ICKA" studio it is always open for you. Its works in of wood carving will impress you.

TASO Art Gallery. -You can visit Anastas Kostandini studio admiring his paintings and also you can buy his works.

LAKO Art Gallery. - You are welcome to visit Skender Lako studio to see his paintings and also you can buy his works.

  • Try baked Korani dish (Ohrid trout, be aware that it is endangered) or baked Belushka or Jekna.
  • Kernacka

  • Sip the delicious local wine. A local saying goes that Ohrid trout was born at the lake and dies in the wine.
  • Pubs in Pogradec that are open every night from 20:00-03:00. They offer music and cocktails. You should be part of the fest

  • Ohrid and Struga across the lake in North Macedonia have wonderful old towns, many churches, and plenty more.
  • Korca is 45 minutes away by car or public transportation, has charming churches and museums.