Grand Teton National Park


Mormon row barn, Grand Teton National Park

Grand Teton National Park is a United States National Park that is located in the Rocky Mountains, in Northwest Wyoming. The park is south of Yellowstone National Park and just north of the town of Jackson. Grand Teton National Park is noted for its stunning mountain vistas, its shimmering alpine lakes and its abundant wildlife.

In the late 1800s, Colonel S.B.M. Young, the acting Superintendent of Yellowstone National Park, suggested the expansion of Yellowstone's park boundaries towards the south. During the following years, various officials introduced a series of proposals to include the Teton mountain range and Jackson Lake in an enlarged Yellowstone. These proposals were met with fierce opposition by local ranchers, who feared that an expanded park would lead to cuts in their grazing areas.

Around this same time, farmers in the region suggested the damming of Two Ocean, Emma Matilda and Jenny Lakes for irrigation purposes. Ranchers became concerned that if the lakes were dammed, it could lead to the destruction of natural resources by way of increased commercial development. This concern led to a key meeting in 1923, when Yellowstone Superintendent Horace Albright and some local residents decided that they could pool private funds to buy up land. This way, they could lock the land away from developers and preserve the natural character of the Jackson Hole region.

Albright was the only person at the meeting who openly supported a national park. The other attendees wanted to make sure that they could continue to use the land for hunting and ranching. As time went by, public support for a national park grew. This support wasn't unanimous, and there were still many holdouts who would not sell their land to the government. Nonetheless, on February 26, 1929, Grand Teton National Park was signed into law by President Calvin Coolidge.

John D. Rockefeller, Jr. became enamored of the Jackson Hole area and decided to help with Superintendent Albright's plan. Rockefeller created a private company as a front to buy land, using the company to hide both his personal involvement and any links to the federal government. That way, local residents would sell their land to the company, not knowing that it was in fact going to be donated to the National Park Service.

When the true nature of Rockefeller's front company became publicly known, it caused outrage in the area. After many legal battles, this controversy was put to rest with a compromise that allowed limited hunting and grazing within the park, as well as the existence of some privately run guest ranches.

The Wyoming landscape in Grand Teton National Park is stunningly beautiful. This range often represents the entire Rocky Mountain range in countless photographs, postcards, and imaginations. This section of the Rockies is a wondrous playground for climbers, hikers, skiers, and nearly all other outdoor enthusiasts.

Moose bed down in the willows, and are frequently spotted throughout the park.

Grand Teton National Park has abundant wildlife, but it is most famous for its populations of elk, bison (buffalo), moose and bald eagles.

Jackson Hole hardly seems the same place when one contrasts the winter and summer seasons. The southern end of the valley averages 15 feet of snow in the winter and often reaches balmy 80 °F temperatures in the summer. Temperatures in higher elevations average four degrees Fahrenheit cooler every 1,000 feet in rise. Raingear is recommended during spring, summer and fall. Sub-zero temperatures are common throughout winter and demand multi-layered clothing, hats, mittens and cold weather boots. Vehicles with four-wheel drive or all-weather tires are recommended for winter travel, roads may be closed during blizzards. Drive at or below posted speed limits at all times; moose and other wildlife are often seen crossing roads during the winter.

The first heavy snows may fall by November 1. Between winter storms the days are sunny and the nights are frigid. Average temperatures range from a daily maximum of 29°F to a minimum of 6°F. Ask at the Moose Visitor Center for road closures during blizzards.

During spring mild days and cool nights frequently come with rain or snow. The spring months average 11 days with measurable precipitation. Temperatures typically range from 22°F to 49°F. Valley trails remain snow-covered until late May.

Between the months of June through August the average daily temperature is 76°F, but high-elevation hiking trails don’t melt out until mid-July. Nighttime temperatures can reach the lower 40s. Most of the year’s precipitation falls during the summer months; afternoon thunderstorms are common.

Sun and occasional rain and snow fill the short fall days. The average daily maximum is 54°F while the minimum average is a cool 25°F. The fall months average 23 days that drop below freezing. For a comfortable trip, bring plenty of layered clothing.

All vehicles and individuals entering the park must pay an entrance fee that is valid for seven days. The fee is $30 for non-commercial vehicles, $15 for hikers and cyclists, and $25 for motorcycles. As an alternative to the seven-day fee, you can buy a Park Annual Pass, which costs $60 and is valid until the end of the month 1 year after the purchase date.

If you plan to visit both Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks, you can pay a single entrance fee for both at a discount compared to paying two separate fees for the two parks. The combined fee is $50 for non-commercial vehicles, $20 for hikers and cyclists, and $40 for motorcycles and snowmobiles.

Grand Teton National Park is a bit curious in that the ranger stations where you pay the entry fees lie fairly deep within the park. This essentially means that sections of the park can be accessed for free, including Jackson Hole Airport.

There are turnouts and scenic overlooks throughout the park which offer a good view of Grand Teton's many mountains. Here are just a few highlights:

  • Oxbow Bend. Besides the view of Mt. Moran, many types of birds can be seen here
  • Cathedral Group turnout. This turnout offers a great view of the three highest peaks in the Teton range: Teewinot, the Grand Teton and Mt. Owen
  • Teton Glacier turnout. This turnout highlights the largest glacier in the park.
  • Snake River Overlook. Ansel Adams took a famous photograph of the Tetons from this site.
  • Schwabacher's Landing. They lead to nice views of the Tetons and their reflections in the Snake River.
  • Signal Mountain. A fairly narrow paved spur road climbs to a parking area, then a very short walk to the summit gives an excellent 360 degree view of Jackson Hole.

