

The tiny village of Montejaque (population around 800) is in the south-western Andalucia region of Spain. It is one of the 'white towns' (Spanish: pueblos blancos) of the Sierra la Grazalema national park, majestically nestled between two bluffs to the north and south.

The tiny, non-English speaking tourist information office is on the left hand side as you enter the village (opposite the Guardia Civil office) and can provide pamphlets (but little else) on accommodation and guided tours of the region.

BIrdwatchers, cavers, bikers and walkers will find plenty to do in Montejaque - and all are catered for by either local nature guides or companies organising cycle tours, cave adventures, etc. Most are English-speaking. For the more sedentary, you can just sit back with a sangria and soak up some authentic village atmosphere. You can also climb the southern bluff from a path behind the village for a spectacular view, although some bouldering experience may come in handy for this. There are a large number of well-marked walks from Montejaque through the national park, including a 9 km circular trek to nearby Benaojan.

There is a Unicaja bank (with an ATM that accepts foreign cards) along the main road into the village.

Most of Montejaque's half-dozen restaurants and bars (which also serve food and tapas) are clustered around the central square, although there are also a few scattered along the main road into town.

  • Bar Ticino is one such place in the square, offering good quality tapas from €0.80, bocadillos from €2.00, and the best cafe cortada in town.
  • Entre Ascuas at the hotel on the main plaza serves classier interpretations of traditional Spanish fare from €9–€17.
  • Restaurant La Casita, Calle Estrecha 3 (see Sleep for directions) is a family-run restaurant next to the La Casita villas. €14–€18.
  • El Patio also offers good, peasant-style fare and is just off the main road.

Bar Ticino is one such place in the square, offering good quality tapas from €0.80, bocadillos from €2.00, and the best cafe cortada in town.

El Patio also offers good, peasant-style fare and is just off the main road.

There is a daily bus service to Ronda, although you may want to drive or hike through other pubelos blancos nearby, including Grazalema and Benaojan.