St Andrews


St Andrews Castle The Royal Burgh of St Andrews is a small town (population 18,000) in the kingdom of Fife on the east coast of Scotland, facing the North Sea, and hosting the oldest university in Scotland. The town is perhaps most famous, however, as the home of golf.

St Andrews was historically the Ecclesiastical capital of Scotland. The cathedral was the most important in Scotland during the mediaeval period, and the Bishops of St Andrews lived in St Andrews Castle. John Knox preached in the town.

The university grew up out of the cathedral, and was founded in 1410, being the oldest university in Scotland, and the third oldest university in the English-speaking world. Today, the university dominates the town, particularly during termtime. The university is often seen as being quite elite, and was the place of education of Prince William, second in line to the British throne.

St Andrews is also seen as the Home of Golf, being the home of the Royal and Ancient, one of the oldest Golf Clubs in the world and the R&A one of game's worldwide ruling bodies. There are a large number of golf courses or links, as coastal courses are properly known. The most famous golf course in the world, the Old Course is in St Andrews. It hosts the Dunhill Cup each October and, more importantly, the Open Championship every five years with the next scheduled Open to be held in July 2021.

  • St Salvator's Quad, North Street (behind St Salvator's Chapel. Open daily. This is the historic Quadrangle of St Salvator's College of the University and teaching still takes place in the college buildings. St Salvator's Chapel is used for University services every Sunday, and visitors will see staff and students in the traditional university dress (red gowns for undergraduate students of the United College). After chapel, students walk down to the end of the pier in the traditional Pier Walk. On North Street, just outside St Salvator's Quad, visitors will see the letters PH in the cobbles. This is the site where the martyr Patrick Hamilton was burned at the stake, and it is considered bad luck to walk on the letters: it is said that students who walk across these letters will fail their degree but can remove the 'curse' by bathing in the sea at dawn on 1st May (the May Dip).
  • St Mary's Quad, South Street (enter through black iron gate with words "In Principio Erat Verbum". Open daily. This is the historic quadrangle of St Mary's College, University of St Andrews (founded 1410). On entering the quadrangle from South Street, St Mary's College is on the right - now houses the university's Faculty of Divinity. On the left of the gate is Lower Parliament Hall which was temporarily the site of the Scottish Parliament during an outbreak of plague in Edinburgh from 1645-6, and is now used as the University Debating Hall. The building on the left of the Quadrangle is now the School of Psychology, but was formerly the University Library (which was a copyright library 1710-1837). The tree on the right hand side of the Quadrangle was planted by Mary Queen of Scots. This is commonly mistaken for the large oak tree present in the centre of the Quadrangle. On the far side of the Quadrangle is the ruined remains of a gate, now being restored, and beyond that lies the Bute Medical School, dating from 1899. Information panels in the Quadrangle give visitors historical information.
  • St Andrews Botanic Gardens, Canongate, +44 1334 476452 or +44 1334 477178. Daily, May-Sept: 10AM-7PM; Oct-April: 10AM-4PM. It was founded as the University Botanic Gardens in 1889, and is now run by Fife Council. Beautiful landscaped gardens, with different conditions (water garden, heath garden, peat garden, rock garden, Chinese garden, Chile garden). Eight beautiful glass houses with orchids, cacti alpine and tropical plants. £6 adults, £5.50 over 60's, Under 18 and students free, friends of Botanic Garden free.
  • St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum and Gardens, 12-16 North Street (Close to Cathedral, +44 1334 477152. Daily, 2PM-5PM. Museum about the history of St Andrews. Displays feature old shops, furniture, art, etc relating to local area, gardens, and souvenir shop. Free, but donations welcome.
  • British Golf Museum, Bruce Embankment (near the Royal and Ancient Golf Clubhouse, +44 1334 460046. Easter-Oct: M-Sa 9:30AM-5:30PM, Su 10AM-5PM; Oct-Easter: daily 10AM-4PM. This museum offers an interesting look at golf through the ages, next to the famous course where many consider the sport began. £8 (£6 senior citizens & students; children free) ticket valid for 2 days.
  • Aquarium, The Scores, +44 1334 474786. Aquarium with seals, fish, reptiles, etc. The seemingly diminutive exterior hides a fairly extensive complex. £6.20 (Child £4.40; OAP £5.00; Student £5.20).
  • St Andrews Museum, Kinburn Park, Doubledykes Road (in middle of Kinnburn Park, +44 1334 412690. Museum about the history of St Andrews. Also regular temporary exhibitions on various subjects.
  • Museum of The University of St Andrews, 7a The Scores, +44 1334 461660. Apr-Oct: M-Sa 10AM-5PM, Su noon-4PM; Nov-Mar: Th-Su noon-4 PM. Free.
  • St Andrews Castle, Near the Cathedral, +44 1334 477196. Apr-Sep: daily 9:30AM-6:30PM; Oct-Mar: daily 9:30AM-4:30PM. St Andrews Castle, built in approximately 1400, is where the Bishops of St Andrews lived before the Reformation. It has also served as a fortress and even a prison, but fell into ruin in the 17th century. It has a beautiful location next to the sea. See and explore the mine and counter-mine built under the Castle during a siege in the 1540s. £5.50 (Child £3.30, Concessions £4.40, joint Castle & Cathedral ticket available). St Andrews Cathedral
  • St Andrews Cathedral and St Rule's Tower, North Street, +44 1334 472563. Apr-Sep: daily 9:30AM-6:30PM; Oct-Mar: daily 9:30AM-4:30PM. Ruined cathedral. St Andrews was the Ecclesiastical Capital of Scotland before the reformation, and St Andrews Cathedral was the most important cathedral in Scotland. Constructed between 1160 and 1318, it was consecrated in the presence of the legendary Robert the Bruce. However, the cathedral fell into disuse in the 1550's, following the Reformation, and many of its stones were removed in the 17th century to construct other buildings in the town. Its picturesque outline remains, however, including stunning towers. Museum tells of the history of the cathedral, and has mediaeval sculpture and artefacts from the site. Cathedral ruins can be explored, and panels explain history. St Rule's Tower, a remnant of the church that predated the cathedral, can be climbed and provides stunning views over St Andrews and the surrounding area. The grounds are free of charge to the wandering tourist. To go up St Rule's Tower costs £4.50 adult, £2.70 child, £3.60 concessions (joint Castle & Cathedral ticket available).
  • Pier and Harbour. Pier and harbour have survived from St Andrews fishing industry history. This is a pretty place to walk to on a summer's day, with views from the end of the pier of the whole of St Andrews Bay and across the mouth of the Tay to the mountains of Angus. On Sundays, staff and students walk to the pier in their traditional academic dress at the end of chapel.
  • West Sands (beach). One of St Andrews' three beaches, it is the largest, accessible from The Scores. There are large dunes (not accessible to the public) and a large expanse of sand. Several scenes from the film Chariots of Fire were filmed on this beach. St Andrews from the West Sands
  • East Sands (beach). Accessible from The Scores. This is a smaller and more sheltered beach than West Sands.
  • Castle Sands (beach). This is the smallest of St Andrews' beaches, located below the castle. It is the site of the annual May Dip, where students jump into the sea at daybreak on 1st May as part of an ancient university tradition.

