Al-Azhar Park

Cairo, Egypt

Al-Azhar Park is a public park located in Cairo, Egypt. Among several honors, this park is listed as one of the world's sixty great public spaces by the Project for Public Spaces . The park was created by the Historic Cities Support Programme (HCSP) of the Aga Khan Trust for Culture (AKTC) , an entity of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) . The park, developed at a cost in excess of USD $30 million, was a gift to Cairo from Aga Khan IV: a descendant of the Fatimid Imam-Caliphs who founded the city of Cairo in the year 969. The park project, a great urbanism initiative, included * The development of the park * Archeology involving a 12th-century Ayyubid wall * Historic building rehabilitation (the 14th Century Umm Sultan Shaban Mosque, the 13th century Khayrbek complex, and the Darb Shoughlan School) * Several quality of life improvement initiatives requiring skills training, area rehabilitation, microfinance, and support in the areas of health and education, among others.