

Corumbá is the third largest city in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul and its main tourist destination.

Corumbá is located next to the border between Brazil, Paraguay and Bolivia, it is the gateway for the famous Pantanal region. It also boasts well-preserved historic buildings of colonial times, which bear witness to the town's past wealth from when it was one of the most important ports of South America.

Across the river is the Bolivian border town of Puerto Quijarro, which is not far away from bigger Puerto Suarez.

Its inhabitants are called corumbaenses.

A number of day tours and multi-day tours to the Pantanal can be booked. The easiest way to find these are to ask in a number of hotels, and it is advisable to shop around before making a confirmed decision.

  • O Cristo. Similar in shape to the one in Rio de Janeiro, it sits on a hill with a nice view of town. From the city bus terminal, it's possible to catch a bus passing near to the steps that lead to the top.

  • Ecoparque Cacimba da Saúde - Close to Casa do Massa Barro. Very popular with children.
  • Parque Marina Gattas - Biggest leisure area insithe the city, with 6 ha.
  • Praça/Jardim da Independência
  • Praça da República
  • Praça Generoso Ponce -

Ecoparque Cacimba da Saúde - Close to Casa do Massa Barro. Very popular with children.

Parque Marina Gattas - Biggest leisure area insithe the city, with 6 ha.

Praça/Jardim da Independência

Praça da República

Praça Generoso Ponce -

  • Biblioteca do Colégio Salesiano de Santa Teresa
  • Biblioteca Estadual Dr. Gabriel Vandoni de Barros
  • Biblioteca Manoel de Barros
  • Biblioteca Municipal Lobivar de Matos

Biblioteca do Colégio Salesiano de Santa Teresa

Biblioteca Estadual Dr. Gabriel Vandoni de Barros

Biblioteca Manoel de Barros

Biblioteca Municipal Lobivar de Matos

  • Academia Corumbaense de Letras
  • Instituto Homem Pantaneiro, +55 67 3232-9981.
  • Casa Rio Tinto
  • Estação Natureza Pantanal
  • Fundação de Cultura do Pantanal de Corumbá
  • Instituto Luiz de Albuquerque

Academia Corumbaense de Letras

Instituto Homem Pantaneiro, +55 67 3232-9981.

Casa Rio Tinto

Estação Natureza Pantanal

Fundação de Cultura do Pantanal de Corumbá

Instituto Luiz de Albuquerque

  • Vasques & Sons House. Built in 1909 by Italian architect Martino Santa Lucci, is being restored by Monumenta Program to host the Pantanal Human Memorial, an area highlighting the history of man and Pantanal in Brazil and neighboring countries.
  • Houses of the General Port. Protected by National Historic Landmark in 1992 and renovated in 2005.
  • Christ the King of Pantanal statue, morro do Cruzeiro/hill of the Cross. 12 m tall image of Jesus Christ.-
  • Commercial Building Wanderley, Baís & Cia. Built in 1876 and renovated in 2005 by the Monumenta project.
  • Escadinha da Quinze (Fifteen Little Staircase)
  • Northwest Rail Station.
  • Coimbra Fort. It's in an area of ​​difficult access (only by plane or boat), and was built in 1775 to defend the Brazilian territory against Spanish invasions. It was also scene of battles at the time of the Paraguay War. Protected by National Historic Landmark in 1975.
  • Forte Fortaleza
  • Forte Junqueira
  • Cunha and Cruz Slope. Site of a bloody battle in June 13, 1867. A second slope, Jose Bonifacio, built in 1922, also connects the city center to the harbor.
  • St. Philip Lookout. View of the entire city and Ladário. Site of the Christ the King of Pantanal statue.
  • Luis de Albuquerque Building. Built between 1918 and 1922 by Dr. Miguel Carmo de Oliveira (engineer) and José Antonio Marinho (builder), was always destined to education. From 1980 passed will state administration. In 1984 was renamed the House of Culture Luís de Albuquerque.-
  • Santuário Maria Auxiliadora.
  • Via Crucis. The Via Sacra steps, showing the path of ordeal lived by Jesus Christ, having been sentenced by Pontius Pilate to death on the cross, are represented by 14 stations of the Via Crucis in the form of 72 statues placed to the right of the ascent of the hill of the Cross. The 14 stations depict the Passion and Death of Christ. Both the Christ the King and Sacred Way were scupteded by artist Xavier Izulina.

