Fuqing (福清; Hók-chiăng in Mindong, Fúqīng in Mandarin) is an industrial city within the administrative area of Fuzhou. It has a population of around half a million.
The local Fuqing dialect, also commonly known as Hokchia, is part of the Mindong family like the Fuzhou dialect, but is nevertheless still distinct and not completely mutually intelligible. However, most locals are bilingual in their local tongue and Mandarin.
- 灵石山国家森林公园, 东张镇的三星村内.
- 一都漂流, 福清一都镇南边, +86 591-83301060. 88/person.
灵石山国家森林公园, 东张镇的三星村内.
一都漂流, 福清一都镇南边, +86 591-83301060. 88/person.
- 光饼.
- 番薯丸.
- 海蛎饼.