

Old and New Petrozavodsk

Petrozavodsk (Петрозаво́дск) is the capital city of Karelia with a population just above 263,000.

On September 11, 1703, Prince Menshikov founded Petrovskaya Sloboda ("Petrine Settlement") at the behest of Tsar Peter the Great, who needed a new iron foundry to manufacture cannons and anchors for the Baltic Fleet at the time of the Great Northern War (1700–1721). At first the foundry used the name Shuysky zavod (literally, "factory at the Shuya River"), but a decade later it became Petrovsky zavod ("Petrine factory"), after the reigning monarch.

By 1717, Petrovskaya Sloboda had grown into the largest settlement in Karelia, with about 3,500 inhabitants, a timber fort, a covered market, and miniature palaces of the Tsar and Menshikov. The town's best-known landmark became the wooden church of Saints Peter and Paul, rebuilt in 1772 and renovated in 1789. The church retained its original iconostasis until it was destroyed by fire on October 30, 1924.

After Peter's death, Petrovskaya Sloboda became depopulated and the factory declined. It closed down in 1734, but revived in 1773 when Catherine the Great established a new iron foundry upstream the Lososinka River. Designed to provide cannons for the ongoing Russo-Turkish Wars, the foundry was named Alexandrovsky, after Alexander Nevsky, who was considered a patron saint of the region. During Catherine's municipal reform of 1777, Petrovskaya Sloboda was incorporated as a town, whereupon its name was changed to Petrozavodsk. A new Neoclassical city center was then built, focused on the newly planned Round Square. In 1784 Petrozavodsk was large enough to become Karelia's administrative center. The factory was modernized and expanded under supervision of Charles Gascoigne in 1787–96. Local pundits claim that the first railway in the world (чугунный колесопровод) was inaugurated for industrial uses of the Alexandrovsky foundry in 1788.

  • All the neoclassical architecture
  • The lake, the shore, and things nearby
  • Visit the main theater. The architecture is gorgeous and the square along with a nearby park offer great walking opportunities

  • Karelian National Theatre, pr. Karla Marksa, 19, +7 814 2782674. This theatre gives an authentic experience on the strong connections between Finnish and Karelian culture.
  • Go mushroom and berry picking. If you are visiting in the autumn, consider joining the locals as they head into the woods to pick delicious mushrooms and berries.
  • The market.. This large outdoor marketplace has many typical food and wares vendors. In the autumn this is a good place to get fresh mushrooms, berries, fruit and vegetables.
  • Go fishing. Find a friendly local guide and go fishing at one of thousands of nearby lakes with an overnight stay or without.
  • Dine out. Check out one of several local restaurants. Many trend foreign but some still serve local cuisine. Karelian dining often features fish cooked whole in its own soup.
  • Kivach Waterfalls. 10.7 m high waterfall cascade.
  • Visit the Martial Waters. This area houses several natural springs which are said to be very good for your health. There are also resorts nearby.
  • Visit Kizhi. A hydrofoil can take you to this gem in Lake Onega. While there, admire the architecture and the island.

Karelian National Theatre, pr. Karla Marksa, 19, +7 814 2782674. This theatre gives an authentic experience on the strong connections between Finnish and Karelian culture.

Go mushroom and berry picking. If you are visiting in the autumn, consider joining the locals as they head into the woods to pick delicious mushrooms and berries.

The market.. This large outdoor marketplace has many typical food and wares vendors. In the autumn this is a good place to get fresh mushrooms, berries, fruit and vegetables.

Go fishing. Find a friendly local guide and go fishing at one of thousands of nearby lakes with an overnight stay or without.

Dine out. Check out one of several local restaurants. Many trend foreign but some still serve local cuisine. Karelian dining often features fish cooked whole in its own soup.

Kivach Waterfalls. 10.7 m high waterfall cascade.

Visit the Martial Waters. This area houses several natural springs which are said to be very good for your health. There are also resorts nearby.

Visit Kizhi. A hydrofoil can take you to this gem in Lake Onega. While there, admire the architecture and the island.

  • Karelian wooden artworks. Karelian birch is of particular beauty and skilled artists add to its value as well. Avoid buying any antiques (especially of military character such as medals) that could be considered of cultural value by the Customs.
  • Photo books. They make great presents at home and can be a replacement for photos that might be hard to take such as Kizhi (if you don't happen to get out on the island).

Karelian wooden artworks. Karelian birch is of particular beauty and skilled artists add to its value as well. Avoid buying any antiques (especially of military character such as medals) that could be considered of cultural value by the Customs.

Photo books. They make great presents at home and can be a replacement for photos that might be hard to take such as Kizhi (if you don't happen to get out on the island).

  • Finland Finland, 25 Gogolya St., +7 (8142) 555-025, +7 8142 761-564, +7 8142 766-208 (common), +7 (921) 726-0874 (F 5PM to M 8.30AM only for Finnish citizens in case of emergency). Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri - 9-00 - 12-00 and 13-00 - 15-45; Wed 9-00 - 12-00.
  • Sweden Sweden, 25 Gogolya St.. Visa for locals, no other consular service provided.

Finland Finland, 25 Gogolya St., +7 (8142) 555-025, +7 8142 761-564, +7 8142 766-208 (common), +7 (921) 726-0874 (F 5PM to M 8.30AM only for Finnish citizens in case of emergency). Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri - 9-00 - 12-00 and 13-00 - 15-45; Wed 9-00 - 12-00.

Sweden Sweden, 25 Gogolya St.. Visa for locals, no other consular service provided.

A hydrofoil service takes travellers from Petrozavodsk to Kizhi.