Nanchang (南昌; Nánchāng) is the capital of Jiangxi Province and is the cultural, economic, and scientific center of Jiangxi. The city has deep ties to Chinese communist history, known as Heroes' City because it was here that the "first shots of the revolution were heard"; it's where the communist uprising of 1 August 1927 began. This is why "BaYi" (8-1; August 1st) is throughout the city, including the central square with its monument. That spirit lives on in the people, who are considered loud and perhaps even aggressive -- even by Chinese standards.
The city itself is largely split (both in geography, and in social class) by the Gan river (Ganjiang). Compare the old, cultural, and claustrophobic main city of Nanchang (east of the Gan River) with the new, shiny, almost cultureless city of Honggutan, to the west of the river (where many expats live). It is connected by a few bridges, the BaYi and Nanchang bridges being the most used. The BaYi Bridge joins the old city on the east bank of the river with the new city on the west. The bridge is 'honored' with the communist name "BaYi" (Mao's revolution) but at the same time having Deng Xiaoping's "black and white cats" of capitalistic-communism adorning the old bridge to the new, developed area of Honggutan. The city, like most Chinese cities, is dealing with the new wave of Chinese wealth, and old traditions are quickly eroding in favor of Maserati's and tall 5-star hotels along the river. Perhaps in few places in China is the divide between old customs and new wealth as apparent as in divided Nanchang.
For more information on Nanchang, and general access to the expat community, you should check out VeryNanchang.
- Bayi Monument, Bayi Guangchang (Located in the center of Bayi Square, on Bayi Avenue. This large monument with the flag of the People's Liberation Army at the top commemorates the Nanchang Uprising of August 1 (Bayi), 1927. On this date, the People's Liberation Army was founded. Free.
- YouMin Temple. This Buddhist temple is in wonderful condition and in active use.
- Pavilion of Prince Teng. One of the Four Great Towers of China and setting for the famous poem Téngwáng Gé Xùjì by Wang Bo during the Tang Dynasty. ¥50.
- River Edge Light Show. Every night from about 2100hrs - 2300hrs. Watch the buildings along the Gan at night for a spectacular light show that runs multiple times every night. Only possible by fiat authority in a place like China, the light-show is created by every sky-scraper along the Gan river being outfitted with L.E.D.s, and they are all centrally synchronized. Go check out the show from Honggutan Side at the Fountain (walk along the water south from BaYi bridge).
- The Star of Nanchang. Formerly the world's tallest ferris wheel (they still say it is), with a height of 160 meters.
- Sheng Jin Tower. Buddhist temple south of the downtown.
- Jiangxi Provincial Museum, 2 Xinzhou Road, Donghu District (东湖区新洲路2号) (Metro Line 1, Tengwang Pavilion Station, Exit 2, +86 791 86525780. 09:00-17:00, no entry after 16:00, closed on Mondays. Jiangxi's main museum. A new home for the museum is being constructed on Ganjiang Avenue North (赣江北大道). When the new museum is completed, the old museum site will become the Nanchang City Museum. Free.
Bayi Monument, Bayi Guangchang (Located in the center of Bayi Square, on Bayi Avenue. This large monument with the flag of the People's Liberation Army at the top commemorates the Nanchang Uprising of August 1 (Bayi), 1927. On this date, the People's Liberation Army was founded. Free.
YouMin Temple. This Buddhist temple is in wonderful condition and in active use.
Pavilion of Prince Teng. One of the Four Great Towers of China and setting for the famous poem Téngwáng Gé Xùjì by Wang Bo during the Tang Dynasty. ¥50.
River Edge Light Show. Every night from about 2100hrs - 2300hrs. Watch the buildings along the Gan at night for a spectacular light show that runs multiple times every night. Only possible by fiat authority in a place like China, the light-show is created by every sky-scraper along the Gan river being outfitted with L.E.D.s, and they are all centrally synchronized. Go check out the show from Honggutan Side at the Fountain (walk along the water south from BaYi bridge).
The Star of Nanchang. Formerly the world's tallest ferris wheel (they still say it is), with a height of 160 meters.
Sheng Jin Tower. Buddhist temple south of the downtown.
