

Poznań (German: Posen) is the largest city in Greater Poland, in the west of Poland, and one of the largest metropoles in the whole country. Situated roughly equidistantly between Warsaw and Berlin, it serves as a major economic hub, and a centre for industry and commerce. The Poznań International Trade Fair grounds host the most important trade fairs and exhibitions in Poland, making Poznań an important business destination, but the city has plenty of history and attractions to share besides that. Its relative compactness and easy access by road, rail and air make it a convenient tourist destination for visitors to Central Europe.

Poznań is a town steeped in history, as it was the first capital (with Gniezno) of Poland and seen by many as the birthplace of the Polish nation. Today it is a diverse and vibrant town, with many university students living here and much to divert the traveler. It has a stunningly rejuvenated central square, thriving night-life, fascinating museums and many attractions in the surrounding area. For train buffs, Poznań is the home of Europe's last surviving steam-hauled passenger service. With a strategic position on the Berlin – Moscow train line, Poznań will be for many their first experience of Poland.

Snow is common in winter, when night-time temperatures are typically below zero. In summer, temperatures may often reach 30°C (86°F), but averagely stay around 22°C (72°F). Annual rainfall is more than 500 mm (20 in), among the lowest in Poland. The rainiest month is July, mainly due to short but intense cloudbursts and thunderstorms.

  • Poznań Information Centre, +48 61 852 61 56. In summer season (and during most important events –international fair, conferences, etc.) open 09:00-21:00, in winter 10:00-19:00. The main tourist information center. Many free maps, leaflets about city and surroundings, souvenirs, books, albums, city-guide hire. You can contact them in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian.
  • More information (English, German, Polish) about the city, practical info (get in, get around, entrance fees) proposed tours, city-guide service :, mailto:poznan@visitpoznan.info
  • City-guide service, free help in preparing your stay in Poznań – in the Guides’ Club, mailto:poznan.guides@onet.eu

Poznań Information Centre, +48 61 852 61 56. In summer season (and during most important events –international fair, conferences, etc.) open 09:00-21:00, in winter 10:00-19:00. The main tourist information center. Many free maps, leaflets about city and surroundings, souvenirs, books, albums, city-guide hire. You can contact them in English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian.

In the city center, you will have no problem getting by with English, but outside of it English is quite limited. Even at the train station, you might find that you need to communicate with store vendors using body language (the international train office employees do all speak fluent English). If you need directions, try to ask young people who look like they might attend university. If you speak Russian, try talking to older people many of who still speak it at least basically. Despite Poznan's proximity to Germany, very few people speak any German, and if they do, it is often nothing more than a few words.

The old town square in Poznań Saint Francis of Assisi Church Mechanical goats on the town hall's clock

  • Stary Rynek. The old town square, one of the finest in Europe. This is the centre of old, medieval Poznań, and has been superbly rebuilt after severe destruction in World War II. Cafés and bars line the square and it is a superb spot for ordering a drink and watching the world go by.
  • Town Hall, Stary Rynek 1. M Tu F 10:00-16:00, W 12:00-18:00, and Su 10:00-15:00. The Town Hall is the centerpiece of the Rynek. It was built in the a Gothic style in the first years of the 14th century. It was later rebuilt in Renaissance style by Giovanni Battista di Quadro from Lugano. It is said to be the most beautiful non-church renaissance building north of the Alps. The building houses the Historical Museum of Poznań (built as the headquarters of municipal powers and the city court), displaying exhibitions about the history of the city since the 10th century. Two things to watch out for here are the ornately decorated Great Entrance Hall and the mechanical goats which appear from the roof of the building each day at noon to butt their heads together a dozen times. €1.50.
  • The City Church of St. Stanislaus and Our Lady. This church was reopened in 2007 after total refurbishment, one of the most beautiful baroque churches in Poland. It was built as a Jesuits' church; it is now the parish church for the Old Town. Many tourist come here for the sounds of its organs, built here in the 1870s by one of the most famous organ masters of that time: Friedrich Ladegast from Wesenfels (Germany). The organs can be heard during services (regular on Sundays and on weekdays: 03:00 or 04:00 and 13:00) and during organ concerts (each Saturday, 12:15, entrance free). Entrance €1.10 (2009).
  • The former Jesuits' College. It was an old Jesuits' school build by the monk in the same period, as the neighboring church, now houses the City Office - so it's possible to get in to see the interiors, but only halls and corridors. In the early 19th century it was the quarters for emperor Napoleon I during his march toward Moscow. Few years later - the concert place for Frédéric Chopin (his original instrument is still exhibited in Poznań in the Museum of Musical Instruments - see below). In front of the City Office is the monument of two goats - the symbol of the city.
  • King's Castle. The King's Castle (Zamek Królewski) - rebuilt by King Przemysł II in 1290s, but erected by his father, Duke Przemysł I as a duke's residence for Poznań county. The only remnants of the original building are the foundations, and - what tourists mostly look is the newer part of the building dated from the second half of 18th century. Now it houses the Museum of Applied Art and from the walls you can watch the panorama of the Old Town. Poznań King's Castle was the place of the Fist Prussian Homage in 1492 (however more famous is the second one presented on famous picture painted by Jan Matejko). The hill was also the place, where the arms of Polish first dynasty (Piasts) - the White Eagle - became the official national symbol.
  • The Franciscan Church. It is a rather typical church from the turn of 17th and 18th centuries​, but is really worth coming here at least for a few minutes for its beautiful paintings on the vaulting and wood carvings created by two ingenious monk - brothers Adam and Antony Swach from the Czech territories. More religious visitors come here for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Incessant Help - the Lady of Poznań (the picture in left side-aisle). The undergrounds of the church house two Models of Old Poznan.
  • The Gorka Palace. The Gorkas were a famous late-medieval noble family in Poznań and erected their palace in mid 15th century, later rebuilt in 16th century in Renaissance style (a marvelous portal from the eastern side). The palace houses the Archeological Museum (see below).
  • The Holy Blood of Lord Jesus Church. The church's erection is connected with a legend about desecration of the host done by a group of Jews. During services the priest stands backward to the people, and the church is used both by Roman Catholics and Greek Catholics (service each Sunday at noon in Ukrainian).
  • Środka district. Located a few minutes from the Cathedral Island, it was a merchants' and craftmen's district working for the duke or king court in first half of 13th century, as the Cathedral Island had become overpopulated. The name come from the Polish name "Środa" (Wednesday), as weekly markets took place on Wednesdays. You can get from the Cathedral Island to Środka district using a pedestrians and cyclists' bridge, bearing the name of bishop Jordan (968-982), who was the first bishop of Poznań and Poland.
  • Just behind Środka a recreational area at the banks of Malta Lake start. They are 3 km away from the centre and include: an artificial skiing slope, an all-year-round tobogan slide, bike rental, zoo (the biggest one in Poland), walking and jogging areas, a rollerskating track (5½ km). The zoo is linked with the Środka district by narrow-gauge line, working from spring till autumn on workdays every hour, on weekends - every 30 minutes. Details: (Polish only). Tickets ~€1.5, for kids €1, family tickets €4.
  • St. Margaret Church, ul. Filipińska. A late-Romanesque church (with some Gothic features) in the middle of Środka Market Square, nowadays a side-church for the cathedral parish. It is hard to get inside, unless you come approx. a quarter before or after services.
  • Church of St. John of Jerusalem, Świętojańska 1. The first building on Polish territories built with bricks (before only wooden or stone building were erected) around the year 1188. The church was erected for the Johnnites order, who were running a hospital for the poor people nearby. The entrance is free, but as well limited to moments before or after services. This is also the only place in the city, where holy masses for dead people take place.
  • Imperial Castle, Św. Marcin 80/82, +48 61 6465272. Erected 1905-1910 by Franz Schwechten, the Berlin court architect of German emperor Wilhelm II. The huge neo-Romanesque building, which alludes to medieval constructions, was officially opened by the Emperor. It was the seat of Polish President in the inter-war period and Hitler's residence during World War II, when it was remodeled under the Albrecht Speer. The dominating element of the building is the Tower, originally 74-m high, after World War II was lowered (due to the damage in the lat period of the war) by about 20 m. In the Rose Courtyard (opposite site to the main entrance) one can find a fountain modeled on the 13th century lions fountain in Allhambra (Spain). The castle houses the Castle Culture Centre, the Animation Theatre and many other institutions. It's also a place of many exhibitions, meetings, concerts and festivals.
  • Citadel Park, Wzgórze Cytadela. A fortress was built here by the Prussians in 1828; it was destroyed during fighting in 1945. It contains a cemetery for the Russian, Polish and British soldiers who lost their lives here.
  • The system of forts surrounding Poznań in 19th century, all located nearby former round-road, just few km from the nowadays centre. Most of them are in poor technical state and are used for many (not really historical) purposes. Anyway it is worth going to Fort VII (Polska str., accessible from the centre by trams #2, #17 and #18 to the final Ogrody stop, from the a short walk), where the Museum of Martyrology is located. The sightseeing of some forts on your own can be simply dangerous!
  • Stary Marych, ul. Półwiejska. A very unusual monument os. Stary Marych, at the very beginning of Półwiejska Str. (a shopping pedestrian zone), which is probably the only monument in the world of a man walking with a bike (all other cyclers ride). The Monumemo is dedicated to Stary Marych (Old Marych), a fictitious person, who features in local newspapers or in local radio stations (from 1983), and all his speeches about the actual problems are written (and read) in local Poznań dialect. It’s also the only monument of local dialect in Poland.
  • Morasko Meteorite Nature Reserve. The nature reservation "The Morasko Meteorite” – one of only two places like that in Europe (the second one is in Estonia) – a system of 7 craters left after a meteorite fall several thousands years ago. The name ‘Morasko’ comes from the suburban district placed approx. 1 km away.


