

Vicenza is a medium-sized city located in Veneto, in northeastern Italy, and the capital of the namesake province. The city and the surrounding countryside and hills are particularly famous for the many works, and particularly the Villas, by Palladio. Because of the architectonic contributions of Andrea Palladio, it was inscribed in the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1994.

Villa Rotonda Vicenza is an ancient city. In 157 b.D. it entered into the roman empire with the name Vicetia or Vincentia. In 889 it was destroyed by Hungarians, and in 1001 it became an episcopal stronghold. In 1404 it became part of the Republic of Venice.

The XVI century was very important for Vicenza because Andrea Palladio built several villas and palaces. During the 19th century, after the fall of Napoleon, the city was taken by Austria, but in 1848 the citizens rebelled against the Austrian government and in 1866 it finally became part of the Kingdom of Italy.

  • Basilica Palladiana or "Palazzo della Ragione" (1549-1617) is a massive structure on the city's main square (Piazza dei Signori), designed by the architect Palladio. Built early in Palladio's career, the building sports a look closer to the Venetian Gothic style than the neoclassical style he would later revolutionize. It still has the old and leaning clock tower from a previous building on that site. Unfortunately, the building is closed for restoration until further notice.
  • Loggia del Capitanio right in front of Basilica Palladiana on Piazza dei Signori. Also made by Palladio around 1571, but in red brick without any stucco. Built later in Palladio's career, this building's Neoclassical style stands in great juxtaposition to the Basilica across it and is a testament to Palladio's artistic development. Closed to the public except during exhibitions.
  • Teatro Olimpico anchors one end of Corso Palladio and is arguably one of Palladio's two great masterpieces. Teatro Olimpico is the oldest enclosed theater in the world, and is most noteworthy for its use of Renaissance perspective in a three-dimensional space. The façade is decorated with stone carvings, wooden statues, and painted tromp l'oeil to make it look like a busy street scene. The theater is open Tuesdays-Sundays 0900-1700. There are two possible combined tickets that include entrance to the theater: the Palladio Card which includes entrance to many other Palladio buildings around town, or the Vicenza Card which includes entrances to civic museums in the city center. It is also possible to attend performances in the theater, especially during the months of July (during the city's Jazz Festival) and October (during the Classical Theater cycle).
  • Chiesa di Santa Corona was built in 1261 to house relics from Christ's crown of thorns. Nowadays, it's most important possession are a chapel designed by Palladio, Veronese's Adoration of the Magi and Bellini's Baptism of Christ.
  • Palazzo Leoni Montanari. Is located further down the street from Chiesa di Santa Corona. A beautifully decorated palace, the building houses a decent collection of Russian icons as well as a collection of capricci and paintings by Pietro Longhi.
  • Palazzo Valmarana Braga. Is a monumental palace built by Palladio, and the first in Palladio's career to include columns running along the entire length of the building's façade. Open Wednesdays 1000-1800.
  • Palazzo Barbaran is the only palace started and completed by Palladio in the city center. The interior of the palace is decorated with frescoes, most noteworthy of which are the ones done by Zelotti. Open Wednesdays 1000-1800.
  • Palazzo Thiene. Is a beautiful palace designed by Palladio. Sadly, it is the headquarters of a bank, so much of the interior has been changed to accommodate its present purpose. The owners, however, own a great number of works of art. These are typically put on display from time to time. Open Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays 0900-1700. Closed July and August.
  • Criptoportico Romano One of the few remaining traces of roman Vicenza, these tunnels were formerly used as walkways between villas to protect the walker from the elements. Located in an obscure corner of Piazza Duomo. Open Saturdays 1000-1130 and every second Sunday of the month from 1000-1200 and 1430-1600. Entrance is free.
  • Basilica dei SS. Felice and Fortunato is one of the oldest structures in Vicenza. Built in AD 300, the church is one of the most important examples of paleo-Christian architecture in Northern Italy. Inside, mosaic floors and frescoes are lit by a singular rose window.
  • Il Santuario di Monte Berico. Located on top of Monte Berico and visible from every part of the city center, this church was built in the 19th century to replace a Gothic structure built to honor a promise the city made to the Virgin Mary to build a church after a devastating plague ended. An apparition was purported to have occurred here, and every 8 September flocks of devotees walk from the base of the hill up to the church. The walk from the town to the church is lined with beautiful porticoes. The interior of the church is the mostly richly decorated in the city, with an overabundant use of gold, marble and fresco work. In the old convent is a huge painting by Veronese the "Supper of St. Gregory the Great." Torn apart into 32 pieces during the Austrian invasion, the painting was miraculously pieced together and later restored to its original location.
  • Villa Valmarana ai Nani. Is located just a kilometer or so west of Monte Berico. The Villa compound consists of three buildings - the owner's residence, a guest house, and stables constructed between 1669 and 1720. As pretty and serene the villa's setting is, the reason to visit this villa is its interiors. All three buildings are extensively covered with frescoes by Giamattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo, who were hired by the Valamrana family in 1757. Light, airy, and decidedly Rococo, the villa is the Tiepolos' masterpiece and one of the pinnacles of Rococo art in Europe. Open Tuesdays to Sundays 1000-1200 and 1500-1800. Closed from November to March.
  • Villa Capra or the Rotonda. Is the highlight—and sometimes, main and only reason—of anyone's trip to Vicenza. Designed by Palladio in 1591, it is the architect's thesis project, containing all of his revolutionary ideas into one perfect and harmonious building. It is hard sometimes to see the building for what it is, especially for American and British tourists, because it has been copied so many times and inspired other great buildings all over the world. Opinions vary on the interior: to some it's impressive while to others it verges on the tawdry. The grounds are open on Tuesdays to Sundays, 1000-1200 and 1500-1800. the interior is only open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The entire villa is closed from November to February. The best time to visit is in late Spring, when the surrounding hills are covered with fiery-red poppies. Even if the villa is closed, it is often enough just to admire the villa from the gate and from the road, the way it is intended to be seen by non-residents.

