

Gießen is a city in Hesse. Gießen Theater

The city has about 73,000 inhabitants including 27,500 students, so its infrastructure, shopping and cultural offerings are pretty well adapted to students.

  • Elefantenklo. The most known view in Gießen seems to be the E-Klo, a "masterwork" of the questionable urban planning policy from the late 1960s. It is a massive pedestrian overpass found at Selterstor. The popular name is due to the three large octagonal openings in the concrete slab. This says a lot about what is there to see in urban Gießen.
  • Dünsberg. Ancient Celtic buildings, e.g., a Celtic oppidum was rebuilt. They are on the, a small wooded hill where activities such as hiking and cycling are popular. Nearby are some old castles, which can be visited too.
  • Mathematikum, Liebigstraße 8. An interactive museum of math and physics just down the road from the main train station.
  • Liebig Museum, Liebigstraße 12.
  • Kunsthalle Gießen, Berliner Platz 1. With temporary art exhibitions.

Elefantenklo. The most known view in Gießen seems to be the E-Klo, a "masterwork" of the questionable urban planning policy from the late 1960s. It is a massive pedestrian overpass found at Selterstor. The popular name is due to the three large octagonal openings in the concrete slab. This says a lot about what is there to see in urban Gießen.

Dünsberg. Ancient Celtic buildings, e.g., a Celtic oppidum was rebuilt. They are on the, a small wooded hill where activities such as hiking and cycling are popular. Nearby are some old castles, which can be visited too.

Mathematikum, Liebigstraße 8. An interactive museum of math and physics just down the road from the main train station.

Liebig Museum, Liebigstraße 12.

Kunsthalle Gießen, Berliner Platz 1. With temporary art exhibitions.

  • Adria, Frankfurter Straße 30. Italian restaurant.
  • Bakchos, Ludwigstraße 10 (near the Marktplatz. Greek restaurant.
  • heyligenstaedt, Aulweg 41, +49 641 4609650. Hotel and restaurant.

Adria, Frankfurter Straße 30. Italian restaurant.

Bakchos, Ludwigstraße 10 (near the Marktplatz. Greek restaurant.

heyligenstaedt, Aulweg 41, +49 641 4609650. Hotel and restaurant.