St Salvator's Quad, North Street (behind St Salvator's Chapel. Open daily. This is the historic Quadrangle of St Salvator's College of the University and teaching still takes place in the college buildings. St Salvator's Chapel is used for University services every Sunday, and visitors will see staff and students in the traditional university dress (red gowns for undergraduate students of the United College). After chapel, students walk down to the end of the pier in the traditional Pier Walk. On North Street, just outside St Salvator's Quad, visitors will see the letters PH in the cobbles. This is the site where the martyr Patrick Hamilton was burned at the stake, and it is considered bad luck to walk on the letters: it is said that students who walk across these letters will fail their degree but can remove the 'curse' by bathing in the sea at dawn on 1st May (the May Dip).

St Mary's Quad, South Street (enter through black iron gate with words "In Principio Erat Verbum". Open daily. This is the historic quadrangle of St Mary's College, University of St Andrews (founded 1410). On entering the quadrangle from South Street, St Mary's College is on the right - now houses the university's Faculty of Divinity. On the left of the gate is Lower Parliament Hall which was temporarily the site of the Scottish Parliament during an outbreak of plague in Edinburgh from 1645-6, and is now used as the University Debating Hall. The building on the left of the Quadrangle is now the School of Psychology, but was formerly the University Library (which was a copyright library 1710-1837). The tree on the right hand side of the Quadrangle was planted by Mary Queen of Scots. This is commonly mistaken for the large oak tree present in the centre of the Quadrangle. On the far side of the Quadrangle is the ruined remains of a gate, now being restored, and beyond that lies the Bute Medical School, dating from 1899. Information panels in the Quadrangle give visitors historical information.