Vasques & Sons House. Built in 1909 by Italian architect Martino Santa Lucci, is being restored by Monumenta Program to host the Pantanal Human Memorial, an area highlighting the history of man and Pantanal in Brazil and neighboring countries.

Houses of the General Port. Protected by National Historic Landmark in 1992 and renovated in 2005.

Christ the King of Pantanal statue, morro do Cruzeiro/hill of the Cross. 12 m tall image of Jesus Christ.-

Commercial Building Wanderley, Baís & Cia. Built in 1876 and renovated in 2005 by the Monumenta project.

Escadinha da Quinze (Fifteen Little Staircase)

Northwest Rail Station.

Coimbra Fort. It's in an area of ​​difficult access (only by plane or boat), and was built in 1775 to defend the Brazilian territory against Spanish invasions. It was also scene of battles at the time of the Paraguay War. Protected by National Historic Landmark in 1975.

Forte Fortaleza

Forte Junqueira

Cunha and Cruz Slope. Site of a bloody battle in June 13, 1867. A second slope, Jose Bonifacio, built in 1922, also connects the city center to the harbor.

St. Philip Lookout. View of the entire city and Ladário. Site of the Christ the King of Pantanal statue.

Luis de Albuquerque Building. Built between 1918 and 1922 by Dr. Miguel Carmo de Oliveira (engineer) and José Antonio Marinho (builder), was always destined to education. From 1980 passed will state administration. In 1984 was renamed the House of Culture Luís de Albuquerque.-

Santuário Maria Auxiliadora.

Via Crucis. The Via Sacra steps, showing the path of ordeal lived by Jesus Christ, having been sentenced by Pontius Pilate to death on the cross, are represented by 14 stations of the Via Crucis in the form of 72 statues placed to the right of the ascent of the hill of the Cross. The 14 stations depict the Passion and Death of Christ. Both the Christ the King and Sacred Way were scupteded by artist Xavier Izulina.

  • Memorial do Homem Pantaneiro
  • Museu da História do Homem do Pantanal
  • Museu de História do Pantanal (em breve)
  • Museu do Instituto Luiz Albuquerque
  • Museu do Pantanal

Memorial do Homem Pantaneiro

Museu da História do Homem do Pantanal

Museu de História do Pantanal (em breve)

Museu do Instituto Luiz Albuquerque

Museu do Pantanal

  • Igreja do Coração de Jesus
  • Igreja Matriz N. S. da Candelária - República Square. Built in 1877, Features a sculpted Portuguese crown at the main altar.
  • Igreja de Nossa Senhora Aparecida
  • Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Caacupé - homage to the protecting saint of Paraguay.
  • Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima
  • Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo
  • Igreja de Santa Terezinha
  • Igreja do Santuário de Maria Auxiliadora - Built in 1940, features works bu Spanish artist Antonio Burgos Villa.
  • Igreja de São Benedito
  • Igreja São João Bosco
  • Primeira Igreja Batista de Corumbá, +55 67 3231-4284. R. Antônio Maria Coelho, 653 - Centro.
  • Terceira Igreja Batista de Corumbá
  • Ireja Batista De Corumbá, +55 67 3231-8170. R. Joaquim Murtinho, 715 - Centro.

Igreja do Coração de Jesus

Igreja Matriz N. S. da Candelária - República Square. Built in 1877, Features a sculpted Portuguese crown at the main altar.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora Aparecida

Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Caacupé - homage to the protecting saint of Paraguay.