Basilica Palladiana or "Palazzo della Ragione" (1549-1617) is a massive structure on the city's main square (Piazza dei Signori), designed by the architect Palladio. Built early in Palladio's career, the building sports a look closer to the Venetian Gothic style than the neoclassical style he would later revolutionize. It still has the old and leaning clock tower from a previous building on that site. Unfortunately, the building is closed for restoration until further notice.

Loggia del Capitanio right in front of Basilica Palladiana on Piazza dei Signori. Also made by Palladio around 1571, but in red brick without any stucco. Built later in Palladio's career, this building's Neoclassical style stands in great juxtaposition to the Basilica across it and is a testament to Palladio's artistic development. Closed to the public except during exhibitions.

Teatro Olimpico anchors one end of Corso Palladio and is arguably one of Palladio's two great masterpieces. Teatro Olimpico is the oldest enclosed theater in the world, and is most noteworthy for its use of Renaissance perspective in a three-dimensional space. The façade is decorated with stone carvings, wooden statues, and painted tromp l'oeil to make it look like a busy street scene. The theater is open Tuesdays-Sundays 0900-1700. There are two possible combined tickets that include entrance to the theater: the Palladio Card which includes entrance to many other Palladio buildings around town, or the Vicenza Card which includes entrances to civic museums in the city center. It is also possible to attend performances in the theater, especially during the months of July (during the city's Jazz Festival) and October (during the Classical Theater cycle).

Chiesa di Santa Corona was built in 1261 to house relics from Christ's crown of thorns. Nowadays, it's most important possession are a chapel designed by Palladio, Veronese's Adoration of the Magi and Bellini's Baptism of Christ.

Palazzo Leoni Montanari. Is located further down the street from Chiesa di Santa Corona. A beautifully decorated palace, the building houses a decent collection of Russian icons as well as a collection of capricci and paintings by Pietro Longhi.

Palazzo Valmarana Braga. Is a monumental palace built by Palladio, and the first in Palladio's career to include columns running along the entire length of the building's façade. Open Wednesdays 1000-1800.

Palazzo Barbaran is the only palace started and completed by Palladio in the city center. The interior of the palace is decorated with frescoes, most noteworthy of which are the ones done by Zelotti. Open Wednesdays 1000-1800.

Palazzo Thiene. Is a beautiful palace designed by Palladio. Sadly, it is the headquarters of a bank, so much of the interior has been changed to accommodate its present purpose. The owners, however, own a great number of works of art. These are typically put on display from time to time. Open Tuesdays, Wednesday and Fridays 0900-1700. Closed July and August.

