Kongsberg Church

Kongsberg, Norway

Kongsberg Church is a located at Kongsberg in Buskerud county, Norway. Kongsberg Church was constructed of brick and designed with a cruciform floorplan. The design of the church was inspired by Garnisons Church in Copenhagen. The church contains a richly decorated roccoco interior. Virtually all fixtures in the church are of wood, but pillars and surfaces have been marbled. The whole church has a cool blue color as a result. On either side of the altar and pulpit are the pillars that bear the organ gallery above. The Baroque organ is from 1765 and made by organ builder Gottfried Heinrich Gloger. The baptismal font was carved out of marble extracted from Holmestrand in Vestfold. The church was designed by Joachim Andreas Stukenbrock and the construction period lasted from 1740 to 1761. The sanctuary includes ceiling decorations by Eric Gustav Tunmarck. Among the driving forces behind the decoration and interior of the church was mining engineer Michael Heltzen. In 1928, Tinius Olsen gave a major donation to the restoration of the organ which was water damage in the late 1880s.