St Andrews Botanic Gardens, Canongate, +44 1334 476452 or +44 1334 477178. Daily, May-Sept: 10AM-7PM; Oct-April: 10AM-4PM. It was founded as the University Botanic Gardens in 1889, and is now run by Fife Council. Beautiful landscaped gardens, with different conditions (water garden, heath garden, peat garden, rock garden, Chinese garden, Chile garden). Eight beautiful glass houses with orchids, cacti alpine and tropical plants. £6 adults, £5.50 over 60's, Under 18 and students free, friends of Botanic Garden free.

St Andrews Preservation Trust Museum and Gardens, 12-16 North Street (Close to Cathedral, +44 1334 477152. Daily, 2PM-5PM. Museum about the history of St Andrews. Displays feature old shops, furniture, art, etc relating to local area, gardens, and souvenir shop. Free, but donations welcome.

British Golf Museum, Bruce Embankment (near the Royal and Ancient Golf Clubhouse, +44 1334 460046. Easter-Oct: M-Sa 9:30AM-5:30PM, Su 10AM-5PM; Oct-Easter: daily 10AM-4PM. This museum offers an interesting look at golf through the ages, next to the famous course where many consider the sport began. £8 (£6 senior citizens & students; children free) ticket valid for 2 days.

Aquarium, The Scores, +44 1334 474786. Aquarium with seals, fish, reptiles, etc. The seemingly diminutive exterior hides a fairly extensive complex. £6.20 (Child £4.40; OAP £5.00; Student £5.20).

St Andrews Museum, Kinburn Park, Doubledykes Road (in middle of Kinnburn Park, +44 1334 412690. Museum about the history of St Andrews. Also regular temporary exhibitions on various subjects.

Museum of The University of St Andrews, 7a The Scores, +44 1334 461660. Apr-Oct: M-Sa 10AM-5PM, Su noon-4PM; Nov-Mar: Th-Su noon-4 PM. Free.

St Andrews Castle, Near the Cathedral, +44 1334 477196. Apr-Sep: daily 9:30AM-6:30PM; Oct-Mar: daily 9:30AM-4:30PM. St Andrews Castle, built in approximately 1400, is where the Bishops of St Andrews lived before the Reformation. It has also served as a fortress and even a prison, but fell into ruin in the 17th century. It has a beautiful location next to the sea. See and explore the mine and counter-mine built under the Castle during a siege in the 1540s. £5.50 (Child £3.30, Concessions £4.40, joint Castle & Cathedral ticket available).

St Andrews Cathedral and St Rule's Tower, North Street, +44 1334 472563. Apr-Sep: daily 9:30AM-6:30PM; Oct-Mar: daily 9:30AM-4:30PM. Ruined cathedral. St Andrews was the Ecclesiastical Capital of Scotland before the reformation, and St Andrews Cathedral was the most important cathedral in Scotland. Constructed between 1160 and 1318, it was consecrated in the presence of the legendary Robert the Bruce. However, the cathedral fell into disuse in the 1550's, following the Reformation, and many of its stones were removed in the 17th century to construct other buildings in the town. Its picturesque outline remains, however, including stunning towers. Museum tells of the history of the cathedral, and has mediaeval sculpture and artefacts from the site. Cathedral ruins can be explored, and panels explain history. St Rule's Tower, a remnant of the church that predated the cathedral, can be climbed and provides stunning views over St Andrews and the surrounding area. The grounds are free of charge to the wandering tourist. To go up St Rule's Tower costs £4.50 adult, £2.70 child, £3.60 concessions (joint Castle & Cathedral ticket available).

Pier and Harbour. Pier and harbour have survived from St Andrews fishing industry history. This is a pretty place to walk to on a summer's day, with views from the end of the pier of the whole of St Andrews Bay and across the mouth of the Tay to the mountains of Angus. On Sundays, staff and students walk to the pier in their traditional academic dress at the end of chapel.

West Sands (beach). One of St Andrews' three beaches, it is the largest, accessible from The Scores. There are large dunes (not accessible to the public) and a large expanse of sand. Several scenes from the film Chariots of Fire were filmed on this beach.

East Sands (beach). Accessible from The Scores. This is a smaller and more sheltered beach than West Sands.

Castle Sands (beach). This is the smallest of St Andrews' beaches, located below the castle. It is the site of the annual May Dip, where students jump into the sea at daybreak on 1st May as part of an ancient university tradition.

  • Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, +44 1334 475000. Professional theatre, variety of repertory productions on. Also some touring productions and some good amateur productions. Also has a cafe-bar.
  • Fife Contemporary Art & Craft, The Town Hall, Queen’s Gardens (Located in St Andrews Town Hall, +44 1334 474610. M-F 10AM-5PM. Arts Centre with crafts, exhibitions and performances. Free for exhibitions (extra price for performances, varies with performance).
  • New Picture House, 117 North Street, +44 1334 474902. Open daily, depends on film. Independent cinema, varied selection of films, from new releases to some alternative, independent, or foreign language films (especially during termtime). Late night showing on Wednesday night during university termtime (usually old/cult film). £4.20 (£5.20 for Circle in Auditorium 1; £3.20 Child; £3.50 Senior Citizen).
  • St Andrews Historical Tours. In the summer months, the University of St Andrews sponsors historical tours of the town, including the castle ruins, cathedral ruins, and historical sites of the University. The Isle of May from Crail
  • The Isle Of May, +44 1334 654038 or +44 7919 994951. Small island lying in the entrance to the Firth of Forth, approximately 5 miles off the Fife coast. National Nature Reserve owned and managed by Scottish National Heritage. Seals can be seen all year round, whales can be spotted in late July and August. Notable for its many seabirds, especially puffins, which can be seen in their thousands from April to July and are the island's main attraction. Boat trips start from Anstruther. (15 km south of St Andrews). To get there take Stagecoach Buses 95 (40 min) or X58, X60 (20 min) which all cost £4.10.
    • Anstruther Pleasure Cruises, +44 7957 585200. Boat trips on the 'May Princess' (100 passengers, small snack bar and toilets) leave once a day (except some weekdays in April and May) from Anstruther's middle pier from April 1 to September 30. Tickets can be purchased from the small kiosk on the pier from which the boat leaves. Note that sailings can be cancelled at short notice depending on the weather conditions. The entire trip takes 4.5 to 5 hours which includes 2.5 to 3 hours on the island. £24 adult, £20 concession (over 65, student, 16-17 years), £12 child (ages 3 - 15), £60 family ticket (2 adult + 2 children).
    • Isle of May boat trips, +44 747 363 1671. Trips almost daily from April 1 to September 30. Two types of tours are offered on a 12 passengers RIB boat. One includes some time on the island and takes 2-3 hours in total. The other tour takes 2 hours but there is no possibility of getting on the island. Tour with time on island: £25 adult, £20 student, £18 child (15 or under). Tour without landing on island: £20 adult, £15 child.
  • Walk the golf course. The game of golf had its beginnings in this little Scottish town and even non-golfers should consider a stroll along the perimeter of the very first golf course, the old course. Watch out for flying balls, except on Sunday when the old course is closed and anyone can walk on its fairways. Located on the edge of the course is the imposing Royal and Ancient Golf Clubhouse . If you're lucky, you may spot one of the celebrities who occasionally visit to play the famous course (including not just Tiger Woods but amateur golfers such as Michael Douglas and Samuel L. Jackson).
  • Play a round of golf, Playing St. Andrews' Old Course can be a difficult accomplishment, often involving exorbitant greens fees and a long waiting list. Golf enthusiasts may wish to contact The Royal and Ancient Golf Club well in advance. As an alternative, consider a round on one of St. Andrews' many other courses - ask at the tourist information office for more information.
  • St Andrews Links. Play golf.
  • Stroll along the beaches, Yes, St. Andrews has three beaches (see above), but don't break out your swimming gear. Only the most brave or most foolish would attempt to dip in the frigid North Sea, particularly given Scotland's chilly clime (though this doesn't deter the annual "May Dip"!) The beaches are pleasant, however, and provide a nice view of the town.
  • Fast Boat Trips, St Andrews Harbour Marina. Take a fast boat trip on a RIB from St. Andrews harbour. Trips are available out into St. Andrews Bay to look for seals, dolphins and other wildlife.
  • Eden.Mill, Guardbridge (about 1.5km south of Leuchars Railway station, and about 7km west of St Andrews, +44 1334 834038. Very good microbrewery and distillery close to Leuchars and on the way to St Andrews. They offer a 1 hour tour with samples, which you need to book in advance. Their range includes beers stored in former whisky barrels. They also produce gin and started their whisky production in 2015. Tour £7.50.
  • St Andrews Highland Games are held annually at the end of July, the next event being 26 July 2020. There are also Games in June in Cupar and in Ceres a few miles west.
  • Fife Agricultural Show is held in May in Cupar. The next event is 23 May 2020.