Criptoportico Romano One of the few remaining traces of roman Vicenza, these tunnels were formerly used as walkways between villas to protect the walker from the elements. Located in an obscure corner of Piazza Duomo. Open Saturdays 1000-1130 and every second Sunday of the month from 1000-1200 and 1430-1600. Entrance is free.

Basilica dei SS. Felice and Fortunato is one of the oldest structures in Vicenza. Built in AD 300, the church is one of the most important examples of paleo-Christian architecture in Northern Italy. Inside, mosaic floors and frescoes are lit by a singular rose window.

Il Santuario di Monte Berico. Located on top of Monte Berico and visible from every part of the city center, this church was built in the 19th century to replace a Gothic structure built to honor a promise the city made to the Virgin Mary to build a church after a devastating plague ended. An apparition was purported to have occurred here, and every 8 September flocks of devotees walk from the base of the hill up to the church. The walk from the town to the church is lined with beautiful porticoes. The interior of the church is the mostly richly decorated in the city, with an overabundant use of gold, marble and fresco work. In the old convent is a huge painting by Veronese the "Supper of St. Gregory the Great." Torn apart into 32 pieces during the Austrian invasion, the painting was miraculously pieced together and later restored to its original location.

Villa Valmarana ai Nani. Is located just a kilometer or so west of Monte Berico. The Villa compound consists of three buildings - the owner's residence, a guest house, and stables constructed between 1669 and 1720. As pretty and serene the villa's setting is, the reason to visit this villa is its interiors. All three buildings are extensively covered with frescoes by Giamattista and Giandomenico Tiepolo, who were hired by the Valamrana family in 1757. Light, airy, and decidedly Rococo, the villa is the Tiepolos' masterpiece and one of the pinnacles of Rococo art in Europe. Open Tuesdays to Sundays 1000-1200 and 1500-1800. Closed from November to March.

Villa Capra or the Rotonda. Is the highlight—and sometimes, main and only reason—of anyone's trip to Vicenza. Designed by Palladio in 1591, it is the architect's thesis project, containing all of his revolutionary ideas into one perfect and harmonious building. It is hard sometimes to see the building for what it is, especially for American and British tourists, because it has been copied so many times and inspired other great buildings all over the world. Opinions vary on the interior: to some it's impressive while to others it verges on the tawdry. The grounds are open on Tuesdays to Sundays, 1000-1200 and 1500-1800. the interior is only open on Wednesdays and Saturdays. The entire villa is closed from November to February. The best time to visit is in late Spring, when the surrounding hills are covered with fiery-red poppies. Even if the villa is closed, it is often enough just to admire the villa from the gate and from the road, the way it is intended to be seen by non-residents.

  • Palazzo Chiericati is possibly the most magnificent urban palazzo in Vicenza. Located right across the street from Teatro Olimpico, the palazzo's façade is strikingly decorated with a columnade and a series of statues lining its cornice. The interiors are not as magnificent, but it houses the city's picture gallery with works from the Tiepolos, Veronese, Bellini, Titian, and local Vicentine artists. In the palazzo's main foyer, there is an amusingly unusual ceiling fresco - people and animals are painted from the 'natural' perspective. The museum is open Tuesdays to Sundays, 0900-1700.
  • Natural History and Archeological Museum. Holds a small natural exhibit and archaeological finds tracing Vicenza's history from the prehistoric period up to the Lombard invasion. Open Tuesdays to Sundays 0900-1700.
  • Risorgimento and Resistance Museum Located about a kilometer from the Monte Berico church, this museum traces Vicenza's involvement in Italy's unification in the 19th century. Open Tuesdays to Sundays 0900-1300 and 1415-1700.
  • Museo Diocesano contains artifacts and treasures from the nearby Duomo, archaeological finds chronicling the long history of Catholicism in Vicenza and oddly enough, a very big display of marble balls. Open Tuesdays to Fridays 1530-1900.

Palazzo Chiericati is possibly the most magnificent urban palazzo in Vicenza. Located right across the street from Teatro Olimpico, the palazzo's façade is strikingly decorated with a columnade and a series of statues lining its cornice. The interiors are not as magnificent, but it houses the city's picture gallery with works from the Tiepolos, Veronese, Bellini, Titian, and local Vicentine artists. In the palazzo's main foyer, there is an amusingly unusual ceiling fresco - people and animals are painted from the 'natural' perspective. The museum is open Tuesdays to Sundays, 0900-1700.

