Bagno Vignoni, is a village located in the commune of San Quirico d'Orcia, 45km to the south of the city of Siena (Tuscany). Whilst the buildings in this small centre date from the medieval period, the first settlement in the area was during the time of the Etruscans and ancient Romans, as attested by numerous archaeological finds.
Despite its small size, the large number of restaurants, hotels and B&Bs is indicative of its success in attracting both Italian and foreign tourism. What attracts the tourists is the charming natural landscape (not for nothing does the Val d’Orcia, the geographical area in which Bagno Vignoni is situated, appear on the list of Unesco World Heritage Sites) and the presence of thermal springs, facilitating both hot-water spas and swimming pools. The presence of warm water beneath the soil has also allowed for the feature which makes the town of Bagno Vignoni unique: its main square is completely taken up by a huge bathing pool in which thermal water is collected. Rising around the pool are the principle buildings of the town, among which the most notable is the small church of San Giovanni Battista.
Nearby is the tiny medieval hamlet of Vignoni Alto.