  • Ostrów Tumski. Ostrów Tumski; famous as the spot on which Poznań was founded, is a quiet island, with a permanent population consisting mostly of bishops, priests and monks. It was supposedly here that the town was founded, after three brothers Rus, Lech and Czech met here after not seeing each other for years (poznać being Polish for 'to meet'). It is also the spot where Poland adopted Christian baptism in 966 and where the first church (still existing Poznań Cathedral) of polish territories was built (968).
    The island is accessible from the centre or Old Town by trams 4, 8 and 17 and bus 63 (other lines, not really useful for tourist are 67 and 83). The cathedral is open for visitors every day from 08:00 to 16:00-19:00 (depending on the day), but is closed for sightseeing during services (esp. Sundays). Admission €0.70.
  • St. Peter's and Paul's Cathedral, Ostrów Tumski 17, Poznań. St. Peter's and Paul's Cathedral - the first Polish cathedral and the only one between years 968 and 1000. Burial place of 8 Polish dukes and kings from the Piast dynasty - original graves from 10th and 11th centuries of Mesko I and his son Boleslaus the Brave preserced in the cellar; as well as the baptism bowl - a probable baptism place of Duke Mesko I. In the cathedral pay attention to the chain of chapels around the main aisle, not touched by bombings in 1945 - the most precious ones are: the Golden Chapel (which a present memorial place of Mesko I and Boleslaus the Brave - in the sarcophagus on the right-hand side) and the Holy Cross Chapel.
  • The Our Lady Church. Our Lady Church was built in late Gothic style (approx. 1430), not very significant for its present shape and values, but important for its role in the 10th century, when in the place the duke's palace and a small chapel were built. The chapel was probably erected one year before the official baptism of Poland. The interior (due to archaeological excavations) is closed for visitors.
  • The Archbishop's Palace. The palace was built at the same time as the cathedral, but its present shape comes from the 2nd half of 18th cent. It is closed to visitors.
  • The Bishop Lubrański University. This is the second oldest high school in Poland, founded by bishop John Lubrański in 1518. At the present - the Archdiocesan Museum.
  • Psalter House. It was erected in the beginnings of 16th century​ (by Bishop Lubrański) as a rehearsal-place for psalter singers. They were due to sing the David's Psalms in the Cathedral the whole day round. It is now used by Christian associations.
  • Canonries. These are mostly from 18th and 19th centuries​, built for noble priest working for the Poznań Cathedral and Archbishop.

Ostrów Tumski. Ostrów Tumski; famous as the spot on which Poznań was founded, is a quiet island, with a permanent population consisting mostly of bishops, priests and monks. It was supposedly here that the town was founded, after three brothers Rus, Lech and Czech met here after not seeing each other for years (poznać being Polish for 'to meet'). It is also the spot where Poland adopted Christian baptism in 966 and where the first church (still existing Poznań Cathedral) of polish territories was built (968).
The island is accessible from the centre or Old Town by trams 4, 8 and 17 and bus 63 (other lines, not really useful for tourist are 67 and 83). The cathedral is open for visitors every day from 08:00 to 16:00-19:00 (depending on the day), but is closed for sightseeing during services (esp. Sundays). Admission €0.70.

St. Peter's and Paul's Cathedral, Ostrów Tumski 17, Poznań. St. Peter's and Paul's Cathedral - the first Polish cathedral and the only one between years 968 and 1000. Burial place of 8 Polish dukes and kings from the Piast dynasty - original graves from 10th and 11th centuries of Mesko I and his son Boleslaus the Brave preserced in the cellar; as well as the baptism bowl - a probable baptism place of Duke Mesko I. In the cathedral pay attention to the chain of chapels around the main aisle, not touched by bombings in 1945 - the most precious ones are: the Golden Chapel (which a present memorial place of Mesko I and Boleslaus the Brave - in the sarcophagus on the right-hand side) and the Holy Cross Chapel.

The Our Lady Church. Our Lady Church was built in late Gothic style (approx. 1430), not very significant for its present shape and values, but important for its role in the 10th century, when in the place the duke's palace and a small chapel were built. The chapel was probably erected one year before the official baptism of Poland. The interior (due to archaeological excavations) is closed for visitors.

The Archbishop's Palace. The palace was built at the same time as the cathedral, but its present shape comes from the 2nd half of 18th cent. It is closed to visitors.

The Bishop Lubrański University. This is the second oldest high school in Poland, founded by bishop John Lubrański in 1518. At the present - the Archdiocesan Museum.

Psalter House. It was erected in the beginnings of 16th century​ (by Bishop Lubrański) as a rehearsal-place for psalter singers. They were due to sing the David's Psalms in the Cathedral the whole day round. It is now used by Christian associations.

Canonries. These are mostly from 18th and 19th centuries​, built for noble priest working for the Poznań Cathedral and Archbishop.

The late 19th-century pipe organ of the Poznań Collegiate Church

  • Archbishopric Museum, Ul. Lubrańskiego 1, +48 61 852 61 95. Placed in the former Lubrański Academy - the second oldest (after Kraków) higher school in Poland. The exhibition shows church art, mostly from the Greater-Poland region, from early Middle Ages to present times, coffin portraits and a Treasury. Some interesting exhibits: baptism clothes of the Polish King Jan III Sobieski and a sword (given to the first Poznań bishop Jordan by the Pope Urban IX), used - according to the tradition - by St. Peter to cut off the ear of a Roman soldier shortly after Christ's death.
  • Archaeological Museum, Ul. Wodna 27, +48 61 852 8251. Tu-F 10:00-16:00; Sa 10:00-19:00; Su 12:00-17:00. With 42,432 artifacts, this is a large and fascinating museum. It specializes in the archeology of Wielkopolska and Egypt. Admission: 8 zł (free Saturdays), English guide 70 zł.
  • Brama Poznania ICHOT, ul. Gdańska 2. Tu-F 09:00-18:00, Sa Su 10:00-19:00, M closed. History of Cathedral Island, and the establishment of Poznań. Audioguide and interactive exhibits throughout the tour, and a nice rooftop view. 18 zł, 12 zł reduced.
  • Literary Museum of Henryk Sienkiewicz, Stary Rynek 84, +48 61 852 2496. M-F 10:00-17:00. Sienkiewicz, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, is best known for his work Quo Vadis?, an epic on early Christians in the Roman empire. He is Poland's most celebrated novelist, and this is the most extensive collection of items about his life and works.
  • Motoring Museum, Rondo Kaponiera (entrance in the Kaponiera roundabout underground walkway, +48 61 847 6359. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00; Su 10:00-15:00. Run by the Wielkopolska Motoring Club, features a range of vintage and notable vehicles. admission €0.90.
  • The Museum of Poznań Uprising 1956, Ul. Św. Marcin 80/82. M-Sa 10:00-16:00 (until 17:00 from Mar-Oct); Su 10:00-16:00 year-round. Placed in the interiors of Emperor's Castle shows exhibits connected with the Poznań workers' protest against the communist system in June 1956. On the exhibition there are photos of attendants and their personal belongings, and historical sources about the anticommunist opposition between 1945-1989. An interesting thing is a reconstructed tram, used by Protestants as a barricade. admission 4 zł, reduced 2 zł (free Saturdays). 8 zł, 4 zł reduced, free on Tu.
  • National Museum in Poznań. Has several branches throughout in the city:
    • Painting and Sculpture Gallery, al. Marcinkowskiego 9, +48 61 856 8000. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00 (11:00-17:00, 16 June-15 Sep); F 12:00-21:00; Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. This museum has a prominent collection of Italian, Spanish and Polish art. Many paintings have accompanying explanations in English. 12 zł adult, 8 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old, free admission on Tu.
    • Museum of the History of Poznan, Stary Rynek 1, +48 61 852 53 16. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00, F 12:00-21:00, Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. In beautiful and original (not damaged during World War II) interiors of Poznań Town Hall, shows objects and documents from the whole city history since the 10th century. 7 zł adult, 4 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old.
    • Museum of Musical Instruments, Stary Rynek 45-47, +48 61 852 08 57. Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 11:00-15:00. With 2000 items from all over the world, this is the only exhibition of its kind in Poland. It also has an extensive collection of Chopin memorabilia. 7 zł.
    • Museum of Applied Arts, Góra Przemysła 1, +48 61 852 20 35. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00, Su 10:00-15:00. Displays crafts, furniture, precious metals and glassware. 7 zł, free Saturdays.
  • Dalineum, Poznań-Stare miasto - "Old Town", 24 Wielka str., Poznań, 61-775, Poland (50 meters from Poznan's Town Hall, +48570625825. 10:00-20:00. Art Works: Composed of exhibits from private collection of original works made by Salvador Dali: lithographs, ceramics, works in bronze, silver, gold. The aim of the exhibition is to help the public to see and understand how Dali materializes his views thanks to his special artistic language in the form of images, which often take an intangible aspect, but clearly are felt by spectator. The exhibition highlights the major key aspects of work of the greatest artist of our time - Salvador Dali. To understand Dali, it should put the fundamental principle that he was an intellectual artist. His painting is it primarily to illustrate his theories and ideas. It was important for him to not represent what we see but what we feel, think, probably without realizing it.
    Design Works: The exhibited works demonstrate Dali’s creative side, which are unknown to a wide audience, but nonetheless which are essential for the understanding of his art, fantastic world and artistic techniques used by Dali to implement it in a variety of forms and genres. On this point particularly interesting are his designs. The exhibition demonstrates the fruits of Dali’s big efforts in realization of the unique metamorphosis - transformation of the provincial town of Figueres in one of the centers of world’s culture. It is his design works for the promotion of Figueres and various activities conducted there and in the Dali’s Museum. The exhibition also shows the interest of Dali to perfume and music - the works inspired by the flavors and sounds. In general, the exhibition as much as possible approaches Dali to the viewer and shows undiscovered facets of his genius, what makes acquaintance with him interesting not only for professionals, but also for people just starting to study art.
    Medals: Biggest collection in the world of amazing original medals created by Salvador Dali. Variety of themes represented on them, separately, or into a beautiful series, will not leave you indifferent to the genial talent of Salvador Dali! Different work of metallic art imagery depicting Dali’s personal interpretation of different themes. The medals are minted in very limited quantity and are a stunning artistic collection, both unique and valuable. 20 zł / 15 zł.

Archbishopric Museum, Ul. Lubrańskiego 1, +48 61 852 61 95. Placed in the former Lubrański Academy - the second oldest (after [[Kraków]]) higher school in Poland. The exhibition shows church art, mostly from the Greater-Poland region, from early Middle Ages to present times, coffin portraits and a Treasury. Some interesting exhibits: baptism clothes of the Polish King Jan III Sobieski and a sword (given to the first Poznań bishop Jordan by the Pope Urban IX), used - according to the tradition - by St. Peter to cut off the ear of a Roman soldier shortly after Christ's death.

Archaeological Museum, Ul. Wodna 27, +48 61 852 8251. Tu-F 10:00-16:00; Sa 10:00-19:00; Su 12:00-17:00. With 42,432 artifacts, this is a large and fascinating museum. It specializes in the archeology of Wielkopolska and [[Egypt]]. Admission: 8 zł (free Saturdays), English guide 70 zł.

Brama Poznania ICHOT, ul. Gdańska 2. Tu-F 09:00-18:00, Sa Su 10:00-19:00, M closed. History of Cathedral Island, and the establishment of Poznań. Audioguide and interactive exhibits throughout the tour, and a nice rooftop view. 18 zł, 12 zł reduced.

