Ann Arbor District Library

Ann Arbor, United States

The Ann Arbor District Library is a public library system that serves the residents of Ann Arbor, Michigan. The Downtown Library, located at 343 South Fifth Avenue, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104, was dedicated in 1957 and had building additions in 1974 and 1991. AADL also includes four branch libraries: Malletts Creek, Traverwood, Pittsfield and Westgate. The library system holds over 490,000 materials – books, DVDs, compact discs, magazines, audio books and other formats – most of which are equipped with RFID tags. More than 1.5 million people came through the doors of the AADL system in 2011-12, and circulation of library materials topped 8.5 million. In 1997, the Library was named “National Library of the Year” by Library Journal, the first library in Michigan to receive the honor.