The ancient city of Jerusalem was located in today's East Jerusalem. The city began in a small area now known as the "City of David", just south of the current Old City walls, which were built by the Ottoman Turks in 1538. When Jerusalem began to spread outside the Old City in the late 19th century, Jews mostly settled west of the Old City while Arabs mostly settled to the north and south. The 1948 war left Jerusalem divided, with the western neighborhoods under Jewish control, while the Old City and eastern neighborhoods were under Arab control. This forms the basis for the current division between "East" and "West" Jerusalem.In 1967, after capturing East Jerusalem, Israel decided to annex a large area surrounding the city, to provide room for the city's future growth. This large area included what were the Arab parts of Jerusalem at the time, as well as a number of nearby Arab villages, and large open spaces. Since 1967, the villages have grown into large suburbs, while Jewish neighbourhoods have been built in the open spaces. In this time, East Jerusalem's population of 66,000 Arabs has grown to a total of approximately 260,000 Arabs and 200,000 Jews.East Jerusalem is also the location of the first campus of the Hebrew University on Mt Scopus, established in 1925. From 1948-1967 the campus was an island of Israeli control in East Jerusalem, though it did not function as a university. After 1967, the university was re-established on the site.East Jerusalem remains a major point of contention in Arab-Israeli relations, as Israel has annexed it, but Palestinians claim it as their capital. Peace negotiations typically envision Jewish and Arab neighborhoods in East Jerusalem becoming part of Israel and a Palestinian state respectively. The status of the Temple Mount/Noble Sanctuary in the Old City has been harder to negotiate, as both sides have deep theological and historic links to the same location.There has been periodic violence between Arabs and Jews in East Jerusalem (and on the boundary between the East and West), most recently the current (2015-2016) "Intifada of the Knives".