Algiers (الجزائر) is the capital of Algeria in North Africa.
Algiers is a port city on a bay in the Mediterranean first settled over 1,000 years ago. It is a large city with a population of over 3 million.
While downtown Algiers looks modern, the capital is struggling to keep up with rapid growth. The standard of living for many of its population is poor. Algiers has also been marred by violence in the past decade. A civil war which started in 1991 destroyed much of the country. Since then things (in Algiers at least) have returned to normal. Substantial reconstruction of the infrastructure has taken place and is still ongoing.
Algiers is known locally as El-Djazaïr and the residents speak Berber, Arabic and French.
Algiers is not considered a popular tourist destination and the US State Department does warn against travel to certain other parts of the country. In Algiers, most of the interesting sights are in the old part of the city known as the Casbah or Medina. The travelers that do make it to Algiers are impressed with the very friendly and hospitable people. The many old French buildings, the promenade along the seafront and the food also get good ratings.
- Great Mosque of Algiers. Built in 1097 and added upon by the French in the 1840s.
- Martyrs' Memorial. An iconic concrete monument commemorating the Algerian war for independence. In the basement, there is an exhibition about the independence way, basically an exhibition of various kinds of arms the FLN used (50 DA).
- National Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers.
- La Grande Poste. A masterpiece of neo-Moorish architecture built in 1910 by the French.
- Palais des Raïs. 200 dinar.
- Jardin d'essais of el-hamma. 09:00-16:00. DA100.
The Casbah is the ancient city, dating to the 17th century. It has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
- Ketchaoua Mosque. Built in 1794 by the Dey Baba Hassan.
- El Djedid Mosque. Built in 1660 during the Turk reign.
Ketchaoua Mosque. Built in 1794 by the Dey Baba Hassan.
El Djedid Mosque. Built in 1660 during the Turk reign.
Great Mosque of Algiers. Built in 1097 and added upon by the French in the 1840s.
Martyrs' Memorial. An iconic concrete monument commemorating the Algerian war for independence. In the basement, there is an exhibition about the independence way, basically an exhibition of various kinds of arms the FLN used (50 DA).
National Museum of Fine Arts of Algiers.
La Grande Poste. A masterpiece of neo-Moorish architecture built in 1910 by the French.
Palais des Raïs. 200 dinar.
Jardin d'essais of el-hamma. 09:00-16:00. DA100.
Unofficially exchanging money can be done in the Square Port Said and in Abane Ramdane Street. It's an incredibly common practice and feels very safe. The exchange rate is typically 40%-50% better than the official rate. People are most interested in exchanging euro. As of January 2018, you will get about 205 DA for 1 EUR.
There are several restaurants in the Bois des Arcades area. This is the hill 500 m southeast of the big Martyrs memorial. Particularly good views over Algiers and the coast can be found from here. The hill is also a woodland, so is a nice area for walking too.
- Al Boustan Restaurant, Bois des Arcades Riadh El Feth. Panoramic restaurant overlooking Algiers. The restaurant is modern and very smart. An outdoor terrace offers the best views of Algiers and the coast. Food is excellent.
Al Boustan Restaurant, Bois des Arcades Riadh El Feth. Panoramic restaurant overlooking Algiers. The restaurant is modern and very smart. An outdoor terrace offers the best views of Algiers and the coast. Food is excellent.
In recent years, Algeria has resumed the production of wines. Algeria was famous for the production of particularly fine red wines. The new production is also of very high quality and will be appreciated by wine aficionados. It is rarely found on the international market. Locally produced beer is good quality. Alcohol is readily available in hotels, good restaurants and shops.
- Argentina Argentina, 5 Chemin Mohamed Drareni, Hydra, +213 21 54-8665, +213 21 69-1269.
- Belgium Belgium, 22, Chemin Youcef Tayebi, 16030 El Biar, +213 21-922446.
- Brazil Brazil, 55, bis Chemin Cheikh Bachir El Ibrahimi, El Biar, +213 21 924437.
- Canada Canada, 18 Mustapha Khalef St, Ben Aknoun, BP 103, +213 21 91 49 51.
- China China, 34 Boulevard Des Martyrs, BP 103, +213 21-692724.
- Croatia Croatia, 26. Bis, Rue Hadj Ahmed Mohamed – HYDRA, +213 21 48 49 07.