Besides the mountains, there are other attractions worth seeing:

  • Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum. Native American artifacts are on display here. Video presentations about the park are frequently shown. Gift store. Free.
  • Menor's Ferry. This is a reconstruction of an 1890s ferry that crossed the Snake River.
  • Chapel of the Transfiguration. This Epicopalian log cabin chapel, in a meadow near Moose Junction on Teton Park Road, has a view of the mountains through an altar window. There are also stained glass windows that depict the mountainous landscape.
  • Chapel of the Sacred Heart. This Catholic chapel, near Jackson Lake Junction, has a rustic feel with its log cabin construction.

Oxbow Bend. Besides the view of Mt. Moran, many types of birds can be seen here

Cathedral Group turnout. This turnout offers a great view of the three highest peaks in the Teton range: Teewinot, the Grand Teton and Mt. Owen

Teton Glacier turnout. This turnout highlights the largest glacier in the park.

Snake River Overlook. Ansel Adams took a famous photograph of the Tetons from this site.

Schwabacher's Landing. They lead to nice views of the Tetons and their reflections in the Snake River.

Signal Mountain. A fairly narrow paved spur road climbs to a parking area, then a very short walk to the summit gives an excellent 360 degree view of Jackson Hole.

Colter Bay Indian Arts Museum. Native American artifacts are on display here. Video presentations about the park are frequently shown. Gift store. Free.

Menor's Ferry. This is a reconstruction of an 1890s ferry that crossed the Snake River.

Chapel of the Transfiguration. This Epicopalian log cabin chapel, in a meadow near Moose Junction on Teton Park Road, has a view of the mountains through an altar window. There are also stained glass windows that depict the mountainous landscape.

Chapel of the Sacred Heart. This Catholic chapel, near Jackson Lake Junction, has a rustic feel with its log cabin construction.

Cunningham Cabin in Jackson Hole, a structure that is on the national register of historic places.

  • Barker-Ewing Grand Teton Park Float Trips, PO Box 100, Moose, WY 83012. 10-mile scenic float trips on the Snake River within Grand Teton National Park. $70 adults/$40 children.
  • Hidden Falls hike. A worthwhile and fun activity is to see by Jenny Lake. You can hike 2.5 miles to the falls and take a boat ride back ($7 one way, $10 round trip). The falls and whitewater is spectacular as it makes its mad dash down to Jenny Lake. Be sure to be on the lookout for rock climbers near the falls. Beyond Hidden Falls the hiking trail continues with a climb up to Inspiration Point which affords a spectacular view over Jenny Lake and Jackson Hole. After another climb the trail flattens out and heads west along highly scenic Cascade Canyon. Eventually the trail reaches Lake Solitude.

Barker-Ewing Grand Teton Park Float Trips, PO Box 100, Moose, WY 83012. 10-mile scenic float trips on the Snake River within Grand Teton National Park. $70 adults/$40 children.

Hidden Falls hike. A worthwhile and fun activity is to see by Jenny Lake. You can hike 2.5 miles to the falls and take a boat ride back ($7 one way, $10 round trip). The falls and whitewater is spectacular as it makes its mad dash down to Jenny Lake. Be sure to be on the lookout for rock climbers near the falls. Beyond Hidden Falls the hiking trail continues with a climb up to Inspiration Point which affords a spectacular view over Jenny Lake and Jackson Hole. After another climb the trail flattens out and heads west along highly scenic Cascade Canyon. Eventually the trail reaches Lake Solitude.

Colter Bay Village

  • John Colter Cafe Court. Has Mexican and American fare. It's quick and decent.
  • Chuckwagon Restaurant. Nice sit down dinner type of restaurant. They have breakfast buffet ($7.95 for cold $11.95 for cold and hot). Drinks ordered charge extra (e.g. orange juice $2.50, Latte $3.65ish)

Jackson Lake Lodge

  • Pioneer Grill. Offers counter service with light meals, snacks and soda fountain treats for breakfast, lunch and dinner, open daily 6AM-10:30PM. Service is not very quick and the food is not great, but it's open all the time.

John Colter Cafe Court. Has Mexican and American fare. It's quick and decent.

Chuckwagon Restaurant. Nice sit down dinner type of restaurant. They have breakfast buffet ($7.95 for cold $11.95 for cold and hot). Drinks ordered charge extra (e.g. orange juice $2.50, Latte $3.65ish)

Pioneer Grill. Offers counter service with light meals, snacks and soda fountain treats for breakfast, lunch and dinner, open daily 6AM-10:30PM. Service is not very quick and the food is not great, but it's open all the time.

The weather can change rapidly in this mountainous region. Temperatures can plummet with little advance warning. Lightning is a real danger. Watch the skies, and if you hear thunder, take shelter within a structure or lower your profile to the sky.

  • Yellowstone National Park — The world's largest concentration of geysers, hot springs and other geothermal features is a short drive to the north from Grand Teton National Park on U.S. 89/191/287. Yellowstone also has bison, elk, antelope and bears. Admission to Grand Teton also allows entry into Yellowstone, but be prepared to show your pass at the entrance gate.

[[Yellowstone National Park]] — The world's largest concentration of geysers, hot springs and other geothermal features is a short drive to the north from Grand Teton National Park on U.S. 89/191/287. Yellowstone also has bison, elk, antelope and bears. Admission to Grand Teton also allows entry into Yellowstone, but be prepared to show your pass at the entrance gate.