Baroque Calvary

Esztergom, Hungary

These were built to commemorate the heroes who died for Esztergom. The hill was named after a church built by Bishop Lukács Bánffy in memoriam the martyr Saint Thomas Becket, who had been his fellow student at the University of Paris. The church which the Turks built there were destroyed a long time ago. In 1823, Bishop János Benyovszky canon was built in honor of Our Lady of Sorrows a classicist, the historic chapel. A six stationed way leading up to the hill. Before the chapel seen a monumental sculpture group,-crucifix, the Virgin Mary, Saint János, Mary Magdalene, two thieves,-dates back to 1781. The chapel locates the relic of Saint Thomas Becket. The Baroque Calvary was built in 1781. The classicist Calvary Chapel made in 1823 honored to Our Lady of Sorrows. The building has wall pillar, triangular vaults, small front tower, which is located behind the pediments.