

O'Neill is a city in North Central Nebraska.

O'Neill is the county seat of Holt County. This area is a geographical transition area from farming to the east to ranching to the west.

Things to see are the giant greenhouse located on the northern edge of O'Neill on Highway 281, the historic Golden Hotel on 4th & Douglas,the historical marker several miles east of O'Neill on Highway 20.

Visit the Holt County Historical Museum.

Most shopping is located in the two previously mentioned pedestrian areas of downtown and the east side. Downtown: Auto parts, banking(ATM's), grocery, barber/stylist, thrift shop, convenience stores. East Side: Auto parts, banking(ATM's), grocery, department stores, convenience store.

Downtown: Mexican (2), Chinese (1), American (1) East Side: Franchises including hamburgers (2), subs (1), pizza (2)

Barring an oil leak the regular tap water is some of best tasting water in the country. Most alcoholic drink establishments are located in the downtown area.

Valentine Nebraska to the west, Pickstown South Dakota to the north, Grand Island, Nebraska to the south, and Norfolk, Nebraska to the east.