Madison Square

Savannah, United States

This square was named to honor President James Madison and laid out in 1837. It is on Bull Street with Harris and Charlton providing boundaries. The first home built on this square in the 1830's was the Sorrel-Weed House on the North West corner. On the West side of the square there is St. John's Episcopal Church and its parish house, the Green-Meldrim House which is open to the public. On the corner of Charlton and Bull, there is the Scottish Rite Temple designed by Hyman Witcover who was also the architect for the present Savannah City Hall. Across from that is the Savannah Volunteer Guards Armory, now one of the Savannah College of Art and Design's buildings. The DeSoto Hilton Hotel, on the Northeast corner, was built in the 1960s after the original DeSoto was torn down. * * The site was originally the Oglethorpe Barracks, c. 1834, the site of early military parades. * * The center of Madison Square is the Sgt. Jasper Monument.