Literary Museum of Henryk Sienkiewicz, Stary Rynek 84, +48 61 852 2496. M-F 10:00-17:00. Sienkiewicz, who won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1905, is best known for his work Quo Vadis?, an epic on early Christians in the Roman empire. He is Poland's most celebrated novelist, and this is the most extensive collection of items about his life and works.

Motoring Museum, Rondo Kaponiera (entrance in the Kaponiera roundabout underground walkway, +48 61 847 6359. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00; Su 10:00-15:00. Run by the Wielkopolska Motoring Club, features a range of vintage and notable vehicles. admission €0.90.

The Museum of Poznań Uprising 1956, Ul. Św. Marcin 80/82. M-Sa 10:00-16:00 (until 17:00 from Mar-Oct); Su 10:00-16:00 year-round. Placed in the interiors of Emperor's Castle shows exhibits connected with the Poznań workers' protest against the communist system in June 1956. On the exhibition there are photos of attendants and their personal belongings, and historical sources about the anticommunist opposition between 1945-1989. An interesting thing is a reconstructed tram, used by Protestants as a barricade. admission 4 zł, reduced 2 zł (free Saturdays). 8 zł, 4 zł reduced, free on Tu.

National Museum in Poznań. Has several branches throughout in the city:

  • Painting and Sculpture Gallery, al. Marcinkowskiego 9, +48 61 856 8000. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00 (11:00-17:00, 16 June-15 Sep); F 12:00-21:00; Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. This museum has a prominent collection of Italian, Spanish and Polish art. Many paintings have accompanying explanations in English. 12 zł adult, 8 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old, free admission on Tu.
  • Museum of the History of Poznan, Stary Rynek 1, +48 61 852 53 16. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00, F 12:00-21:00, Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. In beautiful and original (not damaged during World War II) interiors of Poznań Town Hall, shows objects and documents from the whole city history since the 10th century. 7 zł adult, 4 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old.
  • Museum of Musical Instruments, Stary Rynek 45-47, +48 61 852 08 57. Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 11:00-15:00. With 2000 items from all over the world, this is the only exhibition of its kind in Poland. It also has an extensive collection of Chopin memorabilia. 7 zł.
  • Museum of Applied Arts, Góra Przemysła 1, +48 61 852 20 35. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00, Su 10:00-15:00. Displays crafts, furniture, precious metals and glassware. 7 zł, free Saturdays.

National Museum in Poznań. Has several branches throughout in the city:

  • Painting and Sculpture Gallery, al. Marcinkowskiego 9, +48 61 856 8000. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00 (11:00-17:00, 16 June-15 Sep); F 12:00-21:00; Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. This museum has a prominent collection of Italian, Spanish and Polish art. Many paintings have accompanying explanations in English. 12 zł adult, 8 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old, free admission on Tu.
  • Museum of the History of Poznan, Stary Rynek 1, +48 61 852 53 16. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00, F 12:00-21:00, Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. In beautiful and original (not damaged during World War II) interiors of Poznań Town Hall, shows objects and documents from the whole city history since the 10th century. 7 zł adult, 4 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old.
  • Museum of Musical Instruments, Stary Rynek 45-47, +48 61 852 08 57. Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 11:00-15:00. With 2000 items from all over the world, this is the only exhibition of its kind in Poland. It also has an extensive collection of Chopin memorabilia. 7 zł.
  • Museum of Applied Arts, Góra Przemysła 1, +48 61 852 20 35. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00, Su 10:00-15:00. Displays crafts, furniture, precious metals and glassware. 7 zł, free Saturdays.

National Museum in Poznań. Has several branches throughout in the city:

  • Painting and Sculpture Gallery, al. Marcinkowskiego 9, +48 61 856 8000. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00 (11:00-17:00, 16 June-15 Sep); F 12:00-21:00; Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. This museum has a prominent collection of Italian, Spanish and Polish art. Many paintings have accompanying explanations in English. 12 zł adult, 8 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old, free admission on Tu.
  • Museum of the History of Poznan, Stary Rynek 1, +48 61 852 53 16. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00, F 12:00-21:00, Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. In beautiful and original (not damaged during World War II) interiors of Poznań Town Hall, shows objects and documents from the whole city history since the 10th century. 7 zł adult, 4 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old.
  • Museum of Musical Instruments, Stary Rynek 45-47, +48 61 852 08 57. Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 11:00-15:00. With 2000 items from all over the world, this is the only exhibition of its kind in Poland. It also has an extensive collection of Chopin memorabilia. 7 zł.
  • Museum of Applied Arts, Góra Przemysła 1, +48 61 852 20 35. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00, Su 10:00-15:00. Displays crafts, furniture, precious metals and glassware. 7 zł, free Saturdays.

National Museum in Poznań. Has several branches throughout in the city:

  • Painting and Sculpture Gallery, al. Marcinkowskiego 9, +48 61 856 8000. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00 (11:00-17:00, 16 June-15 Sep); F 12:00-21:00; Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. This museum has a prominent collection of Italian, Spanish and Polish art. Many paintings have accompanying explanations in English. 12 zł adult, 8 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old, free admission on Tu.
  • Museum of the History of Poznan, Stary Rynek 1, +48 61 852 53 16. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00, F 12:00-21:00, Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. In beautiful and original (not damaged during World War II) interiors of Poznań Town Hall, shows objects and documents from the whole city history since the 10th century. 7 zł adult, 4 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old.
  • Museum of Musical Instruments, Stary Rynek 45-47, +48 61 852 08 57. Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 11:00-15:00. With 2000 items from all over the world, this is the only exhibition of its kind in Poland. It also has an extensive collection of Chopin memorabilia. 7 zł.
  • Museum of Applied Arts, Góra Przemysła 1, +48 61 852 20 35. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00, Su 10:00-15:00. Displays crafts, furniture, precious metals and glassware. 7 zł, free Saturdays.

National Museum in Poznań. Has several branches throughout in the city:

  • Painting and Sculpture Gallery, al. Marcinkowskiego 9, +48 61 856 8000. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00 (11:00-17:00, 16 June-15 Sep); F 12:00-21:00; Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. This museum has a prominent collection of Italian, Spanish and Polish art. Many paintings have accompanying explanations in English. 12 zł adult, 8 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old, free admission on Tu.
  • Museum of the History of Poznan, Stary Rynek 1, +48 61 852 53 16. Tu-Th 09:00-15:00, F 12:00-21:00, Sa-Su 11:00-18:00. In beautiful and original (not damaged during World War II) interiors of Poznań Town Hall, shows objects and documents from the whole city history since the 10th century. 7 zł adult, 4 zł reduced, 1 zł schoolchildren and students from 7 up to 26 years old.
  • Museum of Musical Instruments, Stary Rynek 45-47, +48 61 852 08 57. Tu-Sa 11:00-17:00, Su 11:00-15:00. With 2000 items from all over the world, this is the only exhibition of its kind in Poland. It also has an extensive collection of Chopin memorabilia. 7 zł.
  • Museum of Applied Arts, Góra Przemysła 1, +48 61 852 20 35. Tu W F Sa 10:00-16:00, Su 10:00-15:00. Displays crafts, furniture, precious metals and glassware. 7 zł, free Saturdays.

Dalineum, Poznań-Stare miasto - "Old Town", 24 Wielka str., Poznań, 61-775, Poland (50 meters from Poznan's Town Hall, +48570625825. 10:00-20:00. Art Works: Composed of exhibits from private collection of original works made by Salvador Dali: lithographs, ceramics, works in bronze, silver, gold. The aim of the exhibition is to help the public to see and understand how Dali materializes his views thanks to his special artistic language in the form of images, which often take an intangible aspect, but clearly are felt by spectator. The exhibition highlights the major key aspects of work of the greatest artist of our time - Salvador Dali. To understand Dali, it should put the fundamental principle that he was an intellectual artist. His painting is it primarily to illustrate his theories and ideas. It was important for him to not represent what we see but what we feel, think, probably without realizing it.
Design Works: The exhibited works demonstrate Dali’s creative side, which are unknown to a wide audience, but nonetheless which are essential for the understanding of his art, fantastic world and artistic techniques used by Dali to implement it in a variety of forms and genres. On this point particularly interesting are his designs. The exhibition demonstrates the fruits of Dali’s big efforts in realization of the unique metamorphosis - transformation of the provincial town of Figueres in one of the centers of world’s culture. It is his design works for the promotion of Figueres and various activities conducted there and in the Dali’s Museum. The exhibition also shows the interest of Dali to perfume and music - the works inspired by the flavors and sounds. In general, the exhibition as much as possible approaches Dali to the viewer and shows undiscovered facets of his genius, what makes acquaintance with him interesting not only for professionals, but also for people just starting to study art.
Medals: Biggest collection in the world of amazing original medals created by Salvador Dali. Variety of themes represented on them, separately, or into a beautiful series, will not leave you indifferent to the genial talent of Salvador Dali! Different work of metallic art imagery depicting Dali’s personal interpretation of different themes. The medals are minted in very limited quantity and are a stunning artistic collection, both unique and valuable. 20 zł / 15 zł.

  • Most of these attractions can be found on The Royal-Imperial Route in Poznań. This is a tour for tourist who would like to get to know better the history and culture of Poznań.

Stary Rynek. The old town square, one of the finest in Europe. This is the centre of old, medieval Poznań, and has been superbly rebuilt after severe destruction in World War II. Cafés and bars line the square and it is a superb spot for ordering a drink and watching the world go by.

Town Hall, Stary Rynek 1. M Tu F 10:00-16:00, W 12:00-18:00, and Su 10:00-15:00. The Town Hall is the centerpiece of the Rynek. It was built in the a Gothic style in the first years of the 14th century. It was later rebuilt in Renaissance style by Giovanni Battista di Quadro from Lugano. It is said to be the most beautiful non-church renaissance building north of the Alps. The building houses the Historical Museum of Poznań (built as the headquarters of municipal powers and the city court), displaying exhibitions about the history of the city since the 10th century. Two things to watch out for here are the ornately decorated Great Entrance Hall and the mechanical goats which appear from the roof of the building each day at noon to butt their heads together a dozen times. €1.50.

The City Church of St. Stanislaus and Our Lady. This church was reopened in 2007 after total refurbishment, one of the most beautiful baroque churches in Poland. It was built as a Jesuits' church; it is now the parish church for the Old Town. Many tourist come here for the sounds of its organs, built here in the 1870s by one of the most famous organ masters of that time: Friedrich Ladegast from Wesenfels (Germany). The organs can be heard during services (regular on Sundays and on weekdays: 03:00 or 04:00 and 13:00) and during organ concerts (each Saturday, 12:15, entrance free). Entrance €1.10 (2009).

