Farmington Hills


Farmington Hills is a city in Oakland County in Michigan. It almost completely surrounds the smaller city of Farmington.

Holocaust Memorial Center, 28123 Orchard Lake Rd, +1 248 553-2400.

Visit the Civic Theater in Downtown Farmington. For around $3.50 you can go see a movie. The feature has usually been out in theaters for a while, but it is something fun to do with your friends and family.

There are also many ice cream shops around such as Coldstone, Hershey's Ice Cream, and Silver Dairy.

There is also an outdoor market in Downtown Farmington with produce on Saturdays from 9am-2pm.

The month of July marks the Founder's Day Festival. This three day event is perfect for families to purchase great food and homemade items as well and see performances and hear great music.

Visit Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical Museum, which offers a unique mixture of modern and antique arcade games. Admission is free.

  • Basement Burger Bar, 33316 Grand River Ave (Farmington downtown, +1 248 957-8179. As it says on the label, a bar in the basement serving good craft beers and custom burgers.
  • Antonio's Cucina Italiana, 37646 Twelve Mile Rd (Halsted Village, +1 248 994-4000. Furnishing and most of customers a little on the older side but good pasta dishes.
  • 2 Booli, 37610 Twelve Mile Rd, +1 248 994-0614. Good Lebanese dishes in a modern decorated Mediterranean style restaurant

Basement Burger Bar, 33316 Grand River Ave (Farmington downtown, +1 248 957-8179. As it says on the label, a bar in the basement serving good craft beers and custom burgers.

Antonio's Cucina Italiana, 37646 Twelve Mile Rd (Halsted Village, +1 248 994-4000. Furnishing and most of customers a little on the older side but good pasta dishes.

2 Booli, 37610 Twelve Mile Rd, +1 248 994-0614. Good Lebanese dishes in a modern decorated Mediterranean style restaurant