- Czech Republic Czech Republic, 3, Chemin du Ziryab, Telemly, Ben Aknoun, BP 103, +213 21 230056.
- Denmark Denmark, 12 Ave Emile Marquis, Lot. Djenane El-Malik, BP 103, +213 21 548 228.
- Egypt Egypt, 8 Chemin Gaddouche, Hydra, +213 21 692646. Sunday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 15:00 PM.
- Finland Finland, 10 Rue des Cedrest El Mouradia BP 103, +213 21-692 925. Mo-Th 9AM-noon.
- France France, 25 Chemin Gaddouche, Hydra 1600, BP 103, +213 21 69 24 88.
- Germany Germany, 165, Chemin Sfindja (ex Laperlier), Algiers, BP 103, +213 21 74 19 41.
- Greece Greece, 60, Blv Colonel Bougara, 16030 El Biar, Alger, Algiers, BP 103, +213 21-92 12 28.
- Hungary Hungary, 18, Avenue des Freres Oughlis BP 68 El-Mouradia, BP 103, +213 21-923288.
- Indonesia, 17 Chemin Abdelkader Gadouche,Hydra B.P 62 El-Mouradia +213672531636
- Italy Italy, 18, Rue Mohammed Ouidir Amellal, 16030 El Biar, BP 103, +213 21 9259 86.
- Malaysia Malaysia, Lottisement Zergoug, Villa No. 9, Hydra, BP 103, +213 21 60 68 12. 8:30 - 16:30.
- Serbia Serbia, 7, Rue des Freres Benhafid, 16035 Hydra, +213 21 69 12 18.
- United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 3 Chemin Capitaine Hocine Slimane, +213 770 085 000.
- United States United States of America, 3 05 Chemin Cheikh Bachir Ibrahimi El-Biar 16030, +213 770-08-2000.
Argentina Argentina, 5 Chemin Mohamed Drareni, Hydra, +213 21 54-8665, +213 21 69-1269.
Belgium Belgium, 22, Chemin Youcef Tayebi, 16030 El Biar, +213 21-922446.
Brazil Brazil, 55, bis Chemin Cheikh Bachir El Ibrahimi, El Biar, +213 21 924437.
Canada Canada, 18 Mustapha Khalef St, Ben Aknoun, BP 103, +213 21 91 49 51.
China China, 34 Boulevard Des Martyrs, BP 103, +213 21-692724.
Croatia Croatia, 26. Bis, Rue Hadj Ahmed Mohamed – HYDRA, +213 21 48 49 07.
Czech Republic Czech Republic, 3, Chemin du Ziryab, Telemly, Ben Aknoun, BP 103, +213 21 230056.
Denmark Denmark, 12 Ave Emile Marquis, Lot. Djenane El-Malik, BP 103, +213 21 548 228.
Egypt Egypt, 8 Chemin Gaddouche, Hydra, +213 21 692646. Sunday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 15:00 PM.
Finland Finland, 10 Rue des Cedrest El Mouradia BP 103, +213 21-692 925. Mo-Th 9AM-noon.
France France, 25 Chemin Gaddouche, Hydra 1600, BP 103, +213 21 69 24 88.
Germany Germany, 165, Chemin Sfindja (ex Laperlier), Algiers, BP 103, +213 21 74 19 41.
Greece Greece, 60, Blv Colonel Bougara, 16030 El Biar, Alger, Algiers, BP 103, +213 21-92 12 28.
Hungary Hungary, 18, Avenue des Freres Oughlis BP 68 El-Mouradia, BP 103, +213 21-923288.
Italy Italy, 18, Rue Mohammed Ouidir Amellal, 16030 El Biar, BP 103, +213 21 9259 86.
Malaysia Malaysia, Lottisement Zergoug, Villa No. 9, Hydra, BP 103, +213 21 60 68 12. 8:30 - 16:30.
Serbia Serbia, 7, Rue des Freres Benhafid, 16035 Hydra, +213 21 69 12 18.
United Kingdom United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 3 Chemin Capitaine Hocine Slimane, +213 770 085 000.
United States United States of America, 3 05 Chemin Cheikh Bachir Ibrahimi El-Biar 16030, +213 770-08-2000.