

Alchi is a village between Leh and Lamayuru in the Ladakh region of Jammu and Kashmir in India. It sites beside the Indus River and its main attraction is the fabulous Alchi Gompa or Buddhist monastic complex. Alchi village in Ladakh

  • Alchi Gompa. At the Alchi Monastery (or Alchi Gompa) you will find the Kagyur Lakhang Gompa, with many books and a golden Buddha statue, the Sumrtsek temple with three large Buddha statues whose heads are hidden in the roof, the Vairocana temple with a large Buddha statue in a side room and the Lotsa temple with many small Buddha murals, partially badly damaged by leaking water. There is also a new temple, which is usually not opened for tourists.

Alchi Gompa. At the Alchi Monastery (or Alchi Gompa) you will find the Kagyur Lakhang Gompa, with many books and a golden Buddha statue, the Sumrtsek temple with three large Buddha statues whose heads are hidden in the roof, the Vairocana temple with a large Buddha statue in a side room and the Lotsa temple with many small Buddha murals, partially badly damaged by leaking water. There is also a new temple, which is usually not opened for tourists.

Eat the apricots that are in season during the main tourist season, they look fantastic and make the whole village come alive with colour.

There are usually a multitude of trinket stores on the walk to the Gompa, and three small general stores in the main square.

There are two restaurants on the road to the Gompa aimed at tourists, there is also a local dhaba shop near the square where you can get cheap rice and dahl.

Chang beer, a local brew though widely banned in Leh is available here- ask around.