Khangchendzonga National Park


Khangchendzonga Khangchendzonga National Park is in West Sikkim in northwestern India. It is a world heritage site.

The park is named after Khangchendzonga, India's highest and the world's third highest mountain, located in the park. With an elevation of 8,586 m above the sea level, the mountain was until the mid-19th century believed to be the highest mountain in the world. The park is also known for many glaciers, including the 26 km long Zemu glacier. This mountain landscape has natural landforms such as, caves, rivers and lakes. The mountain had the widest altitude ranges of a protected area.

Animals you can spot in the park include snow leopards, musk deer and Himalayan taar. There are a wide range of tree wood types as well as many rare species of mammals and plants.