Mikkeli (St. Michel in Swedish) is a cozy town in South Savonia province, Eastern Finland with a population of 54,400. It is 230 km NE from Helsinki and 100 km west from Savonlinna. It was founded in 1838 and the Finnish Army HQ under Marshal Mannerheim was based there during World War II.
During World War II, Mikkeli was the headquarters of the Finnish Army, and quite a few sights from the period remain.
- Jalkaväkimuseo, Jääkärinkatu 6-8. War museum, exhibitions depicting Finnish infantry from the independence to today.
- Päämajamuseo, Päämajankuja 1-3. Mannerheim's headquarters during World War II.
- Viestikeskus Lokki, Vuorikatu. Mannerheim's headquarters' communications centre
- Suur-Savon museo, Otavankatu 11. Regional museum.
- Naisvuoren näkötorni. An observation tower overseeing the town of Mikkeli.
- Kenkävero, Pursialankatu 6. An old vicarage, a summer garden, restored buildings, handicrafts to buy.
- Mikkelinpuisto. Summer garden by the lake, formed by several exhibitors.
- Valokuvakeskus, Puistokatu 3. Photography exhibition and research centre.
Jalkaväkimuseo, Jääkärinkatu 6-8. War museum, exhibitions depicting Finnish infantry from the independence to today.
Päämajamuseo, Päämajankuja 1-3. Mannerheim's headquarters during World War II.
Viestikeskus Lokki, Vuorikatu. Mannerheim's headquarters' communications centre
Suur-Savon museo, Otavankatu 11. Regional museum.
Naisvuoren näkötorni. An observation tower overseeing the town of Mikkeli.
Kenkävero, Pursialankatu 6. An old vicarage, a summer garden, restored buildings, handicrafts to buy.
Mikkelinpuisto. Summer garden by the lake, formed by several exhibitors.
Valokuvakeskus, Puistokatu 3. Photography exhibition and research centre.
- Visulahti. Water park, wax cabinet and camping.
- XON-puisto. Adjacent to Visulahti Travel Centre. Motor park, paintball and some extreme amenities like catapult and bungee jumping!
- Urpolan luontokeskus, Selännekatu 30. A nature conservation zone right next to the town centre, popular for small treks.
- Mikkelin Ravirata. Horse racing track known for its fastness. Many trotting world records have been set in Mikkeli. St Michel Race-weekend arranged in Mid-July is one of the biggest yearly trotting events in Finland and a popular travel destination of horse racing fans.
- Hiihtomäen lava, +358 45-276-4230. May–Sep F 20:00–00:30, Jun–Aug also Tu 20:00–00:30, senior dances W 12:00–16:00. Dance pavillon.
- Rent a canoe at WildCanoe, Operates from a base in Anttola, next to Mikkeli, +358 500 840 362. Rent a canoe and or take a guided canooing tour on the pristine Saimaa lake system.
Visulahti. Water park, wax cabinet and camping.
XON-puisto. Adjacent to Visulahti Travel Centre. Motor park, paintball and some extreme amenities like catapult and bungee jumping!
Urpolan luontokeskus, Selännekatu 30. A nature conservation zone right next to the town centre, popular for small treks.
Mikkelin Ravirata. Horse racing track known for its fastness. Many trotting world records have been set in Mikkeli. St Michel Race-weekend arranged in Mid-July is one of the biggest yearly trotting events in Finland and a popular travel destination of horse racing fans.
Hiihtomäen lava, +358 45-276-4230. May–Sep F 20:00–00:30, Jun–Aug also Tu 20:00–00:30, senior dances W 12:00–16:00. Dance pavillon.
Rent a canoe at WildCanoe, Operates from a base in Anttola, next to Mikkeli, +358 500 840 362. Rent a canoe and or take a guided canooing tour on the pristine [[Saimaa]] lake system.
- Stella. A Sokos department store with a large S-Market supermarket, smaller shops selling e.g. clothing, eating and services can be found right next to the market square. Also included to Stella is small market hall with small shops selling local food products.
- Akseli. Neighboring shopping centre to Stella. Clothing stores, some wellness services, couple of restaurants and cafes.
- Tori. The largest and one of the busiest marketplaces in Eastern Finland. Cafes, terraces, local produce, flea markets on weekends and especially on "Mikkelinpäivä" (Michaelmas, 29th of September).
- Raijan Aitta, Kipparintie 2, Majavesi (15 km south of Mikkeli, +358 15 416-440. Handmade linen and flax products, plus raspberries and strawberries in summer and cottage accommodation from €30/person. The surrounding countryside and nearby lake are beautiful, but you'll need your own wheels to get here.
Stella. A Sokos department store with a large S-Market supermarket, smaller shops selling e.g. clothing, eating and services can be found right next to the market square. Also included to Stella is small market hall with small shops selling local food products.
Akseli. Neighboring shopping centre to Stella. Clothing stores, some wellness services, couple of restaurants and cafes.
Tori. The largest and one of the busiest marketplaces in Eastern Finland. Cafes, terraces, local produce, flea markets on weekends and especially on "Mikkelinpäivä" (Michaelmas, 29th of September).
Raijan Aitta, Kipparintie 2, Majavesi (15 km south of Mikkeli, +358 15 416-440. Handmade linen and flax products, plus raspberries and strawberries in summer and cottage accommodation from €30/person. The surrounding countryside and nearby lake are beautiful, but you'll need your own wheels to get here.
