Puerto Montt


Puerto Montt is a city in the south of Chile, just north of Chiloé Island.

Puerto Montt City Puerto Montt, with great views of the ocean and towering peaks of the Andes, is a centre in Northern Patagonia for heading south along the Carretera Austral to Chiloé island, Chaitén, Torres del Paine, Puerto Natales, or east to Bariloche, Argentina.

The area along the beach near the bus station is pleasant for a walk with things along the way to entertain you. Walking east you will get great views, especially at sunset, from the hills there.

  • Alerce Andino National Park. 09:00-15:00. After many of Chile's forests have been cut down and converted into efficient eucalyptus forests for industrial use, the remaining beautiful ones with still some interesting trees left have been converted into pricey and touristy national parks. Unfortunately, the park can only be visited during opening hours and camping in the park is not possible, which makes it unattractive for most keen hikers. CLP$4,000 for foreigners.

Alerce Andino National Park. 09:00-15:00. After many of Chile's forests have been cut down and converted into efficient eucalyptus forests for industrial use, the remaining beautiful ones with still some interesting trees left have been converted into pricey and touristy national parks. Unfortunately, the park can only be visited during opening hours and camping in the park is not possible, which makes it unattractive for most keen hikers. CLP$4,000 for foreigners.

Many cafés, restaurants and bars in the centre, but a good place to have some seafood is a 15-20m walk, 1km or so southwest of bus station at the fishing community of Angelmó. Along with the seafood market there are some restaurants, and options for shopping Mapuche craftworks.

  • El Fogon de Cotele, Av. Juan Soler Manfredini at Playa de Pelluco (About 5km southeast along waterfront from town center, +56 65-227-8000. Lunch from 13:00, Dinner from 20:00. The best beef in the south of Chile, grilled before your eyes. Excellent wines. Host Jeremy Law is a charmer. Reasonable prices.

El Fogon de Cotele, Av. Juan Soler Manfredini at Playa de Pelluco (About 5km southeast along waterfront from town center, +56 65-227-8000. Lunch from 13:00, Dinner from 20:00. The best beef in the south of Chile, grilled before your eyes. Excellent wines. Host Jeremy Law is a charmer. Reasonable prices.