

Toila is a small town in northeastern Estonia.

Toila situated about 40 km west from Narva and 10 km northeast from the town of Jõhvi. Toila is a popular place for weekend breaks and holidays, especially with Estonians from Ida-Virumaa County.

For more information:

Fishing and yachting port. Small but worth a visit.

Ontika precipice.

Toila Gymnasium Watchtower, Pühajõe village (just 1 km east. You can see the Bolshoi Tyuters, Sillamäe, Narva-Jõesuu, Pühajõe village, and Toila-Ontika limestone cliff.

  • Oru Park. The park and its palace have become popular for walking and enjoying the outdoor events that take place there.
  • Saka viewing tower and hiking trails.

Oru Park. The park and its palace have become popular for walking and enjoying the outdoor events that take place there.

Saka viewing tower and hiking trails.

  • Rakvere – An attractive city to the west, famous for its Punk and Rock festivals and spirit.
  • Jõhvi – The capital of the county, but rather uninteresting from a travellers point of view, just south.
  • Sillamäe – A beautiful coastal town in the east and formerly closed city with the best ensemble of Stalinist architecture in the entire Baltics. Built after the war with an uranium processing plant, successfully redesigned after Estonia's independence.
  • Narva-Jõesuu – The beach side town on the Narva River near Narva.
  • Narva – Estonia's eastern-most and third largest city, on the Narva River, which is the border with Russia. Famous for the Hermann castle, right opposite of the Ivangorod's castle, and the Kreenholm factories. Even though it might seem grey and dull.