मुख्य रेलवे ऑपरेटर

पोलैंड पोल्स्की कोलेजे

Polish Railway System

Poland is not a country with developed rail transit systems, but overall there are some larger cities and major tourist towns, including Warsaw, Krakow, Gdansk, Toru, and Marl. It can be reached by train, such as Malbork.   After integration, Polskie Koleje Pa stwowe (PKP) branched out of PKP Intercity SA in 2001, specializing in long-distance railway transportation at home and abroad, and transformed in 2008. For joint-stock companies, actively build related hardware and software, and expect to be in line with the railway systems of other European countries....

पोलैंड पोल्स्की कोलेजेके लिए अंतिम गाइड
नॉर्वे नार्वे राज्य रेलवे

Norwegian National Railway

Norwegian National Railways (Norges Statsbaner, NSB for short). The railway system in the Nordic countries is quite perfect, coupled with the sparsely populated area, the train is the easiest and most time-saving means of transportation. You just need to sit in a chair and enjoy the scenery outside the window, the red and yellow village landscape, and the leisurely pleasures of the town, the countryside and the mountains. This rare travel experience is always memorable.


Most of the Norwegian trains do not need to be booked, but for high-speed trains and night trains, reservations are required. Even long-haul trains that do not require reservations, travel seasons or special holidays, or popular routes are recommended. If you need a reserva...

नॉर्वे नार्वे राज्य रेलवेके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Ultimate Guide to Russian Railways

Siberian train (Trans Siberia / Транссибирская магистраль, Транссиб)

Before you start using Russian trains, I hope you close your eyes and imagine:

You have been on the train for ten hours, but there are twelve hours to go. You have not boarded the train for a long time. Your carriage is swaying and climbing in a forest full of unknown streams under the vast Russian sky. Just now you passed through a city with golden domes gleaming in the sun. Time is elsewhere. You transcend the boundaries of time. You are drinking the 13th cup of tea and are discussing fate and eternity with strangers-even if you do not speak Russian.

Traveling in Russi...

रूस रेलवेके लिए अंतिम गाइड
रूस रेलवे

Ultimate Guide to Italian Railway

Italian railways are of high quality and low price in Europe, especially between cities and towns. The Italian railway system began to develop in 1800 and had an explosive development during the Nazi Mussolini era, and Mussolini was famous for propagating "to keep trains on time" during World War II. Since the 1970s, Italy has developed high-speed railways. And continue to modernize the railway system.

Trains are usually the best choice for direct travel in large and medium-sized Italian cities, because there are many problems with road traffic and parking fees are often expensive. If you want to travel to the Italian countryside or remote mountain towns, trains are u...

Trenitaliaके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Japan Railway

For an island country like Japan that does not occupy a large area, the railway system is quite developed, and the operating tools connecting major cities basically rely on railways. Japanese railways are known for their punctuality and high safety.

Railway Company

The entire Japan railway line covers the entire territory of Japan like a spider web, and there are many types of railways and operating companies, mainly divided into [JR], [Private Railway], [Subway], and [Streetcars]. Some routes span the whole of Japan, and some only run in certain major cities. Therefore, to ride ...

जापान रेलवेके लिए अंतिम गाइड
जापान रेलवे
रेड नैशनल डी लॉस फेरोकारिलेस एस्पोल्स

Ultimate Guides to Spain Railways

Like the rail network in most parts of Europe, traveling by train in Spain is simple, economical and efficient.

You should understand that Spain’s transportation infrastructure is generally quite mature, but did you know that Spain ranks behind China and has the second most high-speed rail in the world? Japan has the title of fastest high-speed rail, but Spain's high-speed rail ranks fifth.

Spain is a relatively small country, which means you can easily, cheaply and quickly see more of Spain. All train travel in Spain goes through Renfe-Spain’s nationalized railway network (Red Nacional de F'errocarriles Espafioles), which operates regular city-to-city, inner-city regional train ...

रेड नैशनल डी लॉस फेरोकारिलेस एस्पोल्सके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Ultimate Guide to Swiss Railways

Trains are the most important means of transportation within Switzerland and with neighboring countries. The road network is quite dense. The national railway company of the Swiss Confederation is called Swiss Federal Railways, abbreviated as SBB/CFF/FFS (German/French/Italian respectively). The railway covers the main trunk lines, while the private railways supplement the branch lines between the villages and mountain railways. Routes of the same width can be directly connected. Except for special sightseeing trains or mountain climbing roads, most of the ticketing mechanisms and ticket purchase methods are jointly operated. There will be no problem multiplying. The de...