The former Jesuits' College. It was an old Jesuits' school build by the monk in the same period, as the neighboring church, now houses the City Office - so it's possible to get in to see the interiors, but only halls and corridors. In the early 19th century it was the quarters for emperor Napoleon I during his march toward Moscow. Few years later - the concert place for Frédéric Chopin (his original instrument is still exhibited in Poznań in the Museum of Musical Instruments - see below). In front of the City Office is the monument of two goats - the symbol of the city.

King's Castle. The King's Castle (Zamek Królewski) - rebuilt by King Przemysł II in 1290s, but erected by his father, Duke Przemysł I as a duke's residence for Poznań county. The only remnants of the original building are the foundations, and - what tourists mostly look is the newer part of the building dated from the second half of 18th century. Now it houses the Museum of Applied Art and from the walls you can watch the panorama of the Old Town. Poznań King's Castle was the place of the Fist Prussian Homage in 1492 (however more famous is the second one presented on famous picture painted by Jan Matejko). The hill was also the place, where the arms of Polish first dynasty (Piasts) - the White Eagle - became the official national symbol.

The Franciscan Church. It is a rather typical church from the turn of 17th and 18th centuries​, but is really worth coming here at least for a few minutes for its beautiful paintings on the vaulting and wood carvings created by two ingenious monk - brothers Adam and Antony Swach from the Czech territories. More religious visitors come here for the Sanctuary of Our Lady of Incessant Help - the Lady of Poznań (the picture in left side-aisle). The undergrounds of the church house two Models of Old Poznan.

The Gorka Palace. The Gorkas were a famous late-medieval noble family in Poznań and erected their palace in mid 15th century, later rebuilt in 16th century in Renaissance style (a marvelous portal from the eastern side). The palace houses the Archeological Museum (see below).

The Holy Blood of Lord Jesus Church. The church's erection is connected with a legend about desecration of the host done by a group of Jews. During services the priest stands backward to the people, and the church is used both by Roman Catholics and Greek Catholics (service each Sunday at noon in Ukrainian).

Środka district. Located a few minutes from the Cathedral Island, it was a merchants' and craftmen's district working for the duke or king court in first half of 13th century, as the Cathedral Island had become overpopulated. The name come from the Polish name "Środa" (Wednesday), as weekly markets took place on Wednesdays. You can get from the Cathedral Island to Środka district using a pedestrians and cyclists' bridge, bearing the name of bishop Jordan (968-982), who was the first bishop of Poznań and Poland.

St. Margaret Church, ul. Filipińska. A late-Romanesque church (with some Gothic features) in the middle of Środka Market Square, nowadays a side-church for the cathedral parish. It is hard to get inside, unless you come approx. a quarter before or after services.

Church of St. John of Jerusalem, Świętojańska 1. The first building on Polish territories built with bricks (before only wooden or stone building were erected) around the year 1188. The church was erected for the Johnnites order, who were running a hospital for the poor people nearby. The entrance is free, but as well limited to moments before or after services. This is also the only place in the city, where holy masses for dead people take place.

Imperial Castle, Św. Marcin 80/82, +48 61 6465272. Erected 1905-1910 by Franz Schwechten, the Berlin court architect of German emperor Wilhelm II. The huge neo-Romanesque building, which alludes to medieval constructions, was officially opened by the Emperor. It was the seat of Polish President in the inter-war period and Hitler's residence during World War II, when it was remodeled under the Albrecht Speer. The dominating element of the building is the Tower, originally 74-m high, after World War II was lowered (due to the damage in the lat period of the war) by about 20 m. In the Rose Courtyard (opposite site to the main entrance) one can find a fountain modeled on the 13th century lions fountain in Allhambra (Spain). The castle houses the Castle Culture Centre, the Animation Theatre and many other institutions. It's also a place of many exhibitions, meetings, concerts and festivals.

Citadel Park, Wzgórze Cytadela. A fortress was built here by the Prussians in 1828; it was destroyed during fighting in 1945. It contains a cemetery for the Russian, Polish and British soldiers who lost their lives here.

Stary Marych, ul. Półwiejska. A very unusual monument os. Stary Marych, at the very beginning of Półwiejska Str. (a shopping pedestrian zone), which is probably the only monument in the world of a man walking with a bike (all other cyclers ride). The Monumemo is dedicated to Stary Marych (Old Marych), a fictitious person, who features in local newspapers or in local radio stations (from 1983), and all his speeches about the actual problems are written (and read) in local Poznań dialect. It’s also the only monument of local dialect in Poland.

Morasko Meteorite Nature Reserve. The nature reservation "The Morasko Meteorite” – one of only two places like that in Europe (the second one is in Estonia) – a system of 7 craters left after a meteorite fall several thousands years ago. The name ‘Morasko’ comes from the suburban district placed approx. 1 km away.

  • Music Theatre, ul. Niezłomnych 1e, +48 61 852 17 86.
  • New Theatre, ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 5, +48 61 848 48 85.
  • Obora, ul. Fredry 7, +48 61 665 88 00. An artistic platform.
  • Polish Dance Theatre, ul. Kozia 4, +48 61 852 42 42.
  • Polish Theatre, ul. 27 Grudnia 8/10, +48 61 852 56 27.

Music Theatre, ul. Niezłomnych 1e, +48 61 852 17 86.

New Theatre, ul. J.H. Dąbrowskiego 5, +48 61 848 48 85.

Obora, ul. Fredry 7, +48 61 665 88 00. An artistic platform.

Polish Dance Theatre, ul. Kozia 4, +48 61 852 42 42.

Polish Theatre, ul. 27 Grudnia 8/10, +48 61 852 56 27.

  • The Anniversary of Poznań Uprising on 28 June 1956 – every year on the Mickiewicz Square (nearby the Castle and railway station) on 28 June.
  • The Bible Marathon – always in February in many churches (including monumental ones in the centre). Have a look how hundreds of people (mostly young ones) read whole Bible during few days.
  • The Contemporary Music Festival - "The Poznań Music Spring” – in the first half of April.
  • The Days of French Culture – March/April (depending on the Easter time) in "Dom Bretanii" (The House of Bretagne) on the Old Market Square.
  • The Fair of St. John – takes place always on the Main Square and surrounding streets in the second half of June.
  • The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul – the patrons of the city, on 29 June.
  • The Horse Cavalry Day – usually the third weekend of April – events in the horse centre ‘Wola’ in the suburbs and in the Old Town, especially on the Old Market Square and nearby the 15th Poznań Cavalry Unit Memorial in Ludgardy street.
  • The International Theatre Festival "Malta" – dozens of plays (both street ones and in theatres, museum, other closed space), on the turn of June and July
  • Judaic Days – events (exhibitions, Torah reading, etc.) about Jewish culture, every year in mid-January.
  • Kaziuki – an event celebrating St. Casimir, the patron of Lithuania – a good moment to buy a Vilnius palm or to eat a cepelin – yearly in the first weekend of March.
  • The Passion of Christ – the biggest show in Poland presenting events from 2000 years ago, gathering every year in the Citadel Park about 120,000 people. Always 8 days before Easter, on Saturday on the meadow next the Bell of Peace, around 19:00.

During summer holidays:

  • The Bread Festival – organized by bakers from Poznań and Greater Poland, associated by bakery-goods tasting – second weekend of September, the Old Market Square.
  • The Christmas Market "The Poznań Bethleyem” – stalls with souvenirs, with Christmas decorations, hot wine, on the Old Market Square and nearby the west entrance to the Stary Browar Mall. Always three weeks before Christmas.
  • The commemorations of the Greater Poland Uprising (from 1918-1919) – always on 27 Dec.
  • The Contemporary Dance Workshops – workshops of more than 50 dance techniques, inspired by the famous Poznań Dance Theatre and its conductor Ewa Wycichowska, yearly in the second half of August.
  • The Feast of Poznań Bambers – always on 2 August, in the anniversary day of the arrival of the first settlers’ group from Bamberg (Germany) to Poznań in 18th century.
  • The Festival of Good Taste – the feast of Greater-Poland cooking traditions, in mid-August on the Old market Square.
  • The Gypsies’ Culture Meetings – last two weekends of August, on the Plac Wolności Square, Old Market Square and on the courtyards of the Emperor’s Castle.
  • The International Animated Films Festival – in mid-July.
  • The Kid Films Festival 'Ale Kino' (‘What a Cinema’) – a festival of films produced for young watchers, yearly from 1983 in December.
  • The Lviv Days in Poznań (Lviv – a city in western Ukraine, which used to belong to Poland, deeply rooted in Polish culture) – a series of meetings, lectures and workshops – mid-September.
  • The National Feast of France in Poznań – always on 14 July.
  • The Old-Town Jazz Concerts (Saturdays) and Cameral Concerts (Sundays) on the Town Hall stairs.
  • The Old-Town Organ Concerts – Thursday evenings in the Parish Church.
  • The Parish Church Festival "Madlaine’s Tress” - in most cases the only opportunity to visit (usually closed) parts of the post-Jesuits’ complex : the Chapter Chamber, organs, the garret. Always during the weekend about July 22.
  • The Promenade Concerts – every summer Sunday in Wilson's Park (from the centre trams: #5, #8 i #14 to the stop Park Wilsona).
  • The days of Pyra-Land(pyra in local Poznań dialect means potato – the feast of potato cooking – try it made in more than 100 ways! – the first weekend of September in Łęgi Dębińskie Park (accessible from the centre by trams #2, #9, #10 and bus #76)
  • The Solacz District Concerts – every Sunday in Solacz Park (accessible from the centre by trams #9 and #11 and buses #60 and #78).
  • Summer Cinema on the Malta Lake shore – from Wednesday to Saturday just next to the Malta skiing slope.
  • Summer Town-Hall Concerts – every Wednesday evening in the Renaissance Hall inside the Town Hall (2nd floor).
  • The Tzadik Poznań Festival – the feast of Jewish culture in the former synagogue, turned during World War II into a swimming pool – mid-August

The Anniversary of Poznań Uprising on 28 June 1956 – every year on the Mickiewicz Square (nearby the Castle and railway station) on 28 June.

The Bible Marathon – always in February in many churches (including monumental ones in the centre). Have a look how hundreds of people (mostly young ones) read whole Bible during few days.

The Contemporary Music Festival - "The Poznań Music Spring” – in the first half of April.

The Days of French Culture – March/April (depending on the Easter time) in "Dom Bretanii" (The House of Bretagne) on the Old Market Square.

The Fair of St. John – takes place always on the Main Square and surrounding streets in the second half of June.

The Feast of St. Peter and St. Paul – the patrons of the city, on 29 June.

The Horse Cavalry Day – usually the third weekend of April – events in the horse centre ‘Wola’ in the suburbs and in the Old Town, especially on the Old Market Square and nearby the 15th Poznań Cavalry Unit Memorial in Ludgardy street.

