

Courtyard of Hvitträsk manor Kirkkonummi (Swedish:Kyrkslätt) is in Uusimaa, about 30km west of Helsinki.

Kirkkonummi church

  • Kirkkonummi church.
  • Hvitträsk manor.
  • Sites from the Porkkala parenthesis. From the end of the WW2 until 1956, Soviet Union operated a naval base on the Porkkala peninsula and much of the current Kirkkonummi municipality was part of the base. There are still a couple of landmarks left from the decade known as the "Porkkala parenthesis".
  • Pokrova Orthodox monastery.
  • Haapajärvi wooden church.

Kirkkonummi church.

Hvitträsk manor.

Sites from the Porkkala parenthesis. From the end of the WW2 until 1956, Soviet Union operated a naval base on the Porkkala peninsula and much of the current Kirkkonummi municipality was part of the base. There are still a couple of landmarks left from the decade known as the "Porkkala parenthesis".

Pokrova Orthodox monastery.

Haapajärvi wooden church.

  • Nuuksio National Park is partially located in Kirkkonummi and there are opportunities for hiking elsewhere in the municipality too.
  • Peuramaa. Small skiing center.
  • Kurk golf. A golf range in the northern part of the municipality.

Peuramaa. Small skiing center.

Kurk golf. A golf range in the northern part of the municipality.

Espoo to the east and to the west Siuntio and on to Raseborg and Hanko