Natural History and Archeological Museum. Holds a small natural exhibit and archaeological finds tracing Vicenza's history from the prehistoric period up to the Lombard invasion. Open Tuesdays to Sundays 0900-1700.

Risorgimento and Resistance Museum Located about a kilometer from the Monte Berico church, this museum traces Vicenza's involvement in Italy's unification in the 19th century. Open Tuesdays to Sundays 0900-1300 and 1415-1700.

Museo Diocesano contains artifacts and treasures from the nearby Duomo, archaeological finds chronicling the long history of Catholicism in Vicenza and oddly enough, a very big display of marble balls. Open Tuesdays to Fridays 1530-1900.

  • Piazza dei Signori The city's main square and its love letter to Palladio.
  • Piazza Castello The main entrance to the city and the main terminal for bus within the city walls. Also contains Palladio's incomplete Palazzo Porto.
  • Piazzale della Vittoria Right outside il Santuario di Monte Berico, affording the best panoramic view of the city. Especially pretty on a clear day with views of the surrounding prealpine and alpine mountains protecting the city from the north. The best place in town to grab a spritz and watch the sunset.
  • Piazza delle Erbe & Piazza delle Poste The area right behind the Basilica Palladiana and the center of the city's meager nightlife.
  • Piazza del Duomo
  • Piazza Lorenzo
  • Piazza Matteoti Location for Teatro Olimpico and the Palazzo Chiericati and a popular meeting point for locals.

Piazza dei Signori The city's main square and its love letter to Palladio.

Piazza Castello The main entrance to the city and the main terminal for bus within the city walls. Also contains Palladio's incomplete Palazzo Porto.

Piazzale della Vittoria Right outside il Santuario di Monte Berico, affording the best panoramic view of the city. Especially pretty on a clear day with views of the surrounding prealpine and alpine mountains protecting the city from the north. The best place in town to grab a spritz and watch the sunset.

Piazza delle Erbe & Piazza delle Poste The area right behind the Basilica Palladiana and the center of the city's meager nightlife.

Piazza del Duomo

Piazza Lorenzo

Piazza Matteoti Location for Teatro Olimpico and the Palazzo Chiericati and a popular meeting point for locals.

  • Campo Marzo Contains a popular dog park and the town's luna park open during the first and second weeks of September.
  • Giardini Salvi Sculptures and the closest green space to the old town.
  • Parco Querini a pleasant park on the northern part of town and a good place to see tree blossoms in the Spring.

Campo Marzo Contains a popular dog park and the town's luna park open during the first and second weeks of September.

Giardini Salvi Sculptures and the closest green space to the old town.

Parco Querini a pleasant park on the northern part of town and a good place to see tree blossoms in the Spring.

  • Hike, bike or drive and explore the Colli Berici, discovering small towns, excellent wineries, and hidden restaurants along the way.
  • Put on your Sunday best and walk down Corso Palladio to join the locals in their daily passeggiata.
  • Grab lunch to go from il Ceppo or Pam and have a picnic on the base of Palazzo Chiericati's columns.
  • Print a list of Palladio's more obscure villas, hire a car, and go on a treasure hunt in search of Palladio's creations littering the edge of town.
  • Grab a pint in the Drunken Duck in Quinto Vicentino and know what Italian beer is all about.
  • Go for a spritz before dinner either at the base of Palladio's statue in Piazza dei Signori to people watch or in Bar Pellegrino at the Piazzale della Vittoria to watch the sun set.
  • Prowl around the flea market for good deals on unique finds (every second Sunday of the month).
  • Join the faithful on the 8th of September for a procession up to Monte Berico.

  • Corso Palladio is the main shopping district in Vicenza, with the street lined with name brands such as Zara and H&M as well as local tailors and designers.
  • For the usual mall experience, Palladio Mall and the Piramidi Mall are both with a 30-minute ride from the city center via line #1.

  • Vicenza, 2nd Sunday of the month
  • Marostica, 1st Sunday of the month (0800-1900)
  • Lonigo, 2nd Sunday of the month (0700-1900)
  • Malo, 3rd Sunday of the month
  • Noventa Vicentina, 1st Sunday of the month
  • Recoaro Terme, last Sunday of the month (0900-1800)
  • Thiene, 1st Saturday of the month
  • Although outside of Vicenza, the flea market in Piazzola sul Brenta is worth the trip. Held on the last Sunday of the month, it is one of the biggest in Northern Italy.