Byre Theatre, Abbey Street, +44 1334 475000. Professional theatre, variety of repertory productions on. Also some touring productions and some good amateur productions. Also has a cafe-bar.

Fife Contemporary Art & Craft, The Town Hall, Queen’s Gardens (Located in St Andrews Town Hall, +44 1334 474610. M-F 10AM-5PM. Arts Centre with crafts, exhibitions and performances. Free for exhibitions (extra price for performances, varies with performance).

New Picture House, 117 North Street, +44 1334 474902. Open daily, depends on film. Independent cinema, varied selection of films, from new releases to some alternative, independent, or foreign language films (especially during termtime). Late night showing on Wednesday night during university termtime (usually old/cult film). £4.20 (£5.20 for Circle in Auditorium 1; £3.20 Child; £3.50 Senior Citizen).

St Andrews Historical Tours. In the summer months, the University of St Andrews sponsors historical tours of the town, including the castle ruins, cathedral ruins, and historical sites of the University.

The Isle Of May, +44 1334 654038 or +44 7919 994951. Small island lying in the entrance to the Firth of Forth, approximately 5 miles off the Fife coast. National Nature Reserve owned and managed by Scottish National Heritage. Seals can be seen all year round, whales can be spotted in late July and August. Notable for its many seabirds, especially puffins, which can be seen in their thousands from April to July and are the island's main attraction. Boat trips start from Anstruther. (15 km south of St Andrews). To get there take Stagecoach Buses 95 (40 min) or X58, X60 (20 min) which all cost £4.10.

  • Anstruther Pleasure Cruises, +44 7957 585200. Boat trips on the 'May Princess' (100 passengers, small snack bar and toilets) leave once a day (except some weekdays in April and May) from Anstruther's middle pier from April 1 to September 30. Tickets can be purchased from the small kiosk on the pier from which the boat leaves. Note that sailings can be cancelled at short notice depending on the weather conditions. The entire trip takes 4.5 to 5 hours which includes 2.5 to 3 hours on the island. £24 adult, £20 concession (over 65, student, 16-17 years), £12 child (ages 3 - 15), £60 family ticket (2 adult + 2 children).
  • Isle of May boat trips, +44 747 363 1671. Trips almost daily from April 1 to September 30. Two types of tours are offered on a 12 passengers RIB boat. One includes some time on the island and takes 2-3 hours in total. The other tour takes 2 hours but there is no possibility of getting on the island. Tour with time on island: £25 adult, £20 student, £18 child (15 or under). Tour without landing on island: £20 adult, £15 child.

The Isle Of May, +44 1334 654038 or +44 7919 994951. Small island lying in the entrance to the Firth of Forth, approximately 5 miles off the Fife coast. National Nature Reserve owned and managed by Scottish National Heritage. Seals can be seen all year round, whales can be spotted in late July and August. Notable for its many seabirds, especially puffins, which can be seen in their thousands from April to July and are the island's main attraction. Boat trips start from Anstruther. (15 km south of St Andrews). To get there take Stagecoach Buses 95 (40 min) or X58, X60 (20 min) which all cost £4.10.

  • Anstruther Pleasure Cruises, +44 7957 585200. Boat trips on the 'May Princess' (100 passengers, small snack bar and toilets) leave once a day (except some weekdays in April and May) from Anstruther's middle pier from April 1 to September 30. Tickets can be purchased from the small kiosk on the pier from which the boat leaves. Note that sailings can be cancelled at short notice depending on the weather conditions. The entire trip takes 4.5 to 5 hours which includes 2.5 to 3 hours on the island. £24 adult, £20 concession (over 65, student, 16-17 years), £12 child (ages 3 - 15), £60 family ticket (2 adult + 2 children).
  • Isle of May boat trips, +44 747 363 1671. Trips almost daily from April 1 to September 30. Two types of tours are offered on a 12 passengers RIB boat. One includes some time on the island and takes 2-3 hours in total. The other tour takes 2 hours but there is no possibility of getting on the island. Tour with time on island: £25 adult, £20 student, £18 child (15 or under). Tour without landing on island: £20 adult, £15 child.