Jiangxi Provincial Museum, 2 Xinzhou Road, Donghu District (东湖区新洲路2号) (Metro Line 1, Tengwang Pavilion Station, Exit 2, +86 791 86525780. 09:00-17:00, no entry after 16:00, closed on Mondays. Jiangxi's main museum. A new home for the museum is being constructed on Ganjiang Avenue North (赣江北大道). When the new museum is completed, the old museum site will become the Nanchang City Museum. Free.
Walk along the west bank of the Gan river on a Saturday or Sunday and buy a cheap kite (Y10-30); join the hundreds of Chinese kite fliers. It's surprisingly fun.
Amusement Parks - As of 2016, there is now the Wanda Amusement Park in south Honggutan. There is also a smaller "fair" styled (but permanent) amusement park on the west bank of the Gan river (just south of the BaYi brige in Honggutan). Here you can ride some surprisingly decent (and terrifying) rides, or try the dangerously-fast bumper cars for an awesome thrill and potential spinal injuries. You can also buy a wide variety of food at the outdoor food market, including stinky tofu and all assortments of chicken and icecream.
Bike - Buy a bike for ¥300 at Beijing Lu, ca 200 meters off Ba Yi Square and discover the city on two wheels.
Hike and wander around the MeiLing mountains, west of the City. Consider checking out WanLi, a small town and gateway to fabulous hiking, biking, and other routes.
Rafting - At Meiling, there is a fantastic "white water rafting" course. It costs about 100RMB, but is well-worth the cost. To get to it, you need to take a taxi or private van up through WanLi and still up, along a winding road and around the side of a hill town. The rafting place is at the end of a small road up there (talk to a local Chinese, who can search baidu for you). The rafting place has about 20 two person inflatable rafts that bounce down the river (which has been artificially turned into a course with cemented rocks along the sides). None the less, when I went, we experienced class 2 and 3 rapids, and everyone had a lot of fun. You will likely not fall out of the rafts, but you will get soaked. PROTIP: Spend the extra 15 kuai and get the "water guns" from the small shop, there. They add a whole new level to a group rafting outing, and are a hell of a lot of fun. Overall, highly recommended experience. Cost: ~120RMB per person, plus transport to/from rafting place.
Paintball / Laser Tag / RealCS - All across China you can find "real CS" which, although they'll tell you is paintball, is usually laser tag. There's a laser tag place under the Star of Nanchang Ferris Wheel. Some people think that's fun.
- Baihuodalou.
- Zhongshan Road.
- Shengli Road.
Zhongshan Road.
Shengli Road.
Check out VeryNanchang for insider tips into the Nanchang nightlife. This is the online expat community for Nanchang.
MinDe Lu is the main bar street. Here you will find the bars most popular with the expat community, including Muse & C2 Clubs, Queen, and Helen's (nearby). There is also, apparently, a main walking street, with an upscale apartment complex, where there are 3-4 bars and a few clubs, all of which are hopping on the weekends. Another area is found around Fuzhou Road, there is VV club, and CD 1925. Honggutan (west of the Gan river) also has the second Bossa Nova Bar, very popular with Expats.
- Chicon, 61 Hubin Nan lu, 湖滨南路61号 (About 100 meters from New Century Kaimei Hotel, next to Unicup coffee.. Great place with an authentic European decor. This place feels like Europe. Great selection of fresh Belgian beers on tap as well as various bottled beers, whiskies and bourbons. Nice music and games : a professional grade table soccer and a pinball machine (probably the only one in Jiangxi province). They plan to have food in the near future.
- Vortex, Building 14, Jin Yu Ming Du Apartments, Hong Du Rd North (It's hidden on the side of the building., +86 15879197340. One of the most popular expat bars in Nanchang. Very small and crappy, though: literally just a galley bar with a few old booths and a pool table in the back.
- Bossa Nova Garden, 69 Feihong Lu, Honggutan (west of river) 南昌市红谷滩新区飞虹路69号(博泰江滨1号楼 (In Honggutan (west of Gan river), a few streets south of Bayi Bridge., +86 13576147334. Expat bar west of the river. Popular bar on Fridays and Saturdays, often with live music. As the name suggests, there is a drinking garden out front. Just watch out for the "falling" glass bottles from the apartment building above.
- Robot Head. Interesting bar/club with multiple floors and clubbing rooms.