The International Theatre Festival "Malta" – dozens of plays (both street ones and in theatres, museum, other closed space), on the turn of June and July

Judaic Days – events (exhibitions, Torah reading, etc.) about Jewish culture, every year in mid-January.

Kaziuki – an event celebrating St. Casimir, the patron of Lithuania – a good moment to buy a Vilnius palm or to eat a cepelin – yearly in the first weekend of March.

The Passion of Christ – the biggest show in Poland presenting events from 2000 years ago, gathering every year in the Citadel Park about 120,000 people. Always 8 days before Easter, on Saturday on the meadow next the Bell of Peace, around 19:00.

The Bread Festival – organized by bakers from Poznań and [[Greater Poland]], associated by bakery-goods tasting – second weekend of September, the Old Market Square.

The Christmas Market "The Poznań Bethleyem” – stalls with souvenirs, with Christmas decorations, hot wine, on the Old Market Square and nearby the west entrance to the Stary Browar Mall. Always three weeks before Christmas.

The commemorations of the Greater Poland Uprising (from 1918-1919) – always on 27 Dec.

The Contemporary Dance Workshops – workshops of more than 50 dance techniques, inspired by the famous Poznań Dance Theatre and its conductor Ewa Wycichowska, yearly in the second half of August.

The Feast of Poznań Bambers – always on 2 August, in the anniversary day of the arrival of the first settlers’ group from [[Bamberg]] (Germany) to Poznań in 18th century.

The Festival of Good Taste – the feast of Greater-Poland cooking traditions, in mid-August on the Old market Square.

The Gypsies’ Culture Meetings – last two weekends of August, on the Plac Wolności Square, Old Market Square and on the courtyards of the Emperor’s Castle.

The International Animated Films Festival – in mid-July.

The Kid Films Festival 'Ale Kino' (‘What a Cinema’) – a festival of films produced for young watchers, yearly from 1983 in December.

The Lviv Days in Poznań ([[Lviv]] – a city in western [[Ukraine]], which used to belong to Poland, deeply rooted in Polish culture) – a series of meetings, lectures and workshops – mid-September.

The National Feast of France in Poznań – always on 14 July.

The Old-Town Jazz Concerts (Saturdays) and Cameral Concerts (Sundays) on the Town Hall stairs.

The Old-Town Organ Concerts – Thursday evenings in the Parish Church.

The Parish Church Festival "Madlaine’s Tress” - in most cases the only opportunity to visit (usually closed) parts of the post-Jesuits’ complex : the Chapter Chamber, organs, the garret. Always during the weekend about July 22.

The Promenade Concerts – every summer Sunday in Wilson's Park (from the centre trams: #5, #8 i #14 to the stop Park Wilsona).

The days of Pyra-Land(pyra in local Poznań dialect means potato – the feast of potato cooking – try it made in more than 100 ways! – the first weekend of September in Łęgi Dębińskie Park (accessible from the centre by trams #2, #9, #10 and bus #76)

The Solacz District Concerts – every Sunday in Solacz Park (accessible from the centre by trams #9 and #11 and buses #60 and #78).

Summer Cinema on the Malta Lake shore – from Wednesday to Saturday just next to the Malta skiing slope.

Summer Town-Hall Concerts – every Wednesday evening in the Renaissance Hall inside the Town Hall (2nd floor).

The Tzadik Poznań Festival – the feast of Jewish culture in the former synagogue, turned during World War II into a swimming pool – mid-August

  • Brewery sightseeing tour, +48 61 87 87 460. It's possible to arrange a tour in brewery (ul. Szwajcarska 11), where guest accompanied by a local guide can watch all the production processes; finally the tour is ended with a short competition about beer and - of course - with tasting of some golden drink from Poznan. You must be 18 or older. 12 zł.
  • The models of Old Poznan, +48 61 855 14 35. It's not a typical model, where you simply watch small plastic houses. It is an interactive 30-minutes show presenting the history of the city from its founding at the turn of 9th and 10th century till 18th century. The new model presents the beginnings of the city and its capital role played by Poznań during the reign of two first Polish rulers. Both models can be found in Ludgardy street in the cellars of Franciscan Monastery. Shows are organized daily from 9:30 every 45 minutes, additional shows in summer evenings. The choice of several languages: Polish, English, Spanish, German, Russian and Italian. 12 zł.
  • Watch football ie soccer at Lech Poznań, who play in Ekstraklasa, the top tier of Polish football. Their home ground is Stadion Miejski (INEA Stadium), capacity 43,000, 3 km west of city centre.
  • Fans of steam trains will be in their element in Poznań. A fun day trip is to take a steam train to the Wielkopolska National Park. Take the 08:15 train from Poznań Główny station to Stęszew, a 35-minute journey. Walk to the road crossing, turn left and continue until you enter the park near Lake Witobelskie. Follow the blue path to Mosina where you can catch the train back to Poznań. You can book a seat next to the driver for €4.50 by calling 068 348 2008, ext. 368.

Brewery sightseeing tour, +48 61 87 87 460. It's possible to arrange a tour in brewery (ul. Szwajcarska 11), where guest accompanied by a local guide can watch all the production processes; finally the tour is ended with a short competition about beer and - of course - with tasting of some golden drink from Poznan. You must be 18 or older. 12 zł.

The models of Old Poznan, +48 61 855 14 35. It's not a typical model, where you simply watch small plastic houses. It is an interactive 30-minutes show presenting the history of the city from its founding at the turn of 9th and 10th century till 18th century. The new model presents the beginnings of the city and its capital role played by Poznań during the reign of two first Polish rulers. Both models can be found in Ludgardy street in the cellars of Franciscan Monastery. Shows are organized daily from 9:30 every 45 minutes, additional shows in summer evenings. The choice of several languages: Polish, English, Spanish, German, Russian and Italian. 12 zł.

Watch football ie soccer at Lech Poznań, who play in Ekstraklasa, the top tier of Polish football. Their home ground is Stadion Miejski (INEA Stadium), capacity 43,000, 3 km west of city centre.

Fans of steam trains will be in their element in Poznań. A fun day trip is to take a steam train to the Wielkopolska National Park. Take the 08:15 train from Poznań Główny station to Stęszew, a 35-minute journey. Walk to the road crossing, turn left and continue until you enter the park near Lake Witobelskie. Follow the blue path to Mosina where you can catch the train back to Poznań. You can book a seat next to the driver for €4.50 by calling 068 348 2008, ext. 368.

The Stary Rynek is full of stalls where you can buy handicrafts and toys. Good souvenir shops selling folk handicraft are situated in Woźna street (one of the streets from the Square eastwards).

  • Św. Marcin street 29, in an inside square, there is a little nice manga shop. You can easily find it as there is a big poster about it on the wall in near the street.

There are many in Poznań, most are open all year round – maybe during the most severe frosts some stalls are closed and vendors are at home.

  • Bernardyński Square, Plac Bernardyński (A little bit further from the centre, accessible on foot (5-6 minute walk from the Old Market Square) or by trams #5, #13 and #16 and buses #74 and #76.. A good choice of flowers, a lot of vegetables and fruit.
  • Jezycki Market. Mostly for the locals living in Jezyce district, a huge choice of meat, some flowers, vegetables, some clothes and shoes. Much better prices than in shops in the centre, but don't expect much English (or any other language). If you are a meat lover, just next to Jezycki, you will find Wilczura (Zdrowe Mięsa) (Poznańska 1/3), a specialized butcher offering wide range of less common meats and meat products, from horsemeat to coypu sausages. The prices are quite competitive and not much higher than more casual kinds of meat.
  • Łazarski Market. Also assigned mostly for locals, apart from food, flowers and clothes – some toys and electronic equipment.
  • Wielkopolski Square Market, Plac Wielkopolski (In the vicinity of the Old Town (2-3 minute walk). Mostly flowers, vegetables-fruit and sweets, some meat.
  • Wildecki Market. A market similar to Jezycki Market

Bernardyński Square, Plac Bernardyński (A little bit further from the centre, accessible on foot (5-6 minute walk from the Old Market Square) or by trams #5, #13 and #16 and buses #74 and #76.. A good choice of flowers, a lot of vegetables and fruit.

Jezycki Market. Mostly for the locals living in Jezyce district, a huge choice of meat, some flowers, vegetables, some clothes and shoes. Much better prices than in shops in the centre, but don't expect much English (or any other language). If you are a meat lover, just next to Jezycki, you will find Wilczura (Zdrowe Mięsa) (Poznańska 1/3), a specialized butcher offering wide range of less common meats and meat products, from horsemeat to coypu sausages. The prices are quite competitive and not much higher than more casual kinds of meat.

Łazarski Market. Also assigned mostly for locals, apart from food, flowers and clothes – some toys and electronic equipment.

Wielkopolski Square Market, Plac Wielkopolski (In the vicinity of the Old Town (2-3 minute walk). Mostly flowers, vegetables-fruit and sweets, some meat.

Wildecki Market. A market similar to Jezycki Market

old brewery

  • Auchan shopping mall, ul. Głogowska 432. M-Sa 08:30-22:00, Su 09:00-20:00. A typical suburban shopping centre. Accessible by trams #5, #8 and #14 from the centre to the final stop Górczyn, from there bus #80. Another Auchan shopping mall is in Swadzim, approx. 14 km from the centre using road number 92.
  • Franowo Shopping Centre, ul. Szwedzka 6 and Szwajcarska 14 (trams #1, #16, #18, +48 61 87 99 913. M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 10:00-19:00. A huge complex (Ikea, M1 with another Auchan and approx. 60 other shops & restaurants), a vegetable market (for retailers only) and some other shops in Franowo district. Far from the centre, but connected with a tram route and a visit here can be combined with a visit in Poznań Brewery (see above).
  • Galeria Malta, ul. Baraniaka 8. M-Sa 09:00-21:00, Su 10:00-20:00. The latest mall in Poznan, and the biggest one in West Poland, on the shores of Lake Malta in one of the most picturesque parts of Poznań. The centre’s commercial space covers an area equal to 20 soccer fields and accommodates more than 170 establishments, including shops and boutiques bearing the most popular Polish and international brand names, service shops, restaurants, cafes, a multi-screen cinema complex and a fitness club.
  • King Cross Marcelin, ul. Bukowska 156, +48 61 886 04 02. M-Sa 09:00-22:00 (a food supermarket 08:30-22:00), Su 10:00-20:00 (the supermarket 09:00-22:00). A shopping centre in the western parts of the city, next to the street leading to Ławica airport.
  • Kupiec Poznański, pl. Wiosny Ludów 2, +48 61 850 88 00. M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 11:00-19:00. just few minutes from the Old Market Square, recommended for those who (being in the Old Town) have no time to walk anywhere further. You can find here a Biedronka supermarket, more than 50 other shops and an exchange office.
  • Panorama, ul. Górecka 30, +48 61 650 00 65. M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 10:00-19:00. A small centre in the south of Poznan, there's no big choice of shops, but it's a very good place to buy shoes and clothes.
  • Pestka Gallery, 47, Solidarności Av.. M-Sa 09:30-21:00, Su 10:00-20:00. This is in Winogrady district, next to Poznań Fast Tram line (trams #12, #14, #15, #16 and #26)
  • Poznan Plaza, Kaspra Drużbickiego 1 (accessible by Fast Tram lines : #12, #14, #15, #16 and #26, +48 61 664 59 00. Daily 09:30-22:00. A small-sized, double-floored centre located in the north of the city, among the blocks of flats of Winogrady and Piatkowo districts.
  • Stary Browar. M-Sa 09:00-21:00 (the food supermarket in the underground 08:00-22:00); Su 10:00-20:00 (supermarket 09:00-21:00). In the reconstructed buildings of the brewery built by Otto Hugger in 1870s in the city centre. In 2006 and 2007 it won a prestigious award for the best shopping mall of the world in the middle-size category. Many entrances: from Półwiejska street (which itself is a very popular shopping area), from Kościuszki or from the park between the Mall and Ogrodowa.

