Hann. Münden


Hann. Münden (short for Hannoversch Münden) is a city in Southern Lower Saxony in Germany. Source of the Weser (confluence of Werra and Fulda)

It is the half-timbered jewel at the confluence of three rivers in the Weser Mountain Region on the eastern edge of the Reinhardswald.

Town place, with the town hall on the left With over 700 timber-framed medieval buildings and remains of the town walls there is plenty of historic architecture in the town to see.

Renaissance Town Hall, Lotzestraße 2.

Alte Werrabrücke. 105 metre long stone arched bridge built in 1250

  • Ratsbrauhaus, Marktplatz 3. Brewery with buffet
  • Waldgaststätte Tillyschanze. In viewing tower
  • Bistro 37, Vor der Bahn 63, +49 5541 9037370. Old rail carriage
  • Gasthaus Letzter Heller, Heller 7.

Ratsbrauhaus, Marktplatz 3. Brewery with buffet

Waldgaststätte Tillyschanze. In viewing tower

Bistro 37, Vor der Bahn 63, +49 5541 9037370. Old rail carriage

Gasthaus Letzter Heller, Heller 7.