The Isle Of May, +44 1334 654038 or +44 7919 994951. Small island lying in the entrance to the Firth of Forth, approximately 5 miles off the Fife coast. National Nature Reserve owned and managed by Scottish National Heritage. Seals can be seen all year round, whales can be spotted in late July and August. Notable for its many seabirds, especially puffins, which can be seen in their thousands from April to July and are the island's main attraction. Boat trips start from Anstruther. (15 km south of St Andrews). To get there take Stagecoach Buses 95 (40 min) or X58, X60 (20 min) which all cost £4.10.

  • Anstruther Pleasure Cruises, +44 7957 585200. Boat trips on the 'May Princess' (100 passengers, small snack bar and toilets) leave once a day (except some weekdays in April and May) from Anstruther's middle pier from April 1 to September 30. Tickets can be purchased from the small kiosk on the pier from which the boat leaves. Note that sailings can be cancelled at short notice depending on the weather conditions. The entire trip takes 4.5 to 5 hours which includes 2.5 to 3 hours on the island. £24 adult, £20 concession (over 65, student, 16-17 years), £12 child (ages 3 - 15), £60 family ticket (2 adult + 2 children).
  • Isle of May boat trips, +44 747 363 1671. Trips almost daily from April 1 to September 30. Two types of tours are offered on a 12 passengers RIB boat. One includes some time on the island and takes 2-3 hours in total. The other tour takes 2 hours but there is no possibility of getting on the island. Tour with time on island: £25 adult, £20 student, £18 child (15 or under). Tour without landing on island: £20 adult, £15 child.

Walk the golf course. The game of golf had its beginnings in this little Scottish town and even non-golfers should consider a stroll along the perimeter of the very first golf course, the old course. Watch out for flying balls, except on Sunday when the old course is closed and anyone can walk on its fairways. Located on the edge of the course is the imposing Royal and Ancient Golf Clubhouse . If you're lucky, you may spot one of the celebrities who occasionally visit to play the famous course (including not just Tiger Woods but amateur golfers such as Michael Douglas and Samuel L. Jackson).

Play a round of golf, Playing St. Andrews' Old Course can be a difficult accomplishment, often involving exorbitant greens fees and a long waiting list. Golf enthusiasts may wish to contact The Royal and Ancient Golf Club well in advance. As an alternative, consider a round on one of St. Andrews' many other courses - ask at the tourist information office for more information.

St Andrews Links. Play golf.

Stroll along the beaches, Yes, St. Andrews has three beaches (see above), but don't break out your swimming gear. Only the most brave or most foolish would attempt to dip in the frigid North Sea, particularly given Scotland's chilly clime (though this doesn't deter the annual "May Dip"!) The beaches are pleasant, however, and provide a nice view of the town.

Fast Boat Trips, St Andrews Harbour Marina. Take a fast boat trip on a RIB from St. Andrews harbour. Trips are available out into St. Andrews Bay to look for seals, dolphins and other wildlife.

Eden.Mill, Guardbridge (about 1.5km south of Leuchars Railway station, and about 7km west of St Andrews, +44 1334 834038. Very good microbrewery and distillery close to Leuchars and on the way to St Andrews. They offer a 1 hour tour with samples, which you need to book in advance. Their range includes beers stored in former whisky barrels. They also produce gin and started their whisky production in 2015. Tour £7.50.

St Andrews Highland Games are held annually at the end of July, the next event being 26 July 2020. There are also Games in June in Cupar and in Ceres a few miles west.

Fife Agricultural Show is held in May in Cupar. The next event is 23 May 2020.

Golf souvenirs, accessories, and equipment can be purchased in many shops around the town, with several specialist shops near to the Old Course, including the prestige outlets within the Old Course Hotel's shopping arcade.

Numerous tourist-friendly shops line Market Street, South Street, North Street, and The Links in central St Andrews. Shops primarily feature golf paraphernalia, Scottish souvenirs, and wool products.

There are a number of high-street stores in St. Andrews, including Monsoon, Waterstones, Currys, Boots and others, all of which are primarily located on Market Street.

The town has two supermarkets: the fairly small and busy Tesco Metro (situated on Market Street), and Morrisons ̈(situated further out of the town at the end of Largo Road̠). There is a butcher's shop and a greengrocer on South Street (West Port end), a fishmonger is further along South Street who also sells game, a café that sells a variety of delicious scones (in Bell Street), delicatessen stores, and a health food store.