Auchan shopping mall, ul. Głogowska 432. M-Sa 08:30-22:00, Su 09:00-20:00. A typical suburban shopping centre. Accessible by trams #5, #8 and #14 from the centre to the final stop Górczyn, from there bus #80. Another Auchan shopping mall is in Swadzim, approx. 14 km from the centre using road number 92.

Franowo Shopping Centre, ul. Szwedzka 6 and Szwajcarska 14 (trams #1, #16, #18, +48 61 87 99 913. M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 10:00-19:00. A huge complex (Ikea, M1 with another Auchan and approx. 60 other shops & restaurants), a vegetable market (for retailers only) and some other shops in Franowo district. Far from the centre, but connected with a tram route and a visit here can be combined with a visit in Poznań Brewery (see above).

Galeria Malta, ul. Baraniaka 8. M-Sa 09:00-21:00, Su 10:00-20:00. The latest mall in Poznan, and the biggest one in West Poland, on the shores of Lake Malta in one of the most picturesque parts of Poznań. The centre’s commercial space covers an area equal to 20 soccer fields and accommodates more than 170 establishments, including shops and boutiques bearing the most popular Polish and international brand names, service shops, restaurants, cafes, a multi-screen cinema complex and a fitness club.

King Cross Marcelin, ul. Bukowska 156, +48 61 886 04 02. M-Sa 09:00-22:00 (a food supermarket 08:30-22:00), Su 10:00-20:00 (the supermarket 09:00-22:00). A shopping centre in the western parts of the city, next to the street leading to Ławica airport.

Kupiec Poznański, pl. Wiosny Ludów 2, +48 61 850 88 00. M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 11:00-19:00. just few minutes from the Old Market Square, recommended for those who (being in the Old Town) have no time to walk anywhere further. You can find here a Biedronka supermarket, more than 50 other shops and an exchange office.

Panorama, ul. Górecka 30, +48 61 650 00 65. M-Sa 10:00-21:00, Su 10:00-19:00. A small centre in the south of Poznan, there's no big choice of shops, but it's a very good place to buy shoes and clothes.

Pestka Gallery, 47, Solidarności Av.. M-Sa 09:30-21:00, Su 10:00-20:00. This is in Winogrady district, next to Poznań Fast Tram line (trams #12, #14, #15, #16 and #26)

Poznan Plaza, Kaspra Drużbickiego 1 (accessible by Fast Tram lines : #12, #14, #15, #16 and #26, +48 61 664 59 00. Daily 09:30-22:00. A small-sized, double-floored centre located in the north of the city, among the blocks of flats of Winogrady and Piatkowo districts.

Stary Browar. M-Sa 09:00-21:00 (the food supermarket in the underground 08:00-22:00); Su 10:00-20:00 (supermarket 09:00-21:00). In the reconstructed buildings of the brewery built by Otto Hugger in 1870s in the city centre. In 2006 and 2007 it won a prestigious award for the best shopping mall of the world in the middle-size category. Many entrances: from Półwiejska street (which itself is a very popular shopping area), from Kościuszki or from the park between the Mall and Ogrodowa.

Outside serving at old square

The cheapest places are so-called milk bars – established in the communist era, but still very popular, especially among younger people, for whom they're the cheapest (~€3 for a full dinner) option to have a normal meal (not fast-food).

  • Bar Apetyt, ul. Szkolna 4 (20 m from the Old Market Square, +48 61 852 07 42. Popular first of all for dozens types of pancakes.
  • Bar Caritas, Plac Wolności 1 (just behind the Rzymski Hotel, 250 m from the Old Town, +48 61 852 51 30.
  • Bar Euruś, ul. Głogowska 18. A short way from the centre, but very close to the railway station, International Fairs and the Palm House.
  • Bar Pod Arkadami, pl. Cyryla Ratajskiego 10 (a bit more far from the Old Town, but still in the centre, +48 61 852 22 98.
  • Bar Przysmak, ul. Podgórna 2 (close to the Old Town, +48 61 852 13 39.
  • Bar Duo Jeżycki, ul. Dąbrowskiego 39 (a little bit out of the centre, but still accessible on foot, about 10 minutes, +48 61 847 50 95. A good choice of traditional Poznań steam-dumplings with different supplements.
  • Bar Pod Kuchcikiem, ul. św Marcina 75 (in the very heart of the city, +48 61 853 60 94. In dinner time (13:00-16:00) full of students.

Other cheap options :

  • Avanti, Stary Rynek 76, +48 61 8523285. Inexpensive fast-serve place to go for one of few kinds of spaghetti or lasagne. Served almost immediately - pasta and sauce are always ready. (Tip: go for carbonara pasta).
  • Green Way, ul. Zeylanda 3, +48 61 843 40 27. A vegetarian bistro, led by the Adventists of the Seventh Day (a Protestant church). Seems to be far from the centre, but in fact just few steps from Kaponiera Crossing or central railway station.
  • Kociak, ul. św. Marcin 28, +48 61 852 00 34. Very famous for its wonderful deserts and milk shakes. Don't be astonished with the interiors – it is a cafe bar, not a luxurious café.
  • Piccolo bars. There are several of them within the city, but for tourists two will be most important: ul. Wrocławska 6 (phone: +48 61 852 89 57) and ul. Rynkowa 1 (phone: +48 61 851 72 51) – both only few steps from the Old Market Sq.
  • Podbipięta, ul. Podgóna 19, +48 61 852 03 93. Serving traditional Polish food.

Bar Apetyt, ul. Szkolna 4 (20 m from the Old Market Square, +48 61 852 07 42. Popular first of all for dozens types of pancakes.

Bar Caritas, Plac Wolności 1 (just behind the Rzymski Hotel, 250 m from the Old Town, +48 61 852 51 30.

Bar Euruś, ul. Głogowska 18. A short way from the centre, but very close to the railway station, International Fairs and the Palm House.

Bar Pod Arkadami, pl. Cyryla Ratajskiego 10 (a bit more far from the Old Town, but still in the centre, +48 61 852 22 98.

Bar Przysmak, ul. Podgórna 2 (close to the Old Town, +48 61 852 13 39.

Bar Duo Jeżycki, ul. Dąbrowskiego 39 (a little bit out of the centre, but still accessible on foot, about 10 minutes, +48 61 847 50 95. A good choice of traditional Poznań steam-dumplings with different supplements.

Bar Pod Kuchcikiem, ul. św Marcina 75 (in the very heart of the city, +48 61 853 60 94. In dinner time (13:00-16:00) full of students.

Avanti, Stary Rynek 76, +48 61 8523285. Inexpensive fast-serve place to go for one of few kinds of spaghetti or lasagne. Served almost immediately - pasta and sauce are always ready. (Tip: go for carbonara pasta).

Green Way, ul. Zeylanda 3, +48 61 843 40 27. A vegetarian bistro, led by the Adventists of the Seventh Day (a Protestant church). Seems to be far from the centre, but in fact just few steps from Kaponiera Crossing or central railway station.

Kociak, ul. św. Marcin 28, +48 61 852 00 34. Very famous for its wonderful deserts and milk shakes. Don't be astonished with the interiors – it is a cafe bar, not a luxurious café.

Piccolo bars. There are several of them within the city, but for tourists two will be most important: ul. Wrocławska 6 (phone: +48 61 852 89 57) and ul. Rynkowa 1 (phone: +48 61 851 72 51) – both only few steps from the Old Market Sq.

Podbipięta, ul. Podgóna 19, +48 61 852 03 93. Serving traditional Polish food.

  • Al dente, +48 61 851 9084. Inexpensive fast-serve place to go for good spaghetti or some pizzas. (Tip: Parmesan is separate in the menu).
  • Alabama, Ul. Jaskółcza 15a, +48 61 852 75 27. Something between a good bistro and a poor restaurant, but well located in the Old Town; international cooking with an accent on American meals.
  • Ali Baba, pl. Ratajskiego 10, +48 61 853 32 71. A good option, if the neighboring ‘Pod Kuchcikiem’ is overcrowded – many meals like steaks, kebab&chips etc.
  • Cocorico Café, ul. Świętosławska 9/1 (Near Parish church, +48 61 8529 529. 10:00 - 24:00. Little place, with nice jazzy and old French music.
  • Cymes, ul. Woźna 2, +48 61 851 66 38. So far – the only Jewish restaurant in the city.
  • Dramat, Stary Rynek 41, +48 61 852 9917. 11:00-22:00. A cheap place on the Rynek serving Polish food. Perennially popular. €2-5.
  • Czerwone Sombrero, ul. Piekary 17, Krzywoustego 72 and Półwiejska 42(The Old Brewery Shopping Mall), +48 61 852 61 01. Original Mexican cuisine with live Latino music.
  • Karczma Polska, ul. Wielka 24/25 (entrance from ul. Klasztorna, +48 61 851 60 41. Typical Polish cooking, home-made dinners.
  • Kebab, ul. Wrocławska 20, +48 607 033 131. The name explains everything – the restaurant is a 2-min walk from the Old Market Square
  • Da Luigi, ul. Woźna 1, +48 61 851 73 11. Pizzeria in the Old Town + nice atmosphere = crowds.
  • Oberza Pod Dzwonkiem, Ul. Garbary 64, +48 61 851 77 90. A non-conventional inn with traditional Polish cuisine.
  • Pierogarnia Stary Młyn, ul. Wrocławska 18, +48 61 855 13 56. Traditional Polish restaurant with great atmosphere and service. Dough of traditional pierogi is even vegan.
  • Roti, +48 61 851 68 87. A typical kebab-fast-food menu and (watch out!) kebab-dogs.
  • Sakana, ul. Wodna 7/1. Nice sushi bar near the main square. Not the least expensive one in town, but the food and service is good.
  • Sioux Burger, Stary Rynek 68, +48 61 852 93 38. One thousand impressions about burgers, kebabs, steaks.
  • Bistro Pieprz i Sól, Grunwaldzka 616, +48 61 65 17 384. 11:00-20:00. The name means "Salt & Pepper" A cozy place serving Polish food. Nice garden in summer. Tip: try the marinated Pork Loin in Honey-Mustard-Sauce. Main dishes 9-18 zł.
  • Sphinx. Menu typical for this net restaurant: steaks, burgers, salads.
  • Sorella, ul. Ślusarska 4 (near Stary Rynek, +48 61 852 38 22. 12:00-23:00. Good relaxing atmosphere. Often quite busy in the evening, but rarely to the point of no free table.
  • Tivoli, Ul. Wroniecka 13, +48 61 852 3916. 12:00-23:00. Bewildering range of pizza toppings.