Igreja de Nossa Senhora de Fátima

Igreja de Nossa Senhora do Carmo

Igreja de Santa Terezinha

Igreja do Santuário de Maria Auxiliadora - Built in 1940, features works bu Spanish artist Antonio Burgos Villa.

Igreja de São Benedito

Igreja São João Bosco

Primeira Igreja Batista de Corumbá, +55 67 3231-4284. R. Antônio Maria Coelho, 653 - Centro.

Terceira Igreja Batista de Corumbá

Ireja Batista De Corumbá, +55 67 3231-8170. R. Joaquim Murtinho, 715 - Centro.

O Cristo. Similar in shape to the one in [[Rio de Janeiro]], it sits on a hill with a nice view of town. From the city bus terminal, it's possible to catch a bus passing near to the steps that lead to the top.

  • There are a number of community swimming pools which are often clean with changing areas open at the weekends. Entry is quite cheap.

There are a number of community swimming pools which are often clean with changing areas open at the weekends. Entry is quite cheap.

You can buy some local crafts (artesanato). Being close to the Bolivian border, there is a duty-free zone imports and Bolivian crafts too.

  • Sculptor's House (Casa do Escultora) - In the Izulina Arts Xavier building, there is a selection of handicrafts made from rock and concrete, ceramics and wooden items. It is open 08:00-17:00 during the week.
  • Craftsman's House (Casa do Artesão) - In the building that until 70 years ago functioned as the public jail, you can buy handicrafts in leather, wood and ceramics made by craftsmens of the region, native handicrafts. You can also find delicious homemade liqueurs. There is no record of the construction of the building, only of its first restoration (1893). The house was established in 1975 and the cells were transformed into market stalls.
  • Adobe House (Casa do Massa Barro) - Created to stimulate ceramic arts. Its artists are adolescents who model the Pantanal flora and fauna in clay.

Sculptor's House (Casa do Escultora) - In the Izulina Arts Xavier building, there is a selection of handicrafts made from rock and concrete, ceramics and wooden items. It is open 08:00-17:00 during the week.

Craftsman's House (Casa do Artesão) - In the building that until 70 years ago functioned as the public jail, you can buy handicrafts in leather, wood and ceramics made by craftsmens of the region, native handicrafts. You can also find delicious homemade liqueurs. There is no record of the construction of the building, only of its first restoration (1893). The house was established in 1975 and the cells were transformed into market stalls.

Adobe House (Casa do Massa Barro) - Created to stimulate ceramic arts. Its artists are adolescents who model the Pantanal flora and fauna in clay.

  • Pantanal Gallery

Pantanal Gallery

Food in Corumbá is inexpensive. There are several pizza and barbecue restaurants around town.

  • Espeto de Ouro , Av. Barão do Rio Branco, 121, 67 3231-1323. Churrascaria.
  • Laço de Ouro, Rua Frei Mariano, 708, +55 67 3231-7371. Churrascaria.
  • Rodeio, Rua 13 de Junho, 760, +55 67 3231-6477. Churrascaria.
  • Paladar Pizzaria and Restaurant, R. Anônio Mª Coelho, 455, +55 67 3231 4581.
  • Peixaria Bom Peixe, Rua 15 de Novembro, 164, +55 67 3232-1490. Fish market and restaurant.
  • Peixaria do Lulu , Rua Dom Aquino, +55 67 3231-4936. Fish market and restaurant.
  • Restaurante, Churrascaria e Pizzaria do Gaucho, Rua Frei Mariano, 879, +55 67 3231-5220. Center.
  • Ceará, Rua Albuquerque, 516, +55 67 3231-1930. Fish market and restaurant.
  • Miguéis, Rua Tiradentes, 775, +55 67 3231-4798. Fish market and restaurant.
  • Restaurante Flutuante Caiçara , M. Cavassa, +55 67 3231-3126. Floating restaurant on the river.
  • São Paulo Restaurant, Ed Rocha, 1118, +55 67 3231-4095
  • Trivial, Rua 15 de Novembro, 188, +55 67 3231-6758.

Espeto de Ouro , Av. Barão do Rio Branco, 121, 67 3231-1323. Churrascaria.

Laço de Ouro, Rua Frei Mariano, 708, +55 67 3231-7371. Churrascaria.

Rodeio, Rua 13 de Junho, 760, +55 67 3231-6477. Churrascaria.

Paladar Pizzaria and Restaurant, R. Anônio Mª Coelho, 455, +55 67 3231 4581.

Peixaria Bom Peixe, Rua 15 de Novembro, 164, +55 67 3232-1490. Fish market and restaurant.

Peixaria do Lulu , Rua Dom Aquino, +55 67 3231-4936. Fish market and restaurant.

Restaurante, Churrascaria e Pizzaria do Gaucho, Rua Frei Mariano, 879, +55 67 3231-5220. Center.

Ceará, Rua Albuquerque, 516, +55 67 3231-1930. Fish market and restaurant.

Miguéis, Rua Tiradentes, 775, +55 67 3231-4798. Fish market and restaurant.

Restaurante Flutuante Caiçara , M. Cavassa, +55 67 3231-3126. Floating restaurant on the river.

São Paulo Restaurant, Ed Rocha, 1118, +55 67 3231-4095

Trivial, Rua 15 de Novembro, 188, +55 67 3231-6758.

The night can start in the Marechal Rondon Ave, filled with bars, beer places and restaurants. Don't miss a stop at the mirantes to see the moon reflected on the waters of the Paraguay River.

  • Bar Tuiuiu, Rua D Corrêa Aquino, 2060, Center.
  • Lousa Bar, Alta Santa Luzia, 56.
  • Multicoffe Express Coffee , R. Delamare, 1190, +55 67 3231-7966.
  • Pedro's Choperia and Espeteria, Rua Columbus, 1826. Center.
  • Skinão Snacks, Rua Frei Mariano, 407, +55 67 3231-5552.
  • Scorpios Ice Cream Parlor, R. Cuiabá, 983, +55 67 3231-4532.
  • Titio´s Snacks, Rua 15 de Novembro, 907, +55 67 3231-4930.

Bar Tuiuiu, Rua D Corrêa Aquino, 2060, Center.

Lousa Bar, Alta Santa Luzia, 56.

Multicoffe Express Coffee , R. Delamare, 1190, +55 67 3231-7966.

Pedro's Choperia and Espeteria, Rua Columbus, 1826. Center.

Skinão Snacks, Rua Frei Mariano, 407, +55 67 3231-5552.

Scorpios Ice Cream Parlor, R. Cuiabá, 983, +55 67 3231-4532.

Titio´s Snacks, Rua 15 de Novembro, 907, +55 67 3231-4930.

  • Boate Refúgio, Rua Campo Grande, 2146. Nossa Senhora de Fatima.
  • Excalibur
  • Studio 1054, General Av. Rondon, 1,054, +55 67 3231-6056
  • Wisqueria Pantanal, R. 7 of September, 492, +55 67 231 3822

Boate Refúgio, Rua Campo Grande, 2146. Nossa Senhora de Fatima.


Studio 1054, General Av. Rondon, 1,054, +55 67 3231-6056

Wisqueria Pantanal, R. 7 of September, 492, +55 67 231 3822

No visit to Brazil would be complete without a visit to the Pantanal, 150,000 km² of wetlands in the heart of South America. It is the largest wetland area in the world, known for its rich variety of unspoiled plant and wildlife. Visitors to the Pantanal will be struck by a vast number of species difficult to find anywhere else in the world. And because the landscape of the Pantanal is open - and not dense like the rainforest - wildlife is particularly easy to spot.

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