  • Fisher and Donaldson, Church Street (Between Market and South Streets. A famous bakery and confectioner. Their fudge doughnuts are a speciality.
  • The Old Cheese Shop of St Andrews, Burghers Close, 141 South Street, +4 1334 477355. A small cheese shop with an international cheese selection.
  • I. J. Mellis, 149 South Street, +44 1334 471410. A local chain of six cheese shops in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St. Andrews.
  • Your Shop, +44 1334 462730. University of St Andrews merchandise, including clothing, can be bought from this shop which is run by the Students' Association.

Fisher and Donaldson, Church Street (Between Market and South Streets. A famous bakery and confectioner. Their fudge doughnuts are a speciality.

The Old Cheese Shop of St Andrews, Burghers Close, 141 South Street, +4 1334 477355. A small cheese shop with an international cheese selection.

I. J. Mellis, 149 South Street, +44 1334 471410. A local chain of six cheese shops in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen and St. Andrews.

Your Shop, +44 1334 462730. University of St Andrews merchandise, including clothing, can be bought from this shop which is run by the Students' Association.

If you have the opportunity, indulge in "chips and cheese" from one of the small fish and chips shops. You will find yourself enjoying steak fries smothered in salt, vinegar, and melted cheese, the perfect snack if you've just emerged from one of the nearby pubs.

  • 101 Connection, 131 South St (opposite the remains of Blackfriar's Chapel, +44 1334 470400. Take-away serving pizza and fried food.
  • Jannettas, 31 South Street (the end of South Street nearest the cathedral, +44 1334 473285. Excellent ice cream. They have 52 flavours, including the elusive Irn-Bru sorbet.

101 Connection, 131 South St (opposite the remains of Blackfriar's Chapel, +44 1334 470400. Take-away serving pizza and fried food.

Jannettas, 31 South Street (the end of South Street nearest the cathedral, +44 1334 473285. Excellent ice cream. They have 52 flavours, including the elusive Irn-Bru sorbet.

  • The Oak Rooms, 127 North Street, +44 1334 473387. Food available noon-10PM. Ranges from baguettes and soup to steaks, salmon and venison (recommended). Excellent butterscotch sauce accompanies the sticky toffee pudding. Nicely decorated dining area. Also a 3-star hotel. Prices from £2.50 for the soup of the day to £17.95 for the marinated lamb loin.
  • Balaka, 3 Alexandra Place (end of Market Street, near Students' Union, +44 1334 474825. M-Sa: lunch served noon-3PM, dinner served 5PM-1AM; Su: dinner served 5PM-1AM. Bangladeshi cuisine. Prices from £2.95 for lentil soup to £14.95 for a Tandoori Mixed Grill.

The Oak Rooms, 127 North Street, +44 1334 473387. Food available noon-10PM. Ranges from baguettes and soup to steaks, salmon and venison (recommended). Excellent butterscotch sauce accompanies the sticky toffee pudding. Nicely decorated dining area. Also a 3-star hotel. Prices from £2.50 for the soup of the day to £17.95 for the marinated lamb loin.

Balaka, 3 Alexandra Place (end of Market Street, near Students' Union, +44 1334 474825. M-Sa: lunch served noon-3PM, dinner served 5PM-1AM; Su: dinner served 5PM-1AM. Bangladeshi cuisine. Prices from £2.95 for lentil soup to £14.95 for a Tandoori Mixed Grill.

  • The Road Hole Grill, The Old Course Hotel, Old Station Road, +44 1334 474371. Daily 7-10PM. On the top floor with fine views over the golf courses, West Sands and North Sea. 3 AA rosettes. Excellent meat, game and seafood dishes. Open kitchen. Excellent and attentive service. Extensive (and expensive) wine list. Very pricy.
  • number forty, The Golf Hotel, 40 The Scores, +44 1334 472611. Nicely decorated, has sea views, good service. 2 AA rosettes. Excellent seafood and game. £25-30 for 3 courses.

The Road Hole Grill, The Old Course Hotel, Old Station Road, +44 1334 474371. Daily 7-10PM. On the top floor with fine views over the golf courses, West Sands and North Sea. 3 AA rosettes. Excellent meat, game and seafood dishes. Open kitchen. Excellent and attentive service. Extensive (and expensive) wine list. Very pricy.

number forty, The Golf Hotel, 40 The Scores, +44 1334 472611. Nicely decorated, has sea views, good service. 2 AA rosettes. Excellent seafood and game. £25-30 for 3 courses.

