This revered rabbi, who died in 1204, was one of 12th-century Egypt's most highly regarded sages, while working as a doctor in the court of the Muslim ruler Saladin. Legend has it that before his death in Cairo, he instructed followers to load his remains onto a camel and bury him wherever the camel expired. The camel was apparently drawn to Tiberias. Next to the grave is the Maimonides Heritage Center museum. Also buried here is Rabban Yohanan Ben Zakkai, the leading rabbi at the time of the Roman destruction of Jerusalem. Ben Zakkai is said to have faked his own death, escaping the city hidden in a coffin, and then prophesizing that the Roman general Vespasian would become the new Caesar. When the prophecy came true, Ben Zakkai was granted one wish by the new leader; a Jewish learning centre for him and students.