- CD 1925, Fuzhou Road. Interesting bar that has four different rooms laid out like a labyrinth. If you are drunk it makes for a terribly confusing night.
- Bar Newz, 112-113 Heng Mao, Star-walk, DingGong Rd. A friendly western style bar serving all the usual beers and some imported beers and larger, cocktails by the dozen and real western bar snacks, the ones you are missing while your here in China. Open lunch time to late.
- JD´s Bar, Nan Hu Lu no.28 (Minde Lu, +86 7916760173. A German owned Bar.
- Jin Du Crow Hotel Brazilian BBQ Restaurant, Heng Chan Lu, 99, +86429999. Jin Du Crown Hotel Brazilian Restaurant, is located on hart of downtown. Buffet service and Brazilian BBQ, Brazilian Live Music for fair price.
- Bossa Nova Cafe, 5 Nan Hu lu - close to Min De lu (near by Ba Yi Park. Brazilian bar of downtown. Brazilian snacks, South American drinks, more than 10 beer brands, wines from Chile, Portugal, France, Italy and Spain. Brazilian fruits cocktails. Fair price and friendly service.
Chicon, 61 Hubin Nan lu, 湖滨南路61号 (About 100 meters from New Century Kaimei Hotel, next to Unicup coffee.. Great place with an authentic European decor. This place feels like Europe. Great selection of fresh Belgian beers on tap as well as various bottled beers, whiskies and bourbons. Nice music and games : a professional grade table soccer and a pinball machine (probably the only one in Jiangxi province). They plan to have food in the near future.
Vortex, Building 14, Jin Yu Ming Du Apartments, Hong Du Rd North (It's hidden on the side of the building., +86 15879197340. One of the most popular expat bars in Nanchang. Very small and crappy, though: literally just a galley bar with a few old booths and a pool table in the back.
Bossa Nova Garden, 69 Feihong Lu, Honggutan (west of river) 南昌市红谷滩新区飞虹路69号(博泰江滨1号楼 (In Honggutan (west of Gan river), a few streets south of Bayi Bridge., +86 13576147334. Expat bar west of the river. Popular bar on Fridays and Saturdays, often with live music. As the name suggests, there is a drinking garden out front. Just watch out for the "falling" glass bottles from the apartment building above.
Robot Head. Interesting bar/club with multiple floors and clubbing rooms.
CD 1925, Fuzhou Road. Interesting bar that has four different rooms laid out like a labyrinth. If you are drunk it makes for a terribly confusing night.
Bar Newz, 112-113 Heng Mao, Star-walk, DingGong Rd. A friendly western style bar serving all the usual beers and some imported beers and larger, cocktails by the dozen and real western bar snacks, the ones you are missing while your here in China. Open lunch time to late.
JD´s Bar, Nan Hu Lu no.28 (Minde Lu, +86 7916760173. A German owned Bar.
Jin Du Crow Hotel Brazilian BBQ Restaurant, Heng Chan Lu, 99, +86429999. Jin Du Crown Hotel Brazilian Restaurant, is located on hart of downtown. Buffet service and Brazilian BBQ, Brazilian Live Music for fair price.
Bossa Nova Cafe, 5 Nan Hu lu - close to Min De lu (near by Ba Yi Park. Brazilian bar of downtown. Brazilian snacks, South American drinks, more than 10 beer brands, wines from Chile, Portugal, France, Italy and Spain. Brazilian fruits cocktails. Fair price and friendly service.
The people of Nanchang are very loud. Westerners see them as yelling at one another, perhaps even aggressive. Generally, assume the person is just being friendly with you, not affronting. If things do get violent for some reason, note than there are stories floating around in China that Chinese will not fight fair (ie: swarming/group attacks, knives/weapons), in order to save face against a Westerner.
Pickpockets may be around, especially near Zhongshan Road area. They can steal things even from your shirt pocket! Never leave your belongings unattended in restaurants or shops, even if it is an upper-class one.
However, in general most of China (Nanchang being no real exception) is quite safe -- the worst most people may encounter is a taxi driver trying to rip you off.
Nanchang is a good place to start other trips in Jiangxi Province. It has good connections with Lushan, Jingangshan, Jingdezhen, Wuyuan etc.
Famed Lushan is about two and a half hour bus ride to the north or a 1hr High Speed Train ride at ¥40.