Train Type: Great Western Railway

United Kingdom Train Tickets

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  • Live network updates
  • WIFI on-board
  • Locally sourced food and drink available on most services
  • Take your bike with a reservation

1st Class

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • You can buy food and drinks
  • Can park bicycles

2nd Class

Facilities in the coach
  • Free wifi available
  • You can buy food and drinks
  • Can park bicycles

Ultimate Guide to British Railway

British Railway

The Ultimate Guide to British Rail System

Hogwarts Express

Travelling in the UK, the train is the most convenient, fast and comfortable means of transportation. Britain is the first country in the world where railways have appeared, and it is also the first country in Europe to privatize railways. Different regions are operated by different railway operators. There are 28 major railway companies (TOC, Train Operator Company)in the country The relationship between various railway companies is both competitive and cooperative. As a result, the British train ticket is arguably the most complicated in the world. Different times, different companies, and different purchas...

Popular Train Stations

United Kingdom Train Tickets

Scan QR code, download G2Rail App to see Great Western Railway's more live update, station guide, plan and photos
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