Severn Ham

Tewkesbury, United Kingdom

An island to the west of the town created by the merging of the River Avon, Mill Avon and the River Severn. Best approached via Abbey Mill to appreciate some stunning medieval buildings. Walk along the Ham northwards towards the now disused Borough Mills (Healing Mills). Cross the Mill Avon via the footbridge to the town side of the Mill avon. Continue northwards appreciating the rear of the buildings. Cross the Avon Mill again at the mill. Note there are two bridges here, the flat one was for the railway. Continue northwards again, crossing the lock and finally to King Johns Bridge. This bridge was known until the nineteenth century as the long bridge. The causeway to the left as you climb the steps was originally marshy ground where the Avon flowed towards the Severn. Previously this was a simple wooden causeway. The stone bridge itself although retaining a mediaeval appearance has been much modified in recent centuries. When first built it was probably only as wide as the pavement is now.