स्विस श्वेइसेरसिह बुंडेसबहनके लिए अंतिम गाइड
स्विस श्वेइसेरसिह बुंडेसबहन
चीन रेलवे

Ultimate Guide to China Railway

At the end of 2015, China's railway operating mileage reached 120,000 kilometers, second only to the United States, and the high-speed railway mileage was 19,000 kilometers, exceeding the total mileage of other countries in the world. Cheap and trustworthy railway passenger transportation is one of the most important modes of transportation when traveling within China.

Railway travel can experience the beauty of nature and human engineering wisdom at the same time. Whether you like to travel slowly on the railway, enjoy the slow retreat of the mountains and villages outside the window, or you like the beauty of machinery, you like to use the camera to freeze bridges, tunnels, exhibition lines, locomotives, water signs, visit unknown stations, collect tra...

चीन रेलवेके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Ultimate Guide to Finnish trains

Finland may even be somewhat hidden in the northernmost part of Europe, but it should still be included in the European railway network. The train is an easy, convenient and environmentally friendly way to get around Finland and explore the whole country and even further afield.

Every major town and city in Finland, including Helsinki, Turku, Tampere and Rovaniemi, are connected by the train network, so as long as you hold the train card, you can reach all the sights and enjoy them. Even some smaller towns and villages have train stations or are easily reached by o...

फिनलैंड वैलेंट्राटूटिएटके लिए अंतिम गाइड
फिनलैंड वैलेंट्राटूटिएट
स्वीडन स्टेटेंस जेर्नवर्गर

Ultimate Guide to Sweden Railway

Sweden is the fifth largest European country in Europe and the largest country in Northern Europe. The territory of Sweden is long from north to south. If you start from the southernmost point of Sweden and travel south as long as the territory of Sweden, you will reach Italy. The Swedish railway network is well-developed and covers almost all large and small cities. The railway connects the north and the south. The southern end of the railway can reach Copenhagen, Denmark, and the northern end can reach Navik, Norway. The Swedish train is suitable for passengers who value comfort and speed. Even if it snows, the train will operate as usual. Whether it is traveling between the capital Stockholm, the second largest city Gothenburg, the third largest city ...

स्वीडन स्टेटेंस जेर्नवर्गरके लिए अंतिम गाइड

The Ultimate Guide to British Rail System

Hogwarts Express

Travelling in the UK, the train is the most convenient, fast and comfortable means of transportation. Britain is the first country in the world where railways have appeared, and it is also the first country in Europe to privatize railways. Different regions are operated by different railway operators. There are 28 major railway companies (TOC, Train Operator Company)in the country The relationship between various railway companies is both competitive and cooperative. As a result, the British train ticket is arguably the most complicated in the world. Different times, different companies, and different purchas...

राष्ट्रीय रेलके लिए अंतिम गाइड
राष्ट्रीय रेल
डॉयचे बान

Ultimate Guide to German Railways

For those who love to travel, the quality and service of German Railways (Deutsche Bahn AG or German Railway abbreviated as DB) are world-class, with free entry and exit without ticket gates, ICE high-speed trains with a speed of nearly 300 kilometers per hour, and dense With the railway network and precise and punctual schedules, if you want to enjoy the way of traveling through the state and provinces on the train, Germany can be said to be the best choice.

There are approximately 37,000 trains operating in Germany every day. Most of the trains are operated by 24 railway companies under Deutsche Bahn. Deutsche Bahn also has the world's third densest railwa...

डॉयचे बानके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Ultimate Guide to French Railway

The French railway system is planned and constructed by the French National Railway Agency (Socicte Nationalc des Chemins de Fer Francais, abbreviated as SNCF). The route is centered on Paris and woven in all directions, including high-speed trains (Train a Grande Vitesse, abbreviated as TGV). Routes, and general train routes that go to cities and towns. Among these general train routes, the nationwide inter-regional route is called the "Grande Ligne" (GL for short), and the routes that only travel within a single area are collectively called "Regional Rapid Transport System" (Transports Express Regionaux, referred to as TER).


