

Neryungri (Russian:Не́рюнгри, Ner-yun-gry) is a city in Yakutia.

The relatively modern coal mining town of around 65 000 people was built attractively on a hill top overlooking an enormous coal mine. The coal mine today consists of one large open pit, 5 smaller pits, and an underground section.

  • The central park and war memorial.
  • The mine site. You will need to obtain permission to enter the actual mining site, but sometimes a good story is enough to be allowed access to the adjacent maintenance sheds. In these (one is a big blue building not far from the main security checkpoint) enormous mining trucks are pulled apart and fixed.

There are several restaurants and bars in the town.

Visiting the mine is the main reason tourists come here, it is about 10km down a road on the other side of town to the railway station.

From here it is possible to catch a group taxi for the 12-16 h ride (around ) to Yakutsk. They usually time their departure with the arrival of trains from the south.