  • Camisano, every Sunday, the biggest in Vicenza province with specialties from all over Veneto as well as sellers of clothes, kitchen supplies, and everyday goods.
  • Vicenza, every Tuesday and Thursday
  • Bassano del Grappa, every Thursday
  • Thiene, every Monday
  • Montecchio Maggiore, every Friday
  • Arzignano, every Tuesday
  • Lonigo, every Monday

Although "cucina povera" seems to be more associated with Tuscany and the south than the Veneto, Vicenza's cuisine is deeply defined by the foods people prepared generations ago when Vicenza, along with the Veneto, experienced crippling poverty as a result of droughts, plagues, famines and wars caused by political machinations. For example, the local nickname "magnagatti" (literally cat-eaters) originated from a time when rumors started to circulate that the people of Vicenza, out of poverty and desperation, started eating cats. Although the truth behind the rumor is debatable, the locals' full acceptance of the nickname and pride in being called cat-eaters attest to the resilience of Vicenza's people as well as its culinary traditions. Although Vicenza now enjoys one of the highest standard of living in Italy, its cuisine is still rooted in basic preparations of what is typically considered lowly ingredients to make excellent dishes.

Some local dishes and specialties include:

  • Baccala alla vicentina - rehydrated stockfish cooked in milk and served with polenta. This dish is so legendary in Vicenza and Italy in general that there is even an official organization dedicated to its preservation.
  • Trippa vicentina - stewed tripe, similar to trippa alla parmigiana
  • Bigoli co 'larna - thick pasta cooked in a duck meat sauce
  • Risi e bisi - risotto made with peas from Lumignano
  • Risotto con asparagi bianchi - risotto made with the famous white asparagus from Bassano del Grappa
  • Torresano allo spiedo - doves cooked in spitfire and served with polenta

Other specialties include: sopressa (a type of salami) from Val di Pasubio, Asiago cheese from Altopiano di Asiago, truffles from Nanto, cherries from Marostica, and chestnuts and wine from Colli Berici. Although there are a number of good restaurants in the city center, the best way to enjoy local specialties is by finding locally-renowned but little-known restaurants in the Colli Berici area. The best way to start your search is through the group "Le Buone Tavole dei Colli Berici" .

  • Righetti. A good and inexpensive self-service restaurant located in Piazza del Duomo. Mondays to Fridays, 1200-1500 and 2100-2200.
  • Spaghetteria al Fiore Via Borgo Berga, 15. Small, unfussy restaurant serving big plates of pasta for 5-7 euros. The atmosphere is not sophisticated, but comfy. Closed Wednesdays.
  • Pizzeria da Vittorio Via Borgo Berga, 52. Purportedly the best pizza in town. Very limited seating and erratic hours. Located about 100 meters from Palladio's Arco delle Scalette.
  • Tutto Gelato Contra del Gambero, 26. Normally open until midnight on Summers, closed on Mondays. The best gelato in Vicenza with a very friendly price tag to boot.
  • Ristorante Jin Gu Viale Riviera Berica, 447. Frankly, there are no good Chinese restaurants in Vicenza. Except for this one place, which is fairly decent. An almost 10-minute drive from Vicenza, don't expect much if you're from Asia, New York, or the UK, but expect a whole lot more if you've been searching for good Chinese around town and about to give up.
  • Bar Pizzeria Vesuvio Corso Palladio, 204. Cheap, decent, and open when other restaurants are not. Try the fruit pizzas with apple or pear. Also features cheap Vicenza cuisine. Closed Mondays.

Righetti. A good and inexpensive self-service restaurant located in Piazza del Duomo. Mondays to Fridays, 1200-1500 and 2100-2200.

Spaghetteria al Fiore Via Borgo Berga, 15. Small, unfussy restaurant serving big plates of pasta for 5-7 euros. The atmosphere is not sophisticated, but comfy. Closed Wednesdays.

Pizzeria da Vittorio Via Borgo Berga, 52. Purportedly the best pizza in town. Very limited seating and erratic hours. Located about 100 meters from Palladio's Arco delle Scalette.

