The Ship Inn

Fowey, United Kingdom

Built by adventurer John Rashleigh, Queen Elizabeth I privateer, in 1570, The Ship Inn is Fowey’s oldest pub. For more than four centuries the inn has been the focal point of our beautiful Cornish port – a haven for travellers, merchants, fishermen between hauls, and locals looking for a chat around the huge open fire. It’s a tradition that has been embraced under our new management - still the same friendly pub reviving customers from all walks of life, but now feeding and keeping you even better. The menu makes full use of the fish and seafood coming in to port every morning and the superb produce from nearby farms. The drinks include a healthy dose of Cornish ales, a proper wine list and real coffee for the morning after. According to English Heritage, it was probably a merchant’s house before this, dating back to the 1400s. There are very few pubs around with so many of the original features intact. For the old buildings enthusiast look out for Killas rubble on the ground floor, Pentewan stone and freestone to original dressings and chunky Delabole slate. Because it’s been added to and rebuilt over its long history, it has evolved into a beautiful, higgledy-piggeldy old building with nooks and crannies and old panelled rooms at every turn where you can hide out or snuggle in for the duration. The large open fire at The Ship Inn with the bust of original owner John Rashleigh watching over us all, is the focal point of the pub. If it gets too hot, relax in an alcove round the corner, sup your beer, browse the fantastic menu, have a read through today’s papers. We also do rooms. Traditional, beautiful, comfortable. So if you think you might not make it back home, or you’re planning a proper stay, just ask. Breakfast with produce from farms just down the road, all inclusive.