Train Type: Shinkansen Peregrine Falcon

Japan Train Tickets

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1st Class Deluxe(GranClass)

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Audio or video entertainment system available
  • You can buy food and drinks
  • Disabled facilities

1st Class(Green)

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Audio or video entertainment system available
  • You can buy food and drinks
  • Disabled facilities

2nd Class Reserved

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Audio or video entertainment system available
  • You can buy food and drinks
  • Disabled facilities

Non-reserved seat

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • Audio or video entertainment system available
  • You can buy food and drinks
  • Disabled facilities

Ultimate Guide to Japan Railway

Japan Railway

Japan Railway

For an island country like Japan that does not occupy a large area, the railway system is quite developed, and the operating tools connecting major cities basically rely on railways. Japanese railways are known for their punctuality and high safety.

Railway Company

The entire Japan railway line covers the entire territory of Japan like a spider web, and there are many types of railways and operating companies, mainly divided into [JR], [Private Railway], [Subway], and [Streetcars]. Some routes span the whole of Japan, and some only run in certain major cities. Therefore, to ride ...

Popular Train Stations

Japan Train Tickets

Scan QR code, download Xmove App to see Shinkansen Peregrine Falcon's more live update, station guide, plan and photos
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