Los Barriles


Los Barriles is a village in Baja California Sur, Mexico.

Los Barriles is on the shores of the Sea of Cortez between Los Cabos and La Paz.

Here in Los Barriles you will still find the old Baja: campgrounds, little fishing casitas with thatched roofs, cozy restaurants, small stores, endless white sandy beaches and fantastic sport fishing. Should you explore the countryside around Los Barriles, you will find beautiful secret oases hidden in arroyos, mountain paths that lead to little ranches, secret beaches where you can snorkel or just hang out, and other small villages where the locals still live as they did in the 1960s.

Los Barriles is a place for travelers who want to be away from the big tourist destinations and enjoy the quiet and beauty of a truly natural place. Here turtles still lay their eggs by the millions on the beach, hundreds of rays and dolphins swim close to shore, sea lions play on the sandy shores and cows still freely roam the streets of downtown Los Barriles.

Octavio Aviles, Plaza Libertad (next to Banamex in Los Barriles, +52 624 188 3029.

  • Hermans Place, Calle 20 de Noviembre (Follow main paved road through Los Barriles restaurant is located to your right.
  • Otra Vez, Calle 20 de Noviembre (Follow main paved road through Los Barriles restaurant is located to your left.

Hermans Place, Calle 20 de Noviembre (Follow main paved road through Los Barriles restaurant is located to your right.

Otra Vez, Calle 20 de Noviembre (Follow main paved road through Los Barriles restaurant is located to your left.