The Reinhardswald is in North Hesse of Germany mainly in the district of Kassel but also partly in the Weser Uplands.
It is an area associated with fairy tales and the stories of the Brothers Grimm.
Places are located within the Reinhardswald include Gottsbüren and Beberbeck; on the edge of the Reinhardswald Bad Karlshafen,Oberweser, Reinhardshagen, Hann. Münden, Hombressen and Immenhausen.
Just outside the area you will find Grebenstein, Hofgeismar, Trendelburg and of course Kassel.
Dornröschenschloss Sababurg.
Urwald Sababurg.
Tierpark Sababurg.
- Zum Weserdampfschiff, Weserstraße 25, 34385 Bad Karlshafen,, +49 5672 2425.
Zum Weserdampfschiff, Weserstraße 25, 34385 Bad Karlshafen,, +49 5672 2425.