St Andrews features several quaint pubs, many of which are taken over by university students in the evenings during the academic year. Pubs worth buying a pint in include Ma Bell's, The Criterion, The Oak Rooms, The Raisin, The Lizard Lounge, The West Port, and The Victoria ("the Vic").

  • The Central, 77 Market Street, +44 1334 478296. Daily. Pleasant pub in centre of St Andrews. Bar in centre of pub. Serves good range of beers and ales. Tables outside pub. Sports shown on small television in corner, but many people don’t watch it. Range of cheap but good quality food. Popular with both students and locals.
  • Aikman's Bar and Bistro, Bell Street, +44 1334 477425. More a proper 'pub' than a bar. Has many fine European beers and ales. Serves food till late. Friendly barmen are up for banter and always ready to recommend a drink to suit your tastes. Downstairs is the Cellar Bar, open every evening, a cosy area where you'll find each week's selection of real ales. Most Tuesdays in the Cellar is 'session' night, where a small live group plays traditional Scottish music. Pub quizzes are also hosted here. Live music upstairs every Friday.
  • The Lizard Lounge, North Street (Underneath The Oak Rooms. The closest thing St Andrews has to a club. Gets very busy on Friday and Saturday - people even dance! DJs Friday & Sat, Live Music on Mondays.
  • St Andrews Brewing Company, 177 South Street, +44 1334 471111. Local brewpub. Ask for a brewery tour during the week.
  • Taste, North Street (On the West End of North Street. For non-alcoholic drink, the very small coffee shop has acquired a reputation as a characterful second home for students which serves excellent coffee and light food.

The Central, 77 Market Street, +44 1334 478296. Daily. Pleasant pub in centre of St Andrews. Bar in centre of pub. Serves good range of beers and ales. Tables outside pub. Sports shown on small television in corner, but many people don’t watch it. Range of cheap but good quality food. Popular with both students and locals.

Aikman's Bar and Bistro, Bell Street, +44 1334 477425. More a proper 'pub' than a bar. Has many fine European beers and ales. Serves food till late. Friendly barmen are up for banter and always ready to recommend a drink to suit your tastes. Downstairs is the Cellar Bar, open every evening, a cosy area where you'll find each week's selection of real ales. Most Tuesdays in the Cellar is 'session' night, where a small live group plays traditional Scottish music. Pub quizzes are also hosted here. Live music upstairs every Friday.

The Lizard Lounge, North Street (Underneath The Oak Rooms. The closest thing St Andrews has to a club. Gets very busy on Friday and Saturday - people even dance! DJs Friday & Sat, Live Music on Mondays.

St Andrews Brewing Company, 177 South Street, +44 1334 471111. Local brewpub. Ask for a brewery tour during the week.

Taste, North Street (On the West End of North Street. For non-alcoholic drink, the very small coffee shop has acquired a reputation as a characterful second home for students which serves excellent coffee and light food.

St Andrews is one of the safest places in the world, with practically a non-existent crime rate. General caution, however, applies, as it does anywhere.

There are internet facilities in Costa Coffee (Market Street, opposite the fountain). If you have your own laptop, though, there are wireless facilities in many other cafés, pubs and restaurants: Taste, Starbucks, Beanscene, The Byre Bistro, The Rule, The Westport, and Zest Juicing.

  • St Andrews Library, Church Square (Logies Lane), +44 1334 659378. M F Sa 9:30AM-6PM, Tu-Th 9:30AM-7PM, Su closed. Bring any form of identification (passport, driving licence etc.) and you can use their computers with Internet for free.

St Andrews is over run with payphones, which take coins and cards (and you can also surf the web in some). They're the cheapest way to call other landlines in the UK (unless you have access to a private number).

St Andrews Library, Church Square (Logies Lane), +44 1334 659378. M F Sa 9:30AM-6PM, Tu-Th 9:30AM-7PM, Su closed. Bring any form of identification (passport, driving licence etc.) and you can use their computers with Internet for free.

There is a municipal gym in the East Sands Leisure Centre (off the east sands) which also has a swimming pool. For the more deluxe option, you can indulge yourself at the Old Course or Fairmont St Andrews hotels. University students tend to patronise the University Sports Centre on the North Haugh.

  • St Andrews is close to the larger cities of Dundee and Edinburgh.
  • A visit to the nearby Isle of May is highly recommended (see above).
  • A trip along the East Neuk to visit the picturesque fishing villages of Crail, Anstruther, Pittenweem, St Monans and Elie is also highly recommended.