Santo Amaro do Maranhão


Santo Amaro do Maranhão, better known as Santo Amaro, is a small city in Maranhão, near Lençóis Maranhenses National Park. It's a good alternative to Barreirinhas for visiting the national park.

  • Laguna da Gaviota is a nice lagoon within walking distance from the town. Ask the locals how to get there.

Laguna da Gaviota is a nice lagoon within walking distance from the town. Ask the locals how to get there.

  • Take a tour further into the dunes. This must be done with a guide. Everyone in town who isn't a guide knows one. You can walk all the way across the park to Atins, stopping on the way at some small communities within the park. This takes three days. If you have less time, you can just walk to the community of Queimada dos Britos about 8 hours away.

Take a tour further into the dunes. This must be done with a guide. Everyone in town who isn't a guide knows one. You can walk all the way across the park to [[Atins]], stopping on the way at some small communities within the park. This takes three days. If you have less time, you can just walk to the community of Queimada dos Britos about 8 hours away.

There is internet at the high school at the main square. Slow as molasses.