

Maccagno is a village at the Lake Maggiore.

Maccagno is a comune (municipality) of 2,000 inhabitants located in the province of Varese in Lombardy, located in the Val Veddasca about 70km northwest of Milan and about 25km northwest of Varese.

  • Hiking. There are a few paths with different length and difficulty depart from Maccagno for the surrounding valleys. More information can be found at the local tourist information.

Hiking. There are a few paths with different length and difficulty depart from Maccagno for the surrounding valleys. More information can be found at the local tourist information.

Unes Supermarket, Via Mazzini 4.

La Gabella. This newly opened pizzeria is located at the marina of Maccagno. Nice staff and a great loacation.

Albergo. Ristorante Bar

Pizza 2000 Da Asparto. Fast Food Pizza

Ristorante Pizzeria Lido. Pizzeria and bar

Bar al Portico.

Wine Bar de Bagio.