Campina Grande


Campina Grande is a city in Paraíba, Brazil. Second largest of its state, and the largest of the northeastern inlands (350 000 people), it has countrywide fame for midwinter parties, Festa Junina or São João, in June. It also hosts a large out-of-season carnival, Micarande, in April, and a few rodeos throughout the year.

The city center lies on a hill along and around Avenida Marechal Floriano Peixito running east from the park Açude Velho with its obelisk known as Marco zero. Praça da Bandeira is bull's eye. Five blocks south of the center is the Açude Novo, a lake with some surrounding greenery.

A few open air shacks around both Açude Velho and Açude Novo.

  • Bar Arte, Rua Treze de Maio, centre. Live music several times a week. Can get crammed. Entry R$3, small beer R$2,50..
  • Saloon Bar. Live music and dancing on weekends.
  • Cachaçaria. Slightly upmarket bar-come-club

Bar Arte, Rua Treze de Maio, centre. Live music several times a week. Can get crammed. Entry R$3, small beer R$2,50..

Saloon Bar. Live music and dancing on weekends.

Cachaçaria. Slightly upmarket bar-come-club