

Samarinda is the capital of East Kalimantan, on the eastern part of the island of Borneo, 60 km from the Makassar Strait.

  • Tourist Information Art Culture Service, Sudirman no 22, +62 542 736850.

Tourist Information Art Culture Service, Sudirman no 22, +62 542 736850.

  • Islamic Center Mosque, Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.1, Teluk Lerong Ulu. Inspired by the Hagia Sophia in Turkey and opened in 2008. A major attraction in the city.
  • Baka village weaving sarung. On the other side of the Mahakam River.

Islamic Center Mosque, Jl. Slamet Riyadi No.1, Teluk Lerong Ulu. Inspired by the Hagia Sophia in Turkey and opened in 2008. A major attraction in the city.

  • Mahakam River boat trips.
  • Pampang Cultural Village, Pampang (24 km from Samarinda. Su 2-4pm. Dayak tribe cultural show.
  • Karaoke.

Mahakam River boat trips.

Pampang Cultural Village, Pampang (24 km from Samarinda. Su 2-4pm. Dayak tribe cultural show.

BIGmall. Daily 10:00–22:00. A big modern mall, true to its name.

Citra Niaga. Daily. Street market.

Mesra Indah Mall.

Pasar Pagi.

Pasar Segiri. Market.

Buy traditional and other food in market, or amplang (fish crackers) in Surianata next to Islamic Centre.

  • Amplang Indah Sari, Jl. Slamet Riyadi No 18 RT 15, +62 852 5054 1965. Local food with delicious taste. Made from special ingredients and local fish.
  • Pisang Gapit, Jalan Muhammad Said (Jl. Moh. Said).
  • The Muster Station Cafe. Address is No 27 Jalan Pangeran Hidayatuuah. About a 5-minute walk from the Samarinda Central Plaza. Good wifi. Has a food menu.
  • Barbershop Cafe. Near the junction of Jalan Mulawarman and Nahkoda streets. There is a yellow sign pointing the way. About a 3-minute walk from the Samarinda Central Plaza. A small off the main street cafe with Western-style coffee choices, plus a simple menu and wifi.

Amplang Indah Sari, Jl. Slamet Riyadi No 18 RT 15, +62 852 5054 1965. Local food with delicious taste. Made from special ingredients and local fish.

Pisang Gapit, Jalan Muhammad Said (Jl. Moh. Said).

The Muster Station Cafe. Address is No 27 Jalan Pangeran Hidayatuuah. About a 5-minute walk from the Samarinda Central Plaza. Good wifi. Has a food menu.

Barbershop Cafe. Near the junction of Jalan Mulawarman and Nahkoda streets. There is a yellow sign pointing the way. About a 3-minute walk from the Samarinda Central Plaza. A small off the main street cafe with Western-style coffee choices, plus a simple menu and wifi.

flight to airport temindung by call start or susy air

by bus samarinda balikpapan and samarinda sengata berau

by private boath from samarinda to pare pare