फ्रेंच रेलवे की राष्ट्रीय सोसायटीके लिए अंतिम गाइड
फ्रेंच रेलवे की राष्ट्रीय सोसायटी

Ultimate Guide to Korea Railway

Trains are one of the best means of transportation when traveling between cities in Korea. South Korean trains are divided into three levels according to the speed of the train and the conveniences in the train: the first level is high-speed railway, including KTX and KTX-Shanchuan trains. The second level is electric EMU, including ITX Youth, ITX Xincun and Nuriro. The third level is diesel EMUs, including Infinity Flower, Xincun, diesel-electric commuter trains and sightseeing trains, and the prices are also different. The Gyeongbu Line and the Honam Line are the main hubs of Korean Railways. In addition, there are Jeolla Line and Gyeongjeon Line that connect Yeosu, Changwon and other regions, and Gyeongui Line, Gyeongchun Line, Jungang Line and Dongh...

कोरलके लिए अंतिम गाइड

The Ultimate Guide to The Benelux (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg) railway

In the European railway system, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg will be taken as a whole, so the Eurail train pass will provide a Eurail BeNe Rail Pass. The Benelux Railway is mainly composed of three railway companies.

Dutch Railway System

The Dutch railway is operated by Nederlandse Spoorwegen (NS), and some regional roads are operated by other companies, but no additional ticket purchase is required. The main car types are Intercity (IC), Stoptrein and Sneltrein. Intercity only stops in major cities, which is equivalent to Taiwan's Ziqiang; Stoptrein stops at every station, which is equivalent to a shuttle bus; and Sneltrein is between the two, which is almost the level of Fuxing.


बेनी रेलके लिए अंतिम गाइड
बेनी रेल
ताइवान हाई स्पीड रेल

Ultimate Guide to Taiwan Railway

Most of the attractions in Taiwan can be reached by train to the railway station adjacent to the attraction, and then transferred to the bus. In addition, some scenic spots are near the railway station, which is very convenient.

If you are in Taipei, you can take a train to Ruifang Station and then transfer to Pingxi/Shen-Ao Line to Shifen, which is one of the must-visit attractions for tourists. If you want to travel from Taipei to Hualien and Taitung to experience the natural charm of eastern Taiwan, taking a train is also the best choice. In addition, the recently popular secrets of northern Taiwan, such as the Old Caoling Tunnel, Keelung Badouzi, and Chaojing Park, can all be reached by train.

Taiwan Railway is divided into Taiwan Railway and...

ताइवान हाई स्पीड रेलके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Ultimate Guide to Austrian Railways

Traveling through Austria by train is now getting faster and easier. The best way to explore Austria is to travel through magnificent mountain views, lush alpine meadows, historic towns and picturesque villages. Austria is located in the central part of the European continent adjacent to Germany and Italy. It also borders the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Switzerland. Its train network is well connected to surrounding countries. With a punctuality rate of 96%, ÖBB was one of the most reliable railway operators in Europe in 2018.

Austria’s main train service operator is the state-owned company ÖBB, which serves almost the entire country. There are some private railway companies that are not part of ÖBB. In the corr...

Österreichische Bundesbahnenके लिए अंतिम गाइड
Österreichische Bundesbahnen
नुवो त्रसपोर्टो वियाग्गोटोरी

Ultimate Guide to Ferrari Railway

Ferrari, the French National Railways and Tod's boutiques have jointly launched a high-speed train "ITALO" that is also a symbol of performance. The red body, streamlined appearance, and the speed of 300 kilometers per hour, make people Think of Ferrari supercars. High-end luxury boxes, all seats are designed and manufactured by the boutique brand TOD'S. In addition to spacious and comfortable seats, there are theater cars and touch screens, making train rides a high-end luxury enjoyment. The compartments are divided into first-class compartment Club, business compartment Prima and standard compartment Smart. All three compartments have free wireless internet service. The big...

नुवो त्रसपोर्टो वियाग्गोटोरीके लिए अंतिम गाइड

Ultimate Guide To FlixBus/FlixTrain

Friends who live in Europe know that buses are currently one of the cheapest ways to travel in Europe. Flixbus is currently the largest long-distance bus company in Europe.

At present, Flixbus not only does business in popular tourist cities, but most of the large residential towns in Europe have bus stations, including Germany, France, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Switzerland, Spain , Portugal, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Belarus and other countries. Among them, the German route is the cheapest. Flixbus began to expand to the United States in 2018, and currently has thousands of sites in the United States. ...

Flixbusके लिए अंतिम गाइड