Tutto Gelato Contra del Gambero, 26. Normally open until midnight on Summers, closed on Mondays. The best gelato in Vicenza with a very friendly price tag to boot.

Ristorante Jin Gu Viale Riviera Berica, 447. Frankly, there are no good Chinese restaurants in Vicenza. Except for this one place, which is fairly decent. An almost 10-minute drive from Vicenza, don't expect much if you're from Asia, New York, or the UK, but expect a whole lot more if you've been searching for good Chinese around town and about to give up.

Bar Pizzeria Vesuvio Corso Palladio, 204. Cheap, decent, and open when other restaurants are not. Try the fruit pizzas with apple or pear. Also features cheap Vicenza cuisine. Closed Mondays.

  • Pizzeria al Vecio Portego. The best pizzeria within the city center and very popular with the locals.
  • Venchi Corso Andrea Palladio, 54. Cioccolatiero in the city center also serving ice cream. A chain gelateria, so if you missed it in another city in Italy you can always expect the same high quality from this one.
  • La Conchiglia d'Oro Via Bassano, 7. Close to the soccer stadium, this local landmark serves up good pasta and seafood for a good price. Try the penne pasta with shrimp and a big plate of fish, shellfish and squid and die happy of seafood overload.
  • Antico Guelfo. Contra' Pedemuro San Biagio, 90. A small intimate dining room with constantly rotating seasonal menus.

Pizzeria al Vecio Portego. The best pizzeria within the city center and very popular with the locals.

Venchi Corso Andrea Palladio, 54. Cioccolatiero in the city center also serving ice cream. A chain gelateria, so if you missed it in another city in Italy you can always expect the same high quality from this one.

La Conchiglia d'Oro Via Bassano, 7. Close to the soccer stadium, this local landmark serves up good pasta and seafood for a good price. Try the penne pasta with shrimp and a big plate of fish, shellfish and squid and die happy of seafood overload.

Antico Guelfo. Contra' Pedemuro San Biagio, 90. A small intimate dining room with constantly rotating seasonal menus.

  • Pretto Gelato Arte Italiana. Piazza delle erbe, 7. A newly-opened store with gelato flavors designed by Michelin-starred chefs. Their "classic" flavors are good, but for the price does not compare to Tutto Gelato. Instead, go for their more adventurous flavors featuring ingredients such as ginger, licorice and peanuts.
  • Ristorante agli Schioppi. Contra' Piazza Castello, 24. This is the restaurant many locals take out-of-towners to show them classic vicentino cuisine. Good food, hefty price tag.
  • Ristorante Ponte delle Bele. Contra' Ponte delle Bele, 5.

Pretto Gelato Arte Italiana. Piazza delle erbe, 7. A newly-opened store with gelato flavors designed by Michelin-starred chefs. Their "classic" flavors are good, but for the price does not compare to Tutto Gelato. Instead, go for their more adventurous flavors featuring ingredients such as ginger, licorice and peanuts.

Ristorante agli Schioppi. Contra' Piazza Castello, 24. This is the restaurant many locals take out-of-towners to show them classic vicentino cuisine. Good food, hefty price tag.

Ristorante Ponte delle Bele. Contra' Ponte delle Bele, 5.

Like other places in the Veneto—and increasingly, the rest of Italy—Vicenza's drinks of choice are the spritz and the prosecco. Spritz is originally an Austrian invention, owing to the region's former status as a part of the Austrio-Hungarian Empire. Although there are as many versions of the drink as there are bars in the Veneto, the most common versions in Vicenza are made with prosecco, a splash of soda, Aperol or Campari, and a slice of orange. Spritz Aperol tends to be sweeter, while Spritz Campari tends to be more bitter. Prosecco, Italy's version of sparkling white wine, is cheap and common in the city due to its close proximity to the prosecco-producing areas in the northeast namely Asolo, Conegliano and Valdobiaddene. Much like champagne (just don't call it "Italian champagne"!) the best prosecco tend to be smooth, producing smaller and more refined bubbles. Unlike champagne, prosecco tends to be cheap regardless of quality. Both drinks are usually consumed as aperitivi, but it isn't uncommon to drink only spritz or prosecco on a night out.

