Burauen is composed of vast wetland forest that houses thousands century old trees surrounding Mahagnao Volcano, which is classified as an inactive volcano although it has an active thermal activity. Also, there are two kinds of lakes. The one that on the southern foot of the volcano and the other one on the southeastern part.Hot springs, water fall and rivers are also the top destination famous on the area.
- Malagsum Lake
- This lake is smaller compared to the other one. But it has a unique characteristics, such as being a highly acidic lake which contains high level of sulfuric acid making it impossible for marine lives or organisms to live except for the hundreds/thousands of migratory birds staying during migrating season.
- Mahagnao Lake
- This lake serves as the main source of marine products for the locals and also the center of its tourism activities.
- Color Hot spring
- This hot spring is like a river of hot water colored with white and rocks which is look rusty and sometimes yellowish.
- Guin-aniban Water Fall
- The water fall is located few kilometers on the southeast. It is the water from the Mahagnao lake which is passing to systems of rivers then merge before approaching on the mouth of the cliff creating a water fall.