Al dente, +48 61 851 9084. Inexpensive fast-serve place to go for good spaghetti or some pizzas. (Tip: Parmesan is separate in the menu).

Alabama, Ul. Jaskółcza 15a, +48 61 852 75 27. Something between a good bistro and a poor restaurant, but well located in the Old Town; international cooking with an accent on American meals.

Ali Baba, pl. Ratajskiego 10, +48 61 853 32 71. A good option, if the neighboring ‘Pod Kuchcikiem’ is overcrowded – many meals like steaks, kebab&chips etc.

Cocorico Café, ul. Świętosławska 9/1 (Near Parish church, +48 61 8529 529. 10:00 - 24:00. Little place, with nice jazzy and old French music.

Cymes, ul. Woźna 2, +48 61 851 66 38. So far – the only Jewish restaurant in the city.

Dramat, Stary Rynek 41, +48 61 852 9917. 11:00-22:00. A cheap place on the Rynek serving Polish food. Perennially popular. €2-5.

Czerwone Sombrero, ul. Piekary 17, Krzywoustego 72 and Półwiejska 42(The Old Brewery Shopping Mall), +48 61 852 61 01. Original Mexican cuisine with live Latino music.

Karczma Polska, ul. Wielka 24/25 (entrance from ul. Klasztorna, +48 61 851 60 41. Typical Polish cooking, home-made dinners.

Kebab, ul. Wrocławska 20, +48 607 033 131. The name explains everything – the restaurant is a 2-min walk from the Old Market Square

Da Luigi, ul. Woźna 1, +48 61 851 73 11. Pizzeria in the Old Town + nice atmosphere = crowds.

Oberza Pod Dzwonkiem, Ul. Garbary 64, +48 61 851 77 90. A non-conventional inn with traditional Polish cuisine.

Pierogarnia Stary Młyn, ul. Wrocławska 18, +48 61 855 13 56. Traditional Polish restaurant with great atmosphere and service. Dough of traditional pierogi is even vegan.

Roti, +48 61 851 68 87. A typical kebab-fast-food menu and (watch out!) kebab-dogs.

Sakana, ul. Wodna 7/1. Nice sushi bar near the main square. Not the least expensive one in town, but the food and service is good.

Sioux Burger, Stary Rynek 68, +48 61 852 93 38. One thousand impressions about burgers, kebabs, steaks.

Bistro Pieprz i Sól, Grunwaldzka 616, +48 61 65 17 384. 11:00-20:00. The name means "Salt & Pepper" A cozy place serving Polish food. Nice garden in summer. Tip: try the marinated Pork Loin in Honey-Mustard-Sauce. Main dishes 9-18 zł.

Sphinx. Menu typical for this net restaurant: steaks, burgers, salads.

Sorella, ul. Ślusarska 4 (near Stary Rynek, +48 61 852 38 22. 12:00-23:00. Good relaxing atmosphere. Often quite busy in the evening, but rarely to the point of no free table.

Tivoli, Ul. Wroniecka 13, +48 61 852 3916. 12:00-23:00. Bewildering range of pizza toppings.

  • Bażanciarnia, Stary Rynek 94, +48 61 855 3359. 11:00-24:00. One of the most famous restaurants in town, their specialty is game. The service is excellent and their locale on the Rynek superb. Main courses range from €5 for vegetarian to €15 for foie gras.
  • Dark Restaurant, ul. Garbary 48, +48 61 852 20 57. A part of the Golden Apple-Tree restaurant, where all the meals are eaten in total darkness. As well several bans are essential for the guests: it's forbidden to walk without waiter's assistance, to use cell phones or any other devices, which can be a source of any light.
  • Delicja, Plac Wolności 5, +48 61 852 11 28. Centrally located, open from 12:00, serving mostly Polish, French and Italian meals, with a vast range of wines. Prices from €20 for a full meal, open-air tables from spring till autumn.
  • Nalewka, +48 61 853 21 24 or +48 607 875 622. In the middle of Old Market Square in the building of former Weigh House, Stary Rynek 2.
  • Pieprz i Wanilia, ul. Murna 3a, +48 61 851 86 64. Classic English and Polish cooking, traditional peasant's party-table, professional grill, 2 rooms (60 seats) among the Old Town tenement houses.
  • Pod Pretekstem, +48 61 868 46 61. Św. Marcin 80/82 (the Emperor’s Castle), restaurant and cafe with many cultural and art events. If crowded, you can move to the cellars, entrance from ul. Fredry.
  • Pod Złotą Jabłonią, ul. Garbary 48, +48 61 852 91 70. Artistic restaurant, popular among foreign guests, ideal for business or family meetings.
  • Ratuszova, Stary Rynek 55 (on the old market, +48 61 8510 513. Traditional and modern Polish food arranged very elegantly. Beautiful location on the Market. Has outside serving, the inside is several unique smaller rooms in old charming building. 40 zł for mains.
  • Valpolicella, Ul. Wrocławska 7, +48 61 855 71 91. Italian trattoria in the Old Town, excellent service, good food, a big choice of Italian wines. Before 17:00 lunch menu in good price (from €5).
  • Villa Magnolia, Ul. Głogowska 40, +48 61 865 34 48. Exclusive lunch and dinner in a splurge interior, 300 m from the International Fair Grounds.
  • Wiejskie Jadło, Stary Rynek 77 (entrance from ul. Franciszkańska, +48 61 853 66 60. A restaurant network stylized for a traditional old-polish peasant's house, located at the main square.
  • Wielkopolska Zagroda, ul. Fredry 12, +48 61 665 88 01. Famous for its traditional Polish, plentiful cooking in stylized interiors.
  • Wieniawski restaurant, Ul. Bukowska 285 (airport), +48 61 849 21 44. Your last chance to try Polish cooking before airport check-in.

Bażanciarnia, Stary Rynek 94, +48 61 855 3359. 11:00-24:00. One of the most famous restaurants in town, their specialty is game. The service is excellent and their locale on the Rynek superb. Main courses range from €5 for vegetarian to €15 for foie gras.

Dark Restaurant, ul. Garbary 48, +48 61 852 20 57. A part of the Golden Apple-Tree restaurant, where all the meals are eaten in total darkness. As well several bans are essential for the guests: it's forbidden to walk without waiter's assistance, to use cell phones or any other devices, which can be a source of any light.

Delicja, Plac Wolności 5, +48 61 852 11 28. Centrally located, open from 12:00, serving mostly Polish, French and Italian meals, with a vast range of wines. Prices from €20 for a full meal, open-air tables from spring till autumn.

Nalewka, +48 61 853 21 24 or +48 607 875 622. In the middle of Old Market Square in the building of former Weigh House, Stary Rynek 2.

Pieprz i Wanilia, ul. Murna 3a, +48 61 851 86 64. Classic English and Polish cooking, traditional peasant's party-table, professional grill, 2 rooms (60 seats) among the Old Town tenement houses.

Pod Pretekstem, +48 61 868 46 61. Św. Marcin 80/82 (the Emperor’s Castle), restaurant and cafe with many cultural and art events. If crowded, you can move to the cellars, entrance from ul. Fredry.

Pod Złotą Jabłonią, ul. Garbary 48, +48 61 852 91 70. Artistic restaurant, popular among foreign guests, ideal for business or family meetings.

Ratuszova, Stary Rynek 55 (on the old market, +48 61 8510 513. Traditional and modern Polish food arranged very elegantly. Beautiful location on the Market. Has outside serving, the inside is several unique smaller rooms in old charming building. 40 zł for mains.

Valpolicella, Ul. Wrocławska 7, +48 61 855 71 91. Italian trattoria in the Old Town, excellent service, good food, a big choice of Italian wines. Before 17:00 lunch menu in good price (from €5).

Villa Magnolia, Ul. Głogowska 40, +48 61 865 34 48. Exclusive lunch and dinner in a splurge interior, 300 m from the International Fair Grounds.

Wiejskie Jadło, Stary Rynek 77 (entrance from ul. Franciszkańska, +48 61 853 66 60. A restaurant network stylized for a traditional old-polish peasant's house, located at the main square.

Wielkopolska Zagroda, ul. Fredry 12, +48 61 665 88 01. Famous for its traditional Polish, plentiful cooking in stylized interiors.

Wieniawski restaurant, Ul. Bukowska 285 (airport), +48 61 849 21 44. Your last chance to try Polish cooking before airport check-in.

  • Alcatraz, ul. Nowowiejskiego 13/15, +48 608 044 201.
  • Głośna, św. Marcin 30 (Left outbuilding, first floor. Cafe and bookshop.
  • SQ, ul. Półwiejska 42 (Stary Browar shopping mall. Most night clubs in Poznań are to be found on and around the Stary Rynek.
  • Cafe Mięsna, ul. Garbary 62, entrance from ul. Mostowa.
  • Cuba Libre, Wrocławska 21, +48 61 855 23 44. 20-5. Latin music, most nights the owner gives a basic salsa-lesson early at night, before that Latin Parties with different DJs and music. Cuba Libre €4.
  • Dervish Café, Nowowiejskiego 8, pl. Wolności. Arabic, Balkan, Indian, Oldies, Reggae, Rnb Music. Bollywood and Bellydance shows.
  • Proletaryat, Wrocławska 9, +48 61 8524858.
  • Pruderia Exclusive Striptease Club, Półwiejska 24, +48 505298762. 21:00-04:00. A striptease club with two locations, in Poznań and Wroclaw. This is a location for your stag event, but it is also a hit with local businessmen looking to relax and enjoy themselves at the end of a hard day's work.

Alcatraz, ul. Nowowiejskiego 13/15, +48 608 044 201.

