

Kuhmo is a small town and large municipality (twice the area of Luxembourg) in the Kainuu region, Finland.

In a part of Finland struggling with decreasing population, Kuhmo has turned it to their advantage with sound self-irony, such as marketing themselves as the municipality with the hairiest population (clue: think claws). The Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival is famous, with many visitors from the south and even from abroad.

  • Kuhmo Arts Centre, Koulukatu 1, FI-88900 Kuhmo, Finland, +358 8 615 55451. The Kuhmo Arts Centre offers a great variety of high quality congress spaces right in the city centre of Kuhmo. The Lentua hall and Pajakka hall also offer facilities for groups from 99 – 668 people. The woodwork of the uniquely beautiful Lentua hall was crafted by local carpenters. Restaurant Juttua offers tasty meals during the intervals. As Kuhmo is famous for chamber music as well as traditional folk music, it is also possible to be entertained by musicians and artists from local students up to international celebrities between your meetings.
  • Kuhmo Visitor Centre Petola, Lentiirantie 342, 88900 Kuhmo, +358 20-639-6380, +358 40-825-6060. In winter by appointment, 2 May–15 June M–F 09:00–16:00, 16 June–12 August daily 09:00–17:00, 13 August–31 October M–F 09:00–16:00. National park visitor centre. The Predators on the Prowl exhibition and short nature films. 0.5 km accessible nature trail. Information on national parks and similar destinations in the area; maps, souvenirs, fishing permits. Snowshoes for hire. Free.

Kuhmo Arts Centre, Koulukatu 1, FI-88900 Kuhmo, Finland, +358 8 615 55451. The Kuhmo Arts Centre offers a great variety of high quality congress spaces right in the city centre of Kuhmo. The Lentua hall and Pajakka hall also offer facilities for groups from 99 – 668 people. The woodwork of the uniquely beautiful Lentua hall was crafted by local carpenters. Restaurant Juttua offers tasty meals during the intervals. As Kuhmo is famous for chamber music as well as traditional folk music, it is also possible to be entertained by musicians and artists from local students up to international celebrities between your meetings.

Kuhmo Visitor Centre Petola, Lentiirantie 342, 88900 Kuhmo, +358 20-639-6380, +358 40-825-6060. In winter by appointment, 2 May–15 June M–F 09:00–16:00, 16 June–12 August daily 09:00–17:00, 13 August–31 October M–F 09:00–16:00. National park visitor centre. The Predators on the Prowl exhibition and short nature films. 0.5 km accessible nature trail. Information on national parks and similar destinations in the area; maps, souvenirs, fishing permits. Snowshoes for hire. Free.

  • Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Torikatu 39, FI-88900 Kuhmo, Finland, +358 8 652 0936. Leading chamber musicians transfix the town of Kuhmo in Eastern Finland every July with a skilfully designed festival programme, inimitable concerts, beautiful surroundings and sunlit nights that open the senses to new and sublime delight. The festival is the biggest chamber music festival in Finland (where most cities have their own), with some 70 concerts and 35.000 tickets sold. Concerts are held in the acoustically superb Lentua Hall of the Kuhmo Arts Centre, in the assembly hall of Kontio School, and in the town’s fine old wooden church. Although these venues are all within easy walking distance of one an­other, cycling remains the preferred mode of transport for both artists and audiences alike. 0-37 euros/a concert.
  • Jolly July, Torikatu 39. Jolly July is an important part of the Kuhmo summer: a time when there’s plenty for all the family to do together – culture, nature and exercise. Grasp the activity summer with both hands! Don’t be put off by the heat or the rain. July is just for you and your children, just for you and your parents and grandparents. Fun, dreams, music, silence, feeling good, being together and surprises.
  • Kuhmo Culture Celebrates Winter, c/o Kuhmo Chamber Music, Torikatu 39, FI-88900 Kuhmo, Finland, +358 8 652 0936. Kuhmo Culture Celebrates Winter is held every year in the beginning of January. It is a joint arena for the organisers and artists of various events, some of them internationally-acclaimed, it is a showcase for some of the best Kuhmo culture: music of many kinds, dance, exhibitions, film, nature photo and literary evenings. The aim of Kuhmo Culture Celebrates Winter is to present a wide selection of culture both to local residents and to people from further away. It is organised by Juminkeko, the Sommelo Music Festival, the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, the City of Kuhmo, the Kuhmo Arts Centre and the Petola Nature Centre.

Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, Torikatu 39, FI-88900 Kuhmo, Finland, +358 8 652 0936. Leading chamber musicians transfix the town of Kuhmo in Eastern Finland every July with a skilfully designed festival programme, inimitable concerts, beautiful surroundings and sunlit nights that open the senses to new and sublime delight. The festival is the biggest chamber music festival in Finland (where most cities have their own), with some 70 concerts and 35.000 tickets sold. Concerts are held in the acoustically superb Lentua Hall of the Kuhmo Arts Centre, in the assembly hall of Kontio School, and in the town’s fine old wooden church. Although these venues are all within easy walking distance of one an­other, cycling remains the preferred mode of transport for both artists and audiences alike. 0-37 euros/a concert.

Jolly July, Torikatu 39. Jolly July is an important part of the Kuhmo summer: a time when there’s plenty for all the family to do together – culture, nature and exercise. Grasp the activity summer with both hands! Don’t be put off by the heat or the rain. July is just for you and your children, just for you and your parents and grandparents. Fun, dreams, music, silence, feeling good, being together and surprises.

Kuhmo Culture Celebrates Winter, c/o Kuhmo Chamber Music, Torikatu 39, FI-88900 Kuhmo, Finland, +358 8 652 0936. Kuhmo Culture Celebrates Winter is held every year in the beginning of January. It is a joint arena for the organisers and artists of various events, some of them internationally-acclaimed, it is a showcase for some of the best Kuhmo culture: music of many kinds, dance, exhibitions, film, nature photo and literary evenings. The aim of Kuhmo Culture Celebrates Winter is to present a wide selection of culture both to local residents and to people from further away. It is organised by Juminkeko, the Sommelo Music Festival, the Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, the City of Kuhmo, the Kuhmo Arts Centre and the Petola Nature Centre.

  • Elimyssalo. 24 hours daily. The best of forest nature that Kainuu has to offer, according to Metsähallitus. Mires, old spruce forests, beard lichens, lush stream banks and small lakes and ponds. Also two old farms (Levävaara and Latvavaara; entrance to main buildings requires advance agreement, except at happenings). Elimyssalo form the Finnish-Russian Friendship Nature Reserve together with Kostomuksha Nature Reserve across the border. Lean-tos and campfire sites along the trails. From the Saari-Kiekki parking in the south, Levävaara and the central parts of the reserve can be reached on a 13 km hike on a marked trail around the Elimysjärvi lake. The trail crossing the area is part of the UKK trail. Free, including using the shelters and access to the farmyards.

Elimyssalo. 24 hours daily. The best of forest nature that Kainuu has to offer, according to Metsähallitus. Mires, old spruce forests, beard lichens, lush stream banks and small lakes and ponds. Also two old farms (Levävaara and Latvavaara; entrance to main buildings requires advance agreement, except at happenings). Elimyssalo form the Finnish-Russian Friendship Nature Reserve together with Kostomuksha Nature Reserve across the border. Lean-tos and campfire sites along the trails. From the Saari-Kiekki parking in the south, Levävaara and the central parts of the reserve can be reached on a 13 km hike on a marked trail around the Elimysjärvi lake. The trail crossing the area is part of the [[UKK trail]]. Free, including using the shelters and access to the farmyards.

  • Articmedia, Kivikiekintie 938, 88900 Kuhmo, +358 50-579-0947. Wildlife watching tours in the Kuhmo area (hides and hiking), planned for seeing brown bear, wolf, wolverine or golden eagle. Also snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, smoke sauna, ice swimming, fishing, canoeing, walks in the silence of the Finnish forest etc.
  • Boreal Wildlife Centre, Viiksimontie 2991, 88900 Kuhmo, +358 400-187-286. Wildlife watching (bear, wolves, wolverine and birds). Elimyssalo nature reserve and Iso-Palonen hiking area are near by. Room accommodation in middle of wilderness in beautiful place next to beautiful lake. rooms €60, breakfast €10, lunch €15.

Articmedia, Kivikiekintie 938, 88900 Kuhmo, +358 50-579-0947. Wildlife watching tours in the Kuhmo area (hides and hiking), planned for seeing brown bear, wolf, wolverine or golden eagle. Also snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, smoke sauna, ice swimming, fishing, canoeing, walks in the silence of the Finnish forest etc.

Boreal Wildlife Centre, Viiksimontie 2991, 88900 Kuhmo, +358 400-187-286. Wildlife watching (bear, wolves, wolverine and birds). Elimyssalo nature reserve and Iso-Palonen hiking area are near by. Room accommodation in middle of wilderness in beautiful place next to beautiful lake. rooms €60, breakfast €10, lunch €15.

  • Hotelli Kainuu, Kainuuntie 84, +358 8 6551711. The one and only place to go drinking in Kuhmo.

Hotelli Kainuu, Kainuuntie 84, +358 8 6551711. The one and only place to go drinking in Kuhmo.

  • Hiidenportti National Park: old-growth forest, the Hiidenpotti gorge, and silence. Connected to the Peurajärvi Recreational area with child-friendly beaches, and to the Teerisuo-Lososuo mire reserve.