Museo Casa del Tejido Antiguo

Antigua Guatemala, Guatemala

Founded in 1998, the Casa del Tejido Antiguo is a museum dedicated to the craft of weaving as practiced for centuries by the native Mayans of Guatemala. Tucked away in an out-of-the-way corner of central Antigua, you'll be taken on a brief (30-40 minute) guided tour through about a half-dozen rooms of museum exhibits detailing the history, tools, and techniques of traditional Mayan weaving, then you'll be set loose into an even larger section containing artisans hard at work on garments, mats, and artistic pieces. You can (and will be emphatically encouraged to) buy some of their work — but, although the quality is decent, the cost is several times what a decent haggler would pay for similar pieces at the Mercado. All exhibits are in Spanish only, and only some of the staff speaks English, so those who don't speak good Spanish should make sure to ask in advance for an English-speaking tour guide if possible.