Głośna, św. Marcin 30 (Left outbuilding, first floor. Cafe and bookshop.

SQ, ul. Półwiejska 42 (Stary Browar shopping mall.

Cafe Mięsna, ul. Garbary 62, entrance from ul. Mostowa.

Cuba Libre, Wrocławska 21, +48 61 855 23 44. 20-5. Latin music, most nights the owner gives a basic salsa-lesson early at night, before that Latin Parties with different DJs and music. Cuba Libre €4.

Dervish Café, Nowowiejskiego 8, pl. Wolności. Arabic, Balkan, Indian, Oldies, Reggae, Rnb Music. Bollywood and Bellydance shows.

Proletaryat, Wrocławska 9, +48 61 8524858.

Pruderia Exclusive Striptease Club, Półwiejska 24, +48 505298762. 21:00-04:00. A striptease club with two locations, in Poznań and Wroclaw. This is a location for your stag event, but it is also a hit with local businessmen looking to relax and enjoy themselves at the end of a hard day's work.

  • Albania The Honorary Consulate of Albania, Billewiczówny 21, +48 61 86 84 713.
  • Belgium The Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium, Obłaczkowo 11A, 62-300 Września, +48 61 436 79 69.
  • Brazil The Honorary Consulate of Brazil, Błażeja 86a, +48 61 824 46 80.
  • the Czech Republic The Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic, Bukowska 285, (airport), +48 61 849 22 92.
  • Estonia The Honorary Consulate of Estonia, Głogowska 26, +48 61 886 28 39, +48 61 886 28 40.
  • Germany The Honorary Consulate of Federal Republic of Germany, Ratajczaka 44, +48 61 851 60 97.
  • France The Honorary Consulate of France, Św. Marcin 80/82, (The Emperor’s Castle), +48 61 851 94 90.
  • Hungary The Honorary Consulate of Hungary, Gniewska 87, +48 61 841 01 40.
  • Ireland The Honorary Consulate of Ireland, Kramarska 1, +48 61 853 18 94.
  • Denmark The Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark, Strusia 10, +48 61 866 26 28.
  • Netherlands The Honorary Consulate of Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nowowiejskiego 8/8, +48 61 852 78 84.
  • Lithuania The Honorary Consulate of the Lithuanian Republic, Bukowska 12, +48 61 856 38 96.
  • Mexico The Honorary Consulate of Mexico, Naramowicka 150, +48 61 822 76 61.
  • Romania The Honorary Consulate of Romania, Maciejewskiego 20/1, +48 61 825 78 66.
  • Russia The General Consulate of Russia, Bukowska 53a, +48 61 847 62 16 or +48 61 841 77 40.
  • Slovakia The Honorary Consulate of Slovakia, Św. Marcin 80/82 (The Emperor’s Castle), +48 61 853 70 85.
  • Turkey The General Consulate of Turkey, Stary Rynek 78/79, +48 61 852 48 44.
  • USA The Consular Agency of the USA, Paderewskiego 8, +48 61 851 85 16.
  • UK The Honorary Consulate of the United Kingdom, Kochanowskiego 4/2, +48 61 665 88 50.
  • Ukraine The Honorary Consulate of Ukraine, Grobla 27, +48 61 850 19 97.

Albania The Honorary Consulate of Albania, Billewiczówny 21, +48 61 86 84 713.

Belgium The Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Belgium, Obłaczkowo 11A, 62-300 Września, +48 61 436 79 69.

Brazil The Honorary Consulate of Brazil, Błażeja 86a, +48 61 824 46 80.

the Czech Republic The Honorary Consulate of the Czech Republic, Bukowska 285, (airport), +48 61 849 22 92.

Estonia The Honorary Consulate of Estonia, Głogowska 26, +48 61 886 28 39, +48 61 886 28 40.

Germany The Honorary Consulate of Federal Republic of Germany, Ratajczaka 44, +48 61 851 60 97.

France The Honorary Consulate of France, Św. Marcin 80/82, (The Emperor’s Castle), +48 61 851 94 90.

Hungary The Honorary Consulate of Hungary, Gniewska 87, +48 61 841 01 40.

Ireland The Honorary Consulate of Ireland, Kramarska 1, +48 61 853 18 94.

Denmark The Honorary Consulate of the Kingdom of Denmark, Strusia 10, +48 61 866 26 28.

Netherlands The Honorary Consulate of Kingdom of the Netherlands, Nowowiejskiego 8/8, +48 61 852 78 84.

Lithuania The Honorary Consulate of the Lithuanian Republic, Bukowska 12, +48 61 856 38 96.

Mexico The Honorary Consulate of Mexico, Naramowicka 150, +48 61 822 76 61.

Romania The Honorary Consulate of Romania, Maciejewskiego 20/1, +48 61 825 78 66.

Russia The General Consulate of Russia, Bukowska 53a, +48 61 847 62 16 or +48 61 841 77 40.

Slovakia The Honorary Consulate of Slovakia, Św. Marcin 80/82 (The Emperor’s Castle), +48 61 853 70 85.

Turkey The General Consulate of Turkey, Stary Rynek 78/79, +48 61 852 48 44.

USA The Consular Agency of the USA, Paderewskiego 8, +48 61 851 85 16.

UK The Honorary Consulate of the United Kingdom, Kochanowskiego 4/2, +48 61 665 88 50.

Ukraine The Honorary Consulate of Ukraine, Grobla 27, +48 61 850 19 97.

Depending on your phone operator and the network you roam into, you may want to try one of these:

  • dial the number as seen, e.g. 061 888 0000
  • if unsuccessful, omit the initial zero, e.g. 61 888 0000
  • if still unsuccessful, omit the leading zero, dial +48 before the number, e.g. +48 61 888 0000

There are Internet cafés around the Stary Rynek and Stary Browar shopping center offers free Wireless connection. There is also a 24 hour Internet cafe at the main train station which is perfect for when you have hours to wait overnight for the next train. There is also public wi-fi internet access in the surroundings of the Stary Rynek and plac Wolności.

The phone numbers shown on this page are presented in the national format. All local numbers must be dialed with area codes, if you encounter a seven digit number, add '61' before the number.

Poznań is generally a safe city, with levels of crime comparable to elsewhere in central Europe. However, by comparison with major cities in western Europe there is less tolerance of diversity in racial or sexual orienation and care should be exercised outside of the city centre.

For those arriving by train from Berlin, it would make sense to travel south to the cities of Wrocław and Kraków, or on to Warsaw. Another opportunity is to travel to the north - Gdańsk.

Worth a visit:

  • Chludowo — an ethnographic-missionary museum of the Werbists Order, with their wooden church (20 km north of the city)
  • Gniezno — the other co-capital of Poland in the tenth century. The city has a beautiful cathedral and old town and a very interesting Museum of the Beginnings of the Polish State.
  • Greater-Poland National Park — with several post-glacier lakes and moraines (located only 15 km south of city and easily accessible by trains)
  • Kórnik — with a neogothic castle with wonderful interiors and furniture and a dendrological park (18 km south-east from the city)
  • Licheń — the largest basilica in Poland. Worth a visit if you are a devout catholic, or if one enjoys grotesque architecture.
  • Murowana Goślina — 22000 people live this small and cozy town. Good place to walk and cycle in the forest(There is lake also). You can meet friendly local Polish people here; (19 km from northern part of Poznań)
  • Owińska — with a precious church and the convent of Cistercian Nuns (17 km to the north)
  • The Puszcza Zielonka Forest — the biggest forest complex in the vicinity of the city, many walking and cycling trails, lakes with fishing areas. On the forest boundaries there are numerous wooden churches and some palaces; (10–15 km north east of the city centre)
  • Puszczykowo — a very interesting travel museum of a polish traveler Arkady Fedler, the seat of the management of Greater-Poland National Park with a nature museum; (15 km to the south, very easily accessible by train)
  • Rogalin — with a baroque-klasicistic palace and its famous painting collection of the Raczyński family, horse cabs and very famous oak-treess (in total : more than 500), including three well-known trees : Lech, Czech i Rus; (16 km to the south)
  • Swarzędz — a small city famous for the unique in Poland (and one of few in Europe) bee-keeping open-air museums (just out of the city limits to the east, toward Warsaw)
  • Szamotuły — interesting old town, with an interesting castle, icon collection and an unusual timber church nearby (35 km to the north-west)
  • Szreniawa — famous for the Agriculture Museum and the Bierbaums viewing tower (15 km to the south-west)
  • Uzarzewo — with a Hunting Museum and a timber church (15 km north east of the city)
  • Wolsztyn — a nice town with the operating steam-locos depot, which is the only one in Europe (80 km to the south-east)

Chludowo — an ethnographic-missionary museum of the Werbists Order, with their wooden church (20 km north of the city)

[[Gniezno]] — the other co-capital of Poland in the tenth century. The city has a beautiful cathedral and old town and a very interesting Museum of the Beginnings of the Polish State.

Greater-Poland National Park — with several post-glacier lakes and moraines (located only 15 km south of city and easily accessible by trains)

[[Kórnik]] — with a neogothic castle with wonderful interiors and furniture and a dendrological park (18 km south-east from the city)

[[Licheń]] — the largest basilica in Poland. Worth a visit if you are a devout catholic, or if one enjoys grotesque architecture.

Murowana Goślina — 22000 people live this small and cozy town. Good place to walk and cycle in the forest(There is lake also). You can meet friendly local Polish people here; (19 km from northern part of Poznań)

Owińska — with a precious church and the convent of Cistercian Nuns (17 km to the north)

The Puszcza Zielonka Forest — the biggest forest complex in the vicinity of the city, many walking and cycling trails, lakes with fishing areas. On the forest boundaries there are numerous wooden churches and some palaces; (10–15 km north east of the city centre)

Puszczykowo — a very interesting travel museum of a polish traveler Arkady Fedler, the seat of the management of Greater-Poland National Park with a nature museum; (15 km to the south, very easily accessible by train)

[[Rogalin]] — with a baroque-klasicistic palace and its famous painting collection of the Raczyński family, horse cabs and very famous oak-treess (in total : more than 500), including three well-known trees : Lech, Czech i Rus; (16 km to the south)

[[Swarzędz]] — a small city famous for the unique in Poland (and one of few in Europe) bee-keeping open-air museums (just out of the city limits to the east, toward Warsaw)

[[Szamotuły]] — interesting old town, with an interesting castle, icon collection and an unusual timber church nearby (35 km to the north-west)

Szreniawa — famous for the Agriculture Museum and the Bierbaums viewing tower (15 km to the south-west)

Uzarzewo — with a Hunting Museum and a timber church (15 km north east of the city)

[[Wolsztyn]] — a nice town with the operating steam-locos depot, which is the only one in Europe (80 km to the south-east)