Mikkeli has quite a few restaurants given to the city's relatively small size, although many of them are generic chain restaurants. Fast food is available in the form of kebabs and pizzas. McDonald's and Hesburger have two restaurants each in Mikkeli. Almost all kebab restaurants stay open until the closing time of night clubs, and are thus seen as the preferred late-night eating options.
Some noteworthy restaurants:
- Anfora Kebab & Pizzeria, Porrassalmenkatu 12, +358 15 222274. Popular pizzeria situated close to the centre and nightclubs. A favourite especially with students and the late-night crowd. Good service and affordable prices.
- Ravintola Fernando, Porrassalmenkatu 22. Family run, Tex-Mex-influenced restaurant. Good sized portions. Good option, if you're getting bored with the always ubiquitous chain eateries.
- Tertin Kartano, Kuopiontie 68. Nice manor restaurant serving excellent lunch. Outside of town centre.
- Vilee Puoti ja Bistro, Porrassalmenkatu 22. Good quality food made from local ingredients. Not cheap, but very tasty. Daily changing menu. Sometimes crowded, so booking a table might be a good idea. Open only on office hours and Saturdays.
Anfora Kebab & Pizzeria, Porrassalmenkatu 12, +358 15 222274. Popular pizzeria situated close to the centre and nightclubs. A favourite especially with students and the late-night crowd. Good service and affordable prices.
Ravintola Fernando, Porrassalmenkatu 22. Family run, Tex-Mex-influenced restaurant. Good sized portions. Good option, if you're getting bored with the always ubiquitous chain eateries.
Tertin Kartano, Kuopiontie 68. Nice manor restaurant serving excellent lunch. Outside of town centre.
Vilee Puoti ja Bistro, Porrassalmenkatu 22. Good quality food made from local ingredients. Not cheap, but very tasty. Daily changing menu. Sometimes crowded, so booking a table might be a good idea. Open only on office hours and Saturdays.
Mikkeli's nightlife is not perhaps one of the busiest in Finland, but has some nice pubs to visit. Surprisingly the live music scene is very active. Most of the bars are centered along Porrassalmenkatu, so exploring the night is very easy. In wintertime the city is quiet, but in summer many nice terraces open up troughout the centre.
- Keskus-Baari, Porrassalmenkatu 12. Nostalgic and small pub from 1960s. Very wide choice of music, cheap beer and welcoming atmosphere. In weekends very crowded. Local favourite for artists. Maybe the best Guinness pints of Mikkeli.
- Pub Päämaja, Raatihuoneenkatu 4. Nice and traditional pub serving beer brewed in Mikkeli. Sports on TV available. Nice pub burgers as well. Also popular place to eat lunch.
- Gastropub Eino, Raatihuoneenkatu 4. Tidy gastropub. Good selection of beers. Little bit pricey, but good pub food available.
- Parnell's, Mikonkatu 9. There is Irish-themed pub even in Mikkeli. Part of small chain. Offers nice environment.
- Pub Jälkipeli, Mikonkatu 5. Good pub with two sides: sports pub and rock bar. Sports on TV available. Good terraces on summer. Frequented by local football fans as the Urheilupuisto stadium is located next to the pub.
- Stoppari On The Rocks, Porrassalmenkatu 16. Stoppari is legendary name in Mikkeli. Legendary rock bar of past decades has returned to its roots. Rock themed night club playing all varieties of rock music "from rockabilly to black metal". Occasional gigs.
- Bar'n'Night Vaakuna, Porrassalmenkatu 9. Considered to be the classiest night club of Mikkeli with prices matching the status. Good place to find gigs. Open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
- Wilhelm Public House, Porrassalmenkatu 10. Pub-like night club. Sometimes very quiet, but still quite nice interior and good selection of beers. Live music quite often, mostly rock.
Keskus-Baari, Porrassalmenkatu 12. Nostalgic and small pub from 1960s. Very wide choice of music, cheap beer and welcoming atmosphere. In weekends very crowded. Local favourite for artists. Maybe the best Guinness pints of Mikkeli.
Pub Päämaja, Raatihuoneenkatu 4. Nice and traditional pub serving beer brewed in Mikkeli. Sports on TV available. Nice pub burgers as well. Also popular place to eat lunch.
Gastropub Eino, Raatihuoneenkatu 4. Tidy gastropub. Good selection of beers. Little bit pricey, but good pub food available.
Parnell's, Mikonkatu 9. There is Irish-themed pub even in Mikkeli. Part of small chain. Offers nice environment.
Pub Jälkipeli, Mikonkatu 5. Good pub with two sides: sports pub and rock bar. Sports on TV available. Good terraces on summer. Frequented by local football fans as the Urheilupuisto stadium is located next to the pub.
Stoppari On The Rocks, Porrassalmenkatu 16. Stoppari is legendary name in Mikkeli. Legendary rock bar of past decades has returned to its roots. Rock themed night club playing all varieties of rock music "from rockabilly to black metal". Occasional gigs.
Bar'n'Night Vaakuna, Porrassalmenkatu 9. Considered to be the classiest night club of Mikkeli with prices matching the status. Good place to find gigs. Open on Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays.
Wilhelm Public House, Porrassalmenkatu 10. Pub-like night club. Sometimes very quiet, but still quite nice interior and good selection of beers. Live music quite often, mostly rock.
- Jyväskylä
- Kouvola
- Kuopio
- Pieksämäki
- Savonlinna — 100 km away by car
- Astuvansalmi rock paintings near Ristiina — 40 km by car