Grappa is also a local product, with production concentrated in the northern hills close to Bassano del Grappa or in the Colli Berici. It is usually consumed as a digestif or as a coffee-fortifier ("caffe corretto"). It is a strong liquor, but there tends to be little binge-drinking associated with it among the Italians. Every fall, the city hosts Distillerie Aperte, conducting tours and tastings of the best distilleries in the area.

Although not as big as say production in Piemonte or Toscana, wine is still a major produce in the region. The two most important variants are the Recioto from Gambellara and the Tai Rosso from the Colli Berici. Both are labelled DOC, the Recioto receiving the highest and prestigious appellation DOCG. For those who want to know more about these wines, the Strada del Vino Colli Berici and the Strada del Recioto link many of the province's best producers and provides opportunities to taste local wines alongside local produce and local countrysides.

There isn't much in terms of night life in Vicenza per se, but the city is hardly dead on Friday nights and weekends. Although the city can get downright depressing on winter nights, spring and summer signal an explosion of merriment, when young people come out again and fill the city's bars and clubs.

In the historic center, the Piazza dei Signori, Piazza delle Erbe and Contra Pescheria Vecchia are the liveliest, with big groups of young people hanging around until late hours on weekends. Clubbing is an unknown activity in the center, instead concentrated in the SR 11/SS 46 intersection (about ten minutes from the historic center). Although a great place for a night out, featuring lively and sometimes packed clubs and live music, caution in this part of town should be exercised due to a moderate rate of crime associated with drugs, prostitution, illegal cabs, as well as general disturbance caused by public intoxication. Nevertheless, it is a relatively safe place for a night out.

For English-speaking guests looking to make friends with local Italians, there is an English Speaking Hour every Thursday from 9PM until closing. The location changes frequently, so check out the group's Facebook page for current information. It is not unusual to make friends on a Thursday and find yourself on a hike or excursion with your new-found friends two days later.

  • Bassano del Grappa A beautiful small town 45 minutes north known for Palladio's wooden bridge, grappa, white asparagus, and Jacopo Bassano.
  • Marostica A walled town 30 minutes north known for its biannual human chess game.
  • Recoaro Terme A spa town an hour northwest situated in the middle of dreamy, mist-covered mountains.
  • Asiago A mountain city an hour and a half north known for cheese and miles of cross-country skiing lanes.
  • Pasubio The highest mountains in the Prealpi Vicentini, come here for remarkable WWI ruins such as the 52 Gallerie, fresh cheese from mountain-top malghe and sorpressa, the local Vicentine salami.
  • Folgaria The closest major alpine skiing resort, about 90 minutes northwest.
  • Montagnana A walled town about 40 minutes south that hosts a big prosciutto festival as well as a palio every August.
  • Colli Euganeii Padova's version of the Colli Berici, containing ancient volcanoes and ancient towns such as Arcua Petraraca (Petrarch's resting place) and the walled towns of Monselice and Este.
  • Cittadella and Castelfranco Small walled towns on the way to Treviso, with Castelfranco playing host to Giorgione's Pala di Madonna
  • Padova Giotto's Renaissance masterpiece, St. Anthony's cathedral, the first botanical garden in the world, and the second oldest university in the world. A great nightlife to boot.
  • Verona
  • Lake Garda, although Lake Ledro is as stunning with much less tourists, albeit much, much smaller.
  • Venice
  • Ferrara

Bassano del Grappa A beautiful small town 45 minutes north known for Palladio's wooden bridge, grappa, white asparagus, and Jacopo Bassano.

Marostica A walled town 30 minutes north known for its biannual human chess game.

Recoaro Terme A spa town an hour northwest situated in the middle of dreamy, mist-covered mountains.

Asiago A mountain city an hour and a half north known for cheese and miles of cross-country skiing lanes.

Pasubio The highest mountains in the Prealpi Vicentini, come here for remarkable WWI ruins such as the 52 Gallerie, fresh cheese from mountain-top malghe and sorpressa, the local Vicentine salami.

Folgaria The closest major alpine skiing resort, about 90 minutes northwest.

Montagnana A walled town about 40 minutes south that hosts a big prosciutto festival as well as a palio every August.

Colli Euganeii Padova's version of the Colli Berici, containing ancient volcanoes and ancient towns such as Arcua Petraraca (Petrarch's resting place) and the walled towns of Monselice and Este.

Cittadella and Castelfranco Small walled towns on the way to Treviso, with Castelfranco playing host to Giorgione's Pala di Madonna