Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park

Gobi Gurvan Saikhan National Park is in Mongolia.

If you stay with local families prices seem to be pretty much standardized:

  • Bed in a shared Ger: 5.000T
  • Food: 3.500T
  • Camel Ride (1h): 5.000T
  • Guide (1h): 5.000T

Entrance fees to National Parks and protected areas cost 3000 MNT or 3 US$ for one person. It is paid one time when you enter. Museums at the Yol Canyon ticket costs 1000MNT.


Yol Canyon, Bayanzag Khongoryn Eels (Singing Sand Dunes), Khermen Tsav, Energy Center

Camel riding, horse back riding, climbing to the dunes, hiking in the Yol canyon,

Some souvenir shops are located in front of the museums, and monastery.