

Dinkelsbühl is in Mittelfranken. It is a former Reichsstadt (nominally subject to the Emperor but to no other ruler) and due to its rather small growth since the end of the Holy Roman Empire, it has escaped both wars and overzealous city planners with its old town largely intact. It has therefore come to be considered a stop along the Romantic Road.

For those whose interest in medieval architecture is more limited, Dinkelsbühl is also well known as the site of Summerbreeze Open Air, a yearly Heavy Metal Festival.

Dinkelsbühl was de facto self governing until 1802 when it was annexed by Bavaria in the course of the Napoleonic Wars. Uniquely during the era of cuius regio eius religio (the ruler would decide the faith of the subjects), Dinkelsbühl had not only equal rights for Lutherans and Catholics but a city government composed of equal amounts of both. Its current touristic importance is largely due to the well preserved old town, which was "discovered" by American soldiers stationed in the American Zone of Occupation after World War II who would link several medieval and "romantic" stops to the Romantic Road before tourist marketing agencies got wind of it and started marketing it themselves.

St. George. A church

Former City Hall. Today housing a museum

  • Summer Breeze Open Air. A heavy metal festival held here every year since 2006
  • The last week in October is Fischerntewoche (fish harvest week)

Summer Breeze Open Air. A heavy metal festival held here every year since 2006

The last week in October is Fischerntewoche (fish harvest week)

  • Wilder Mann, Wörnitzstraße 1, 91550 Dinkelsbühl, +49 9851 552525.
  • Weib's Brauhaus, Untere Schmiedgasse 13, 91550 Dinkelsbühl,, +49 9851 579490. Original Swabian dishes served with their own beers.

Wilder Mann, Wörnitzstraße 1, 91550 Dinkelsbühl, +49 9851 552525.

Weib's Brauhaus, Untere Schmiedgasse 13, 91550 Dinkelsbühl,, +49 9851 579